God Level Demon

Chapter 1309: Long eyes behind

"Dark space? It's a powerful magical power."

Xia Pingxi admired that he found that even if he followed the blood of the hell, he could barely see a trace in the darkness, but he could know what other people would do.

Ordinary people in this dark space will surely become a blind man and let others slaughter.

And if the strength of Caesar's Emperor is stronger, his Hell's Golden Eye will have no effect. It seems to be in the dark and nothing can be seen.

Of course, if the **** gold eye continues to evolve, the dark space can't resist the power of the hell.

This is the strength of mutual restraint, just like water and fire, who is stronger, who can suppress who.

"There is killing!"

Xia Ping blinked his eyes. In the depths of his pupil, he immediately saw a black shadow. He was quietly coming, holding a dagger, and seemed to want to approach him and pierce the heart of him.

For Caesar the Great who mastered the power of darkness, this dark space is like a fish, like his own home, so he can move freely.

call out!

At this moment, Caesar the Great shot, holding a dagger, immediately smashed over, this squat is like an antelope hanging corner, no trace can be found, extremely hot.

The sly color on his face seemed to see the desperate look of the **** human being, but he was shocked soon.

what? !

Because Caesar the Great discovered that Xia Ping suddenly gave a fist, like a missile, and accurately moved toward his left eye, with a force of more than 10,000 tons.

With a bang, he felt that his face was distorted and distorted. The whole person flew out like this, and even the teeth flew out several times, and the blood spouted out.

"Impossible, can you see my whereabouts in the dark space?"

Caesar the Great had a bit of a punch, because it was unprecedented, and he never tried to be hit in a dark space. This was the first time.

"Coincidentally, the cliff is a coincidence. It must have been that he accidentally waved his fist and accidentally hit me. The abominable human being is a lucky little devil."

Caesar's gnashing teeth, he firmly believes that this is only a good luck of Xia Ping, it is absolutely impossible to see his whereabouts in this dark space.

call out!

He once again turned into a black smoke, quietly lurking, this time he intends to go around Xia Ping, I believe that even if this kid is dancing around with fists, it is impossible to hit himself.

"Go to hell, human." Caesar the great man laughed and wanted to see the first death.


But Xia Ping seems to have a long eye behind him. He suddenly turned and was a fierce punch. This time he was on the right eye of Caesar's Emperor, and he just took out a pair of panda eyes.

Ah, a scream, Caesar the Great, flew out, blood splashed out, and the intense pain spread throughout the body.

Nima, is there a long eye behind this? !

Caesar's face is green, he can't understand why this **** hits himself so accurately every time, as if he can really see his appearance.

Wait, see yourself? Can you really see that he can't? ! How else can you explain what happened just now? At this time, Caesar the Great finally wanted to understand why he was hit by Xia Ping repeatedly. The only thing that this kid can see is his own trace. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to hit himself twice.

"Good boy, actually dare to play with me, I can't spare you! Space oppression!"

Caesar the Great was mad, his hands were sealed, and he immediately manipulated the dark space. The endless dark energy surged and collapsed toward the center of the space, and it was crushed insanely.


Xia Ping picked up his eyebrows. He felt his body crushing from all directions. It seemed that every corner of the body was under horrible pressure, as if he had to crush him into a piece of white paper.

In this dark space, he has nowhere to escape, but he can only bear this oppressive force.

Apparently, Caesar had realized that he could not assassinate himself in the dark space, so he decided to press Xia Ping into a mass of bolognese with absolute power.

"Give me broken!"

Xia Ping’s eyes showed a hint of coldness. After staying in this dark space for so long, he also understood the characteristics of this dark space, purely the void space formed by the dark energy.

For the space where this dark energy is condensed, he is the best at hand.

Wudao Shentong Yang Shenquan!

In an instant, his body rushed out of the power of five different fires, the essence of the sun, the fire of the drought, the fire of the earth, the fire of life and the fire of the dragon. The five clusters of flames were burned in this dark space.

These fires rushed out and burned the space.

In particular, the flame of the sun's essence rushes out. This is the horror flame that burns all the unclean forces. Any negative dark energy will be turned into nothingness in front of the sun's essence.


Suddenly, the entire dark space collapsed, and a large hole was burned out. The innumerable dark energy was like the melting of snow and ice. It was quickly incinerated by the essence of the sun, turning into a black atmosphere and disappearing into this space.

"not good!"

Caesar's face changed greatly. He felt that the power of these different fires seemed to penetrate the space and flow directly into his body, burning his entire body into ashes.


Outside the dark space.

Many Dragon Kings are chatting, and it has been five minutes since the dark space was displayed.

For the elite, this time does not know how many times to kill.

"How long do you say that human Xia Ping will be killed by Caesar?"

"There is still three minutes at most. After three minutes, he will die."

"Yeah, it can be resisted for five minutes now. It is already the kid who is very enchanting. The ordinary Emperor is in the dark space, and it only lasts for one minute."

"It’s getting faster, and you will soon see the human body that fell on the ground."

"Hey, wait for this kid to die, I will definitely hang his corpse on the gate of the city, and expose it to three days and three nights.

Many dragon kings sneer again and again, they have already thought about how Xia Ping died, how to use the body of the human emperor to make a fuss, how to vent their anger.


At this time, the entire dark space was broken, broken like glass, turned into countless pieces, and suddenly the scene in this space was revealed.

"Oh!", Caesar the Great couldn't help but spit out a blood. The whole person flew out and was slammed on the ground. He made a huge deep pit and splashed the soil.

At this moment, if he was mad at the hair, his face was as gray as he was, and he was obviously hit hard.

And Xia Ping stood in the air, condescending, unscathed, and the body was wrapped in flames, such as the same Vulcan.


Many dragons are stunned and open their eyes. They can't believe what they saw. Caesar's emperor was defeated. This human being is unscathed. This joke is wide open.

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