God Level Demon

Chapter 1283: Dragon's Horn


Many of the generals of the Baili clan were shocked and breathed a sigh of relief. They originally wanted to go forward to rescue, but did not expect that between the moments, the top ten dragon kings were defeated on the spot.

Even if they want to go to help, there is no time to help, and such a fierce battle, so that they can not find any gaps can join.

If the trade rushes to join, it will destroy the pace of Xia Ping’s fighting.

"My God, is this still a king? Summer will not be promoted to the emperor early, the top ten dragons are not the enemy of the combination?" There is a shock of the Baili clan, he suspects Xia Ping I have already stepped into the realm of the emperor, or else how could I have such a tyrannical force and easily defeat the top ten dragon kings.

"No, it is not the emperor. Once you step into the ranks, you have the power to manipulate the heavens and the earth. The body is self-contained and the mana is endless. But summer does not have this kind of performance. It is purely based on its own tyrannical power and cannot be manipulated. Heaven and earth."

The hundred miles of tigers sighed. At first, he thought that Xia Ping stepped into the realm of the emperor, but after careful observation, he found that Xia Ping was still in the king's realm.

"Just kidding, when will the king's combat power be terrible to this extent, is this still human? The monster is just that." Many hundred-mile clan generals couldn't help but swallow.

They are also considered to be the strong people of the king who have entered the king's realm, but they never know that the king's situation will have such a strong combat power, and one can hang a group.

After watching this battle, they all suspect that Xia Ping can challenge the elite.

It is not the same as the strong people of the Terran. The dragons and the kings are all angry. It is a shameful shame that the people of the human race have easily damaged the top ten dragon kings, dead and disabled.

It has always been only those who have strong dragons and strong people to play less and when they have been beaten by the Terran. Now they are so weak that they are not weak.

If this matter is known to many kings of the Dragon City, they will certainly become a laughing stock, and they will be considered as the king of parallel imports. Otherwise, how can they be swayed by the Terran kings in this area.

"kill him!"

Immediately, the dozens and twenty dragon kings looked at each other and they made up their minds. No matter what, they could not let this man who killed so many dragon kings live alive.

Not only for their reputation, but also for the future of the Dragon.

Obviously, before he was promoted to the level of the emperor, he had such a terrible fighting power. If he was really entered into the emperor's level by this human being, then it was the end of the dragon race.

The race is weak, and no one knows this more than their Dragons.

Aoyi - Dragon's Horn!

In an instant, the twenty dragon kings joined forces. They naturally dispersed and stood in different positions, forming a powerful war, and the dragon power between them spread.

Rumble ~~

Immediately, this force gathered together, and actually condensed into a dragon's horn in the air, huge and incomparable, containing terrible edge and penetration.

As if at this moment, there is a real dragon waking up, its horns infiltrated from the void, such power can penetrate everything, no one can resist.

"What? Actually made the Dragon's Horn, is this not one of the dragon's war secrets?!" Bailihu and others pupil shrink, they are very clear about the mystery of this secret.

I remember that there was a human city pool with a strong tactical arrangement, but the Dragon Terran made the sacred dragon corner and assembled the power of the hundred dragons.

It was only a blow, and the entire Terran city was penetrated by this corner. The human beings living in the city were smashed by Longli, and even the city owners were penetrated on the spot and could not resist.

This is a mystery of war, which runs through the city, but it is used to deal with a human king. This kind of behavior is too exaggerated.

Hey! ! !

Twenty dragon kings were killed, and each of them seemed to be turned into a dragon horn, madly marching toward the front, tearing the void, surrounded by all sides.

This is an attacking scam that kills the body, gives up all defenses, and hits all the power on the offense, just to kill the enemy.

It is conceivable that the horror of this attack.

Xia Ping's pupil shrinks, and he also feels the terribleness of this attack. He has reached the level of the refining treasure, and the cultivator who can kill all the gods, is purely to kill the enemy and create the killing trick.

This dragon horn comes with the power of vortex and the power of penetration. This is the essence of power.

Although these dragon kings do not understand the mysteries, they do not hinder them from using them. The horror of this attack is still above the imagination of ordinary people.

"It is indeed a good move, but there is no use for attacking the enemy." Xia Ping is unmoved, because he does not intend to resist this trick, directly killing the other party.

Spiritual Secrets - Lion Kings Print!

In an instant, Xia Ping’s hands were printed, and a magical symbol appeared from his body, showing a golden color. The depths of the symbol seemed to be inhabited by a lion from the mountain.

Immediately, this lion came out from the depths of Fulu, wearing golden hair, and there were many ancient scripts on it, showing a noble, great, unfathomable, and unspeakable atmosphere.

At the moment when it came out, it seemed as if a king had come out of the mountain and had the power to surrender everything.


The four lions of the lions stepped on the void, and shouted in the sky, making a roar, and the sound waves followed by waves.

Even these sound waves are transformed into a unique symbol, which resonates with the power of the heavens and the earth, and has the power of a terrible shock that is enough to destroy everything.

"not good!"

The faces of the 20 dragon kings changed greatly. They felt an unprecedented danger. The layers of spiritual fluctuations in the void were flooded like tides.

This is not a physical attack, but a spirit, from an attack on the soul level.

If it is ordinary time, they may be able to withstand the one or two by virtue of the strong spirit of the Dragon Man.

But now it is different. In order to make the dragon's horn, they have abandoned all the defenses on their bodies. The powers of mana, gods, dragons and so on have gathered together, and they have killed the enemy.

Therefore, in the face of this attack from the soul level, they can not compete.

The speed of the soul attack is too fast and too fast, much faster than the ordinary attack speed, just a blink of an eye, this lion's general spiritual fluctuations cover their souls.

Hey! ! !

The dragon kings seem to have a fixed body, and they are hit by this force all at once. The soul instantly collapses. The eyes that are full of war and the eyes of war are also turned into ash.

At the same time, because of the collapse of the soul power, they could not manipulate the mana of the disordered body, and thus they ran away.


The bodies of these Dragon Kings were immediately smashed, broken and turned into pieces.

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