God Level Demon

Chapter 1372: Red towel thief

Hey! ! !

A group of red thief soldiers immediately went to the place where the crystal fragrant rice was located, trying to explore the situation.

"My mother, no, the crystal fragrant rice is gone, there is nothing left."

They came to the fields, they were lush and green, and there was a fragrant smell everywhere. At least tens of thousands of acres of crystal fragrant rice were planted, but now they are all gone, and none of them are left.

Nowadays, the field is ridiculous, as if it has been trampled by countless wild boars, all the crystal fragrant rice has been eaten, and even a grain of rice has not been left for them.

"Birds, the thieves did not like this, a grain of rice did not stay, hey was so embarrassed."

"The geese have been plucking their hair, and they have never seen anyone who has been so clean. Isn't the other party a Yi?"

"It’s over, this time it’s all over. If the leader knows about it, it will be violent.”

Many red thieves and thieves twitched their mouths. They didn't know how to describe their own mood. They should know that this field is the most important source of wealth for the red thief.

Now it is searched by the little thief, what crystal fragrant rice has not left, can imagine the leader of the red thief, and many elders know how to be angry after this incident.

"Not good, not only is the crystal fragrant rice missing, but the nine days of loam, how have you been searched?"

The captain of the red towel thief suddenly noticed that the land was not only as simple as being searched for crystal fragrant rice, but even the soil was dug away. This is simply the kind of earth that digs three feet, a little precious for the nine days of loam. It was taken away, and only the ordinary soil was left, and there was no spirituality.

"My God, the nine days of loam, but the leader did not know how much it cost to get it. It was specially used to cultivate crystal fragrant rice. Now it has all been searched, and it has to be."

"The beast, even the soil is dug, is there humanity? Is it too much money?"

"Mom, the treasure house of our base is also thieves. There are so many weapons and equipment, and there are no magic weapons."

"Hey, the treasure house is not so simple. The **** will find the treasures and search for them. If they see the baby, they will take it away. They will not pick it at all. Only half an hour will be able to search for treasures better than the face, and also help us by the way." Cleaning."

“The kitchen is also finished. Those precious ingredients, snacks, pastries, and even today’s lunches and dinners have been searched and cleaned. The kitchen utensils have been taken away by the mother, how about the face?!”

"Hey, who is the thief?!"

"The Wutaidou is definitely a veteran. It must be a recidivist in the universe. I don't know how many treasures I have plundered."

"I will immediately sue the leader of this matter, and things are too big. It is not something we can handle."

Many soldiers were green. After searching around for a circle, they found that not only the crystal fragrant rice and the nine-day loam were taken away, but everything that was worth a little money was taken away by this martial arts.

I heard that some unlucky soldiers, because the clothes they wore were worth a bit, and they were stripped. They could only escape from the buttocks. The scene was miserable. It was simply the sad listener who was crying.

For a time, the base mourned.


The events that happened in Crystal Star were quickly passed to the headquarters of the Red Scarf Thief, and were known by the leader of the Red Scarf Thief and many elders.

"What do you say? Crystal star is thief, not only is the crystal fragrant rice all searched and cleaned, even the nine days of loam soil have been dug away, there is no left?!"

Upon hearing this news, the elders were so angry that they were stunned, and the people around them hurried up to the shackles and carried out various first aids before they managed to save the elders a life.

"Damn, Jiang Jun, and the basemaster, what are they doing, let them stay in Crystal Star to protect the crystal fragrant rice, the **** actually dereliction of duty, is it tired?!"

A grumpy elder yelled and violently thundered and thundered: "Call them to immediately roll back, Lao Tzu wants to smother him, and he is punished by three knives and six holes."

He was murderous, apparently mad, and he had to slaughter the heads of Jiang Jun to vent their anger.

"Elders, Jiang Jun and two adults have long been hung up. The enemy Wu Tai fights fiercely. When they come in, they will kill them. Anyone with strong strength will be killed by him. The corner will not stay."

The man reported the news and trembled.

what? !

Many elders were taken aback, but in fact they also expected that if Jiang Jun was not dead, how could they let the enemy go to the base to search for crystal fragrant rice and nine days of loam? !

"Miscellaneous things, Wu Taidou is which turtle grandson, dare to come to my red towel thief to make trouble, but also to steal our red scarf thief so many treasures, the old man can not spare him." There is a red towel thief elders roaring, face stunned.

He angered to the extreme, this Wu Taidou came to their important base of red thieves to kill and set fire, but also took away so many treasures, it is simply to dig the roots of their red towel thief.

You should know that crystal fragrant rice is the biggest source of income for their red thieves. Their red thieves are dead and live by crystal fragrant rice, but now, all gone, one grain of rice did not leave them.

So what should they do before the deal they promised, knowing that those who deal with them, they can not offend a few, then Wu Taidou to do this kind of thing, clearly that they want to die.

"Check, immediately check the identity of the martial arts, Lao Tzu wants to know the news of his 18th generation ancestors, once found, throw out the nest, Lao Tzu wants to kill his family."

"Take us something, the old man wants him to spit out ten times, blood and blood!"

A group of red thieves and elders are angry and murderous. They obviously hate the extremes of Wutai. If they know the identity of Wutai, they will surely rush out and retaliate.

They are interstellar pirates, and they must report their character.

What's more, Wu Taidou has done this kind of thing, and it is even more tempting than killing their parents.

"Starting Crystal Star, find Wu Taidou, kill him!"

The head of the red thief gnawed his teeth and gave orders. He was filled with horrible killings from him, and it was solidified. The whole planet was shaking gently, and countless creatures were shaking.

"Yes, the leader!"

A group of elders roared and acted immediately. However, they have never been so united. No matter what factions they belonged to, they are now battling for the fight.

Hey! ! !

At this moment, a warship from the headquarters of the Red Scarf thief came out of the nest, overwhelming, at least 100,000 ships, equivalent to the military strength of a small country, extremely embarrassing.

They all walked toward the Crystal Star and vowed to catch the little thief Wu Taidou and kill his family.

Although they also know that it is a bit late to go to Crystal Star, maybe the little thief has already started to sneak, but they don't care, as long as they find a trace of clues, no matter where the **** flies to the corner of the universe, they will chase it up.

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