God Level Demon

Chapter 1409: Demonic plot

Deep in the demon continent, a valley.

At this moment, the valley is full of magic, and it seems to be turned into a dark magical field. Countless devils are roaring, and even the land is eroded into black, filled with the abyss of terror.

In this valley, a tyrannical big demon gathers together, each of which has at least the strength of the law, and there are many demons in the robbery.

But the holy demon is not, because this demon land has been fighting with humans, and the tyrannical demon is basically killed.

And once this level of demon appears, I am afraid that it will cause a major disaster, so the saints are constantly monitoring, once there is a sign, it will kill the killer.

"Damn, the group of humans have come to me again."

"It is arrogant. When we are in the demon world, is it the training ground for the human race?"

"It’s just that when we are like a pig and a dog, it’s really hateful."

A big demon gnaws his teeth, they hate this kind of thing, but the human knife is a fish, they can't compete against human power.

"Don't pretend, like the group of low-level demons, even if you die hundreds of millions of heads, you are not expected to have any heartache, or quickly talk about business." A deep robbery of the abyss.

Hearing this, the other demons are all smiling, and indeed they are born from the abyss, without father and mother, cruel and evil.

There is only one rule in this abyss world, that is, the weak meat!

The so-called morality is simply a joke for them. They are not so much sentimental. Even if they die of hundreds of millions of demons, they are not painful.

And when human beings come to the demon world, they only have a small number of enemies. Usually, these demons kill each other and don’t know how much they want to die.

Therefore, these demons are scary.

"Hey, Zach, don't be so nervous. This is not to play before the start of the meeting. It is said that human beings seem to be angry with their companions, and they will raise hatred." Interesting." A thunderous robbery night demon laughed.

"Without further ado."

The abyss ox Zach said impatiently: "This king is not here to participate in this meeting. How is the sinister yin and yang turned upside down? Is it successful?"

"Of course it succeeded. This is a matter of course. In order to arrange this big battle, we have paid a lot, and we have laid out a hundred years and have for a long time."

"Once the sinister yang and yang are turned upside down, they can immediately blind the heavens and isolate the power of the sacred celestial list. At that time, the humans who come in the sacred continent will not be able to escape."

"The group of human beings are so arrogant, dare to come in the demon world, not just the power of the sacred celestial list, can you escape at any time? Isolation of the power of the celestial list, I will see how the group of humans die."

A big demon eye reveals a cruel color, murderous.

"But if you do this kind of thing, you can't look back. This move will surely anger those human forces. By then, the demons of this demon continent will suffer heavy losses."

There is a demon opening.

"Hey, what is this, isn't it decided early?"

Some demons sneered: "Once the group of humans was killed, they immediately fled with these human heads and went to another demon land to enter the depths of the abyss."

"In this way, let us be strong, how can we be strong?"

"As for the group of low-level demons, it doesn't matter how much they die. Anyway, after a while, the abyss will continue to grow."

It is true, even if it is a saint, dare not enter the abyss of the universe at will, the place contains the magic of incomparable horror, and the will of the abyss.

In the face of this power, the body of the saint will be eroded.

If you stay longer, the saints will be demonized and completely eroded.

"With these human heads as a name, I believe that we can go to another, more powerful demon continent, and we can live very well, even become stronger, and hope to become a demon." A big demon reveals a glimmer of hope.

The demon continent where they are located is too small, and the strength is weak. There is not even a demon saint. In this small place, they have no further hope.

Therefore, they are eager to go to the higher abyss continent.

"Hey, these humans are hard currency."

In this abyss world, human beings are equivalent to rare animals, a rather expensive commodity, and can be regarded as a hard currency that can be traded. I don't know how many demons want it.

After all, in ancient times, countless demons have fought with humans, and there have been countless deaths and injuries. They have formed irresistible hatred. So far, there are still a large number of devils who hate human beings and hate this race that will drive themselves back to the abyss.

Therefore, if they treat human beings as merchandise on those tyrannical devils, they will certainly be sheltered and even get a lot of cultivation resources.

The problem is that these human beings have the power of the sacred celestial list to make them impossible to start.

Even if there are occasional humans who are accidentally killed by the demon, the number is small and not enough.

Therefore, after hundreds of years of planning, they finally succeeded in reversing the sinister yin and yang. This large array has the power to temporarily blind the celestial list, and isolates the protection of those human beings.

Without the power to send away at any time, the group of humans is simply the fish on the cutting board, let them slaughter.

"But in order to keep the demon yin and yang upside down for a long time, all of us big demons need to be presided over in the tactics, and they can't be dispatched, otherwise it will lead to the collapse of the formation."

There is a big demon who said: "Even even the demons above the Golden Dan can't move, otherwise the battle fluctuations of the Golden Danes will be immediately perceived by the Celestial List."

"It is estimated that only the demons under the real fire can be dispatched."

This sinister yin and yang reversed the big squad only to obscure the celestial plane, to isolate the perception of the celestial list, but if there is fighting volatility that transcends the power of the sinister yin and yang to reverse the big squad, it is also useless, and will be instantly noticed by the celestial list.

"It doesn't matter."

"That's right, the number of humans is really too small."

"We have hundreds of millions of demons here, and the heap can kill them."

"The weak human beings, even the same-order demons, can easily kill them."

A big demon did not take this as one thing, and thought that killing this group of people was easy.

"Okay, in this case, immediately start the array, masking the sky." A demon immediately began.


When the voice just fell, these big demons immediately started, urging the power of the abyss.

In an instant, a deep and mysterious darkness burst immediately, and a silent wave of volatility covered the demon land and isolated the outside world.

But the celestial list did not react, and thought everything was normal.

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