God Level Demon

Chapter 1317: Cosmic wanted

"Master, do you understand the above information?"

The mountain river bead Ling Lan Niu saw the expression of Xia Ping, could not help but ask.

The cat fairy has also seen it, but it is extremely doubtful in the heart. This is the dragon script, even if it is the old master of the original, I don’t understand how the indigenous Xia Ping knows it. It’s too weird.

"Well, I understand, it seems that the dragon scientist Tenny left."

Xia Ping opened the way.

He secretly sighed, did not expect this dragon **** of the Dragon God, and other wild beasts containing dragon blood, are actually the hand of this dragon scientist Tini.

And the humans on this continent, perhaps after the genetic transformation of Tania, are not ordinary humans. It is no wonder that their strength, speed, and resilience are unusual, not comparable to ordinary humans.

And this continent is just the test field of Tania.

"What are you talking about? Tenny?!"

Hearing this, both the Cat Immortal and the Green Cow have changed their faces, and they are shocked and shocked.

"How? Do you know this name?" Xia Ping raised an eyebrow.

The cat fairy was shocked: "Know, who doesn't know this dragon crazy scientist, her evil deeds have long been known in the universe, and it is the ninth in the entire universe, the most evil dragon scientist in history."

"It is said that for the sake of experimentation, she has made countless evils, destroyed billions of people, and arrested hundreds of millions of races. Even the saints dare to catch them."

"The blood soul saint is compared to this Tania, it is simply a child, and the crime can be ignored."

"Because of the evil, the Dragons are forced to expel this dragon enchanting, and they are listed as the enemy of eternal life, killing innocent people."

"Even the saints of the entire universe are united and want to pass through Tania."

“The saints say that if anyone can kill Tania, whoever gets a promise from many saints, no matter what they want, even if they want to be a saint, there are countless saints who will help.”

It tells the intelligence that it knows.

"Yes, she began to be famous in ancient times, and every time there will be crazy crimes, the most amazing thing is that even if she made such a bad thing, she was chased by countless saints, but she has not been arrested so far, still alive and kicking. "The green cow is also very emotional.

It’s not surprising that the wicked who do bad things, but they have done evil things, are chased by countless people, and still can still live and dance. Without traces of death, it is terrible.

"So, we have come to a place where we can't."

Xia Ping touched his chin.

"Of course, I didn't expect to come to one of Tenny's experimental bases. Fortunately, she is not here, otherwise we will all finish. Maybe it will become the experimental product in her hands. It is better to die than death. It is said that she even has dead people. Can play, have done countless horror experiments." Both the green cow and the cat immortal are sucking a cold breath, fortunately.

They know that the Tania experimental base is spread all over the universe, and there are countless, but each experimental base is extremely dangerous, and even it may contain the secret of destroying the universe.

Such dangerous places, let alone their present, even if their masters did not dare to provoke this dragon crazy scientist during their heyday, after all, the other party has a record of arresting saints.

Once you are eyeing, it is impossible to escape.

"So if I report this base, is it possible to get a saint's reward?" Xia Pingdao.

The cat fairy shook his head again and again: "Don't do this kind of thing, it's best not to have done anything."

"Yeah, what is the saint's reward? If it is stared by Tenny, it is called a life of nine deaths. It is not worth the loss." Qingniu also agrees with the cat fairy.

This is the first time they have reached the same opinion.

"Okay, that's it."

Xia Ping nodded, according to his current strength, if you provoke the dragon scientist crazy scientist, do not know how much trouble will be caused, or do not act rashly.

He searched the rest of the room and found no treasures. He left and went to the Dragon Blood Pool.

Because he wants to use the power of the Dragon Blood Pool, he has stepped into the treasure.


At the moment, in the depths of the distant universe, there is a space hidden in the depths of the Dimension.


A beautiful royal sister woke up, only to see her wearing a white coat, her head with a pair of beautiful horns, a black hair like a waterfall, directly covering the tun, her body is extremely full and hot, bumpy This kind of figure is enough for countless men to imagine.

"Strange, what is the awakening of Benlong, is it that one of my labs was invaded by the enemy?!" The royal sister stretched out and yawned, and the proud part shivered with an amazing arc. Line, style.

Her long, white fingers gently clicked on the void, and suddenly the space appeared like a water surface. A mysterious and horrible force permeated the universe and connected the labs of her universe.

However, when this mysterious force came to the Dragon God continent, it was a slamming sound, blocked by a mysterious force, and the power on her body could not be penetrated.

"Interesting, actually can stop Ben Teng Tanya's snooping, what kind of existence?!" Suddenly, her beautiful eyes showed a star-like light, it seems that there are black holes in the depths of the pupils, unfathomable.

The whole space was shaking, as if it could not withstand the diffuse atmosphere of her body, and it was about to collapse this space and make a loud noise.

Even this breath is still a hundred light years, and countless stars are shaking, as if they are going to collapse.

Suddenly, this force seemed to alarm the saints in the universe, and they woke up and looked down.

"Hey, how old are you still not dead?!"

Perceived some familiar eyes, Tenny immediately converges her power, hides in the void, silent, and is not discovered by other saints.

She is still in a weak state and can't play the fighting power in her heyday.

If this time is discovered by other saints, especially the dragons, the trouble is probably too big, or it is better not to act rashly at this time.

"Forget it, take a nap and get up again. The lab is no big deal. If you want to take it away, take it." Tenny reached out and yawned, and squatted on the bed and began to sleep.

Because of the previous war, she was hurt too much, and now she just woke up, and then she could not resist the casualness of her body and continued to sleep.

As she breathed, she saw a chaotic breath in the depths of the void, infiltrated into her body, slowly repairing her body, and even the wounds in her soul.

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