God Level Demon

Chapter 1397: Known as the first


For the fear of the people around him, Xia Ping did not feel half-hearted. He only felt that there was a hint of incitement in the blood of the **** in his body. A trace of joy, a trace of desire, every **** gold cell was shaking and boiling, it seems Devouring these magical abilities has great benefits for it, and there is a feeling that you can't wait to enter the battlefield of the demon.

He also recalled that Hell Jinwu was a beast born from Hell. He was born in **** and devours endless dark energy. It is the sun of **** and the hell.

It can be said that these abyss breaths are highly toxic to ordinary people, but for Hell Jinwu, it is a tonic, an energy that activates the blood of its body.

"It seems that this demon battlefield is right, there is a big chance inside." Xia Ping pinched his fist, he felt that if he swallowed enough magic, the body's **** Jinwu blood will wake up more.

Perhaps this is a treasure land of its own rise.

"Look, the other sects are coming."

Someone called.

Rumble ~~

At this moment, just outside the Qiankun School, a vast ground, immediately emerged a cross-domain transmission array method, connecting the depths of the void, exudes a strong horizontal atmosphere.

Immediately after a flash of light, a group of people appeared from the transmission array, the number of people was dense, and each transmission array appeared at least 40,000 people.

"Lingyun School, Guiyuan School, Wuxingmen, Feixianzong people are coming."

Many Qiankun disciples are quietly standing in the same place, watching other martial art people appear, they know that these martial art disciples are their own competitors in the demon battlefield.

Soon, the other four martial art disciples gathered together, and their eyes quickly hit the Qiankun disciples, and their eyes seemed to be very strange.

“The Qiankun disciple is actually the first to arrive?! It seems that we are a little behind.”

"Hey, what's great in the first batch, this is a trial of the demon battlefield, not a speed."

"Xiaping, where is Xia Ping, who is known as the new disciple of the five major factions?"

"That is the kid, a sullen face, standing in front of the little white face, his appearance is turned into gray."

"I heard that the Lingyun sentiment had challenged him at the Qiankun School before, but he was beaten very badly."

"I have heard of this incident. The Lingyun sentiment seems to be called Haifan. Although Haifan is a bit of strength, it is said to be the strongest after defeating him. It is still a bit arrogant."

"That's right, even if it is a saint disciple, our martial art is not without it. Why is it so arrogant, this kid still wants to press our four major sects?"

"The strongest title is not blown out, but is played out."

"It seems that we need to weigh the weight of this kid. I don’t just boast a few words, I think I am invincible."

The disciples of the four martial arts have been talking about it. It seems that Xia Ping looks very unhappy and his face is not good.

In particular, some genius disciples are even more convinced of Xia Ping. They are all geniuses of the world, the genius of all races, the sage disciples are not without, and they will be willing to bend.

"Oh, I think a lot of people are hostile to me, seeing that I am not pleasing to the eye?" Xia Ping touched his chin. He felt very confused. Was his invincible identity exposed?

However, if it is exposed, it is impossible to express this expression. The problem is that if he has not been exposed, he has not done anything big recently. He is honestly practicing in Yan Huangfeng. Why are the other four martial arts disciples all hostile to him?

"Xia Xiong, don't you see the recent Budo Forum?"

Seems to see the confusion of Xia Ping, next to Chur.

The so-called martial arts forum is an exchange forum created by Lingyun School, Guiyuan School, Wuxingmen, Feixianzong and Qiankun School. Five people often exchange martial arts knowledge or exchange resources that they do not need. Sometimes It is still a section of emotional issues, it is very lively.

Anything sent out by the five major gates will be discussed in this martial arts forum. It is considered to be the concentration of the five martial arts disciples, and many people are paying attention.

After all, there are so many useful things on the forum.

"I haven't seen it. Recently I retired and practiced. I didn't care about other things. What happened?" Xia Ping blinked his eyes. He looked at Chur and asked.

Kurdau: "Someone posted a post on the forum for you, and it made a lot of noise. This is a very troublesome explanation. It is better to go and see it. Now this post is still hanging there."

Other people nodded, they also knew about it, and things were not too small.

"Well, is there such a thing?!"

Upon hearing this, Xia Ping picked up his eyebrows. He immediately landed on the virtual network, found the Budo Forum, and immediately found a lot of posts about himself.

There is a netizen who called "I eat ribs rice" to post: "This time the demon battlefield new experience, Qiankun sent Xia Ping is the first deserved, no one can be enemies, not convinced."

This post lists a lot of Xia Ping's advantages, whether it is strength, speed, or martial arts magic, or the speed of progress, are the first five martial arts students.

This post claims: Even if the genius disciples of other martial arts are tied together, they are not the opponents of Xia Ping’s one hand. They have an invincible posture. Others are **** and dogs. They can only bow down and say that they will be the era of Xia Ping. Everyone else only gave him shoes.

The netizen also advised the disciples of the major sects to hurry up to the front, and the aunts flattered. In the future, there may be opportunities for Xia Ping to bring them. Otherwise, the future will be worrying.

It can be said that the praise of this post is extremely rich, as if it is a loyal fan, boasting that Xia Ping such a very thick face has a little embarrassed.

However, such a post immediately caused dissatisfaction among the other four martial art disciples. They were able to join the holy martial art. Which one is not a genius with a peerless qualification, and where someone can be called an invincible, this is simply a provocation.

"Fart, this Xia Ping also dared to call the first, not afraid to laugh at other people's teeth."

"That's right, is it great to be promoted to the refining environment? I don't know how many geniuses have been promoted to the refining environment. A small freshman dares to speak so loudly, claiming to be an invincible era, is it a face?"

"Where is the brain can powder, dare to scream at the martial arts forum, for your master Xia Ping bring a sentence, whether it is the Wuxingmen Huayang, Guiyuan pie Shi Anchang, Fei Xianzong's Li Broke is a contemporary Tianjiao, only hands You can suppress this arrogant."

"It is true that the disciples of the saints are indeed powerful, but they are not many." The so-called master introduces the door and practices the individual. If the individual is a waste wood, the master is useless and the mud is not supported."

"It seems that the kid is already a saint. He also said that the bundle is not his opponent. There is a kind of come to my five-door door. I can kill him with three strokes."

"Three strokes? Too much to lift him, I will be enough for a move, come to me to fly Xianzong, tell him how to be a minute."

The other four martial art disciples are sneer and sneer, and they are replying. They are not convinced.

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