God Level Demon

Chapter 1295: In the way

"The city gate was kicked and there was an enemy invasion?!"

Upon hearing this, the city owner Batik felt that his head was exploding. Since the city of Longjiao was built, it has never been attacked by the enemy.

No, even the history of being invaded by the enemy is not, and the security is terrible.

It can be said that Longjiao City is regarded as one of the safest cities of the Dragon People. It is the last bastion of the Dragon People's Base Camp. It is a holy city among the dragon people.

But now such a holy city has been invaded by humans, and it has been kicked and blasted by the city gate. This is an unprecedented serious situation, enough to shake the dragons up and down.

For his entire Longjiacheng city owner, it is a huge stain in the glorious history, enough for the elders of countless dragons to impeach him, and may be imprisoned for hundreds of years before coming out.

Other Dragon Kings are also very shocked. They also know that this is a trivial matter, not just about Longjiao, but also about the whole race of the Dragon race.

If the location of Lianjiaojiao, which is known as the last bastion of the Dragon People, is easily broken by the Terran, then there is still a place for the Dragon Man to be safe.

As the leader of Longjiao City, they are absolutely unable to escape this blame.

"Where is the Terran Xiaping, Laozi immediately kills him!" The city owner Batik almost roared and his face was so extreme that no one could imagine how angry he was now.

"The master of the city, just in the city gate, the devil is in the city gate. Now the brothers have been dead and wounded, and there have been countless deaths and injuries." The dragon soldier was terrified, and he remembered the scene just now, he felt chilling, it seems In the face of the Terran demon, his courage as a dragon man disappeared.

This is not so simple as a living being. It is simply a creature that faces another dimension. Just like an ant encounters an elephant, it cannot be shaken at all.

How do they attack the human being, the human beings are fine, but the other side can kill them with a single foot.

"Go, kill him!"

Batik yelled and ordered.

Hey! ! !

Immediately, hundreds of dragon kings above the banquet immediately took action and flew in the direction of the city gate. The speed was extremely fast, and the sound of the air broke out, almost making every effort.

Not long after, they arrived at the gate.

"Oh my God!"

Batik saw this scene, his eyes were cracked, his heart was bleeding, and it was originally hundreds of meters. The whole body was made of the precious metal of the dragon people. It is very incomparable, and it will not be poured for tens of thousands of years. It is called the facade of Longjiaocheng. City gate.

In order to build this city gate, the Dragon Terran also paid a great price. It was a labor and a fortune. The precious city gate was now smashed by the beast and fell on the ground.

There is even a strange, probably football size, the uncanny creatures are still eating the fragments of the city gate, and the sound of screaming, it seems very pleasant.

My mother, after a while, the huge smashed gate fragments disappeared halfway, and all of them went into the belly of this weird creature. The ghosts knew that this football-sized creature would eat so much. Is there a dimension space bag inside the belly? !

Seeing this situation, a group of dragon kings are green.

Originally, they also planned to drive out the human beings. They could also smelt the gates, piece together, and perhaps still be able to recover as they were, still use them and act as facades.

But now that nothing is going on, it is eaten by the abominable creature.

What made them most angry was that the infinite number of elite soldiers of the dragons had fallen down on the ground. They all fell to the ground, spit foaming at the mouth, and they were completely unknown. It was exactly the appearance of a corpse.

Among these people, the only person who can stand is the human Xia Ping!


Batik snarled and stared at Xia Ping: "I dare to come to my Longjiao City to make trouble, but also hurt me so many soldiers, what do you want to come here?"

He resisted anger and did not act rashly.

After all, no matter what you think, a human being single-handedly breaks into Longjiao City. If it is someone else, it may be a heartless madness. It is purely a head in the water.

However, this person was the strongman who killed 100 hundred dragons. He had to be cautious and even suspected that this was a conspiracy of the Terran. This also made him dare not act rashly, lest he fall into the scheme of the Terran.


Xia Ping faintly spit out two words.

Passing by? !

A group of dragon kings stunned into the city of Longjiao, and the gates of Longjiao City, which had been smashed for a long time, also injured a large number of dragon soldiers, just because they passed by? !

"There is still a way to get in the way!"

Xia Ping continued to speak six words.

"Bad your troubles!"

When I heard this, Batik was mad and his nose was on the jet: "Human, your mother is dead today, no matter what you do today, what do you guys have?"

"But you dare to come to Longjiao City today to make trouble, just walk in and lie down."

He snarled wildly, his voice was like a roar of drums, and the whole city was trembled.

Even among the many Dragon Kings, Batik is an absolute strongman, and is hailed as the most promising to enter the realm of the great emperor, so he can stand out from the crowd and defeat countless competitors, thus winning the position of Longjiacheng City. .

Once upon a time, he was also the **** of killing on the battlefield. He cut off the head of the creature in his hand, and it was enough to build a mountain of a kilometer. The murderous temper was so horrible that it was almost condensed into essence.

"Give me, kill this man!"

Batik has no plans to fight with Xia Ping alone. It is a city of Longjiao, one of the giant cities of the Dragon People, with hundreds of dragon kings and millions of dragon warriors.

Even Longjiao City is full of soldiers. If he is willing, he can mobilize the dragons in the entire Longjiao City, and carry out the sea tactics of this Xiaping, drowning in the sea of ​​people.

I believe that no matter how powerful this kid is, as long as he has not stepped into the emperor level, he will only drink and hate in the end of Longjiao City.

Xia Ping's expression is very indifferent, reaching his realm. The sea tactics have no effect on him. He is now a tactical nuclear missile, and it can explode countless times.

In the nuclear age, how can the ordinary human army fight thousands of nuclear bombs even if it reaches millions and millions? !

It is nothing more than a nuclear bomb explosion several times in order to destroy ordinary people.

Magical power - Tianlong octave!

Xia Ping stood in the same place and immediately made this supersonic magic.

Hey! Hey! Pole! Well! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Suddenly, eight syllables from Tianlong broke out immediately, sweeping across all directions, affecting the entire Longjiao City.

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