God Level Demon

Chapter 1424: Big demon shot

"My God, is this the power of the battle? It's terrible."

In the distance, many disciples can see this scene. They are hiding in the center of the law, and they are extremely safe.

"It is indeed awesome, 50 million demons, that is what horrible power, but after entering the formation, it is like a pig and a dog, being easily killed and without resistance."

"This is the power of the formation. When it reaches a deep point, it can turn into a magic, and even recreate the heavens and the earth."

"But it is extremely difficult to learn to practice. There is no talent. There is no way to get started."

"Yeah, a large-scale array like this, it can't be learned without hundreds of years of hard work, and it has to be talented. If you don't have the talent, you can learn the millennium."

"I rely on, how big is Xia Ping, and I have learned from my mother's womb, and I haven't been so abnormal."

"It can only be said that Xia Ping is a peerless enchanting, knowledge that people can learn for hundreds of years. He may have learned it for several years, and he has learned a lot of martial arts."

"Dog day, but also by the way, people are really mad, people are awesome."

The five martial art disciples were all scared by the power of Suzaku from the fire. They had seen the power of the big battles, and the fifty thousand devils, that was the overwhelming power, how terrible.

If you put it on a planet, it is a magic disaster, and there are countless deaths and injuries.

But now, a big squad rises, killing 50 million devils in a living, and there is no horror.

Huayang, Shi Anchang, Li Broken and others are completely convinced. If there is no Xia Ping in this place, I am afraid that even these bones will be eaten by the demon.

After an hour.

The 50 million demons have been burned alive, letting them struggle, how to bark, and some even rushed to the summer plane before trying to behead.

But it didn't work at all. In the face of Suzaku's departure from the fire, no demon can live, all of them are burned to ashes, and they only have one magic core left and right.

At this moment, in the area where Suzaku is surrounded by fire, the area has been turned into a purgatory.

Originally, there were countless mountains in this area, but now they are all gone. They have been razed to the ground and turned into a plain. There are pits everywhere, and the ground is burning with Nanming.

At the same time, there are countless deep gullies in the earth. Each gully is filled with molten mud. The earth is cracked, dense and dense, and smoke is like the end of the scene.

The surrounding temperature rises, it is extremely hot, reaching thousands of degrees, the steel will melt, and it has become a living place.


Xia Ping clenched his fists. At this moment, in order to run this big battle, even if he had strong mana, but now the mana is consumed by most of them, it is very weak.

But his eyes were bright, excited, and 50 million demons were dead in his hands. This is a feat. I don’t know how many people are scared to death.

He also deeply realized that the power of the formation is indeed the supreme means of weak victory and strong, even those who are high in their own level, will be killed by the forces of the big forces.


He grabbed a large hand and scattered it on the ground with countless magic cores. They quickly entered the mountain and river pearl space. The 50 million magic cores piled up together. It was a hill, which was extremely amazing.

These magic cores are also a rather horrible asset that can be transformed into a lot of energy.

"The host is really amazing."

The mountains and rivers are admired by the green cows. It has never been seen as a practitioner of the refining treasure. It is a legend that can easily kill 50 million demons.

"Oh, stupid cows who haven't seen."

The cat fairy despised, and it was numb by each of Xia Ping’s records. He didn’t think there was anything, and he was used to it.


At this moment, many big demons also know this thing, and each face is ugly.

"Who is it, who said that 50 million demons can kill this group of humans? What is going on now? The group of humans not only did not die, but the soldiers we had to send were all dead?!"

A big demon gnawed his teeth and was very angry.

"It's all the fault of human Xia Ping."

Another big demon roared: "If this kid is not proficient in the formation, a large array is arranged, and the grounds of a thousand miles will be communicated, and no more than 50 million demon will be buried."

"The human Xia Ping must die, he must be slaughtered!"

It is full of anger against the human beings who have repeatedly destroyed their demons.

"There is no nonsense. I didn't expect them to have a master of the law. This is our mistake."

A big demon calmly said: "It is useless to investigate who's fault. The most important thing now is how to make up for this strategy mistake. You have to know that there are not many demons nearby, and they all died in this battle."

"Even if you can mobilize the demon from somewhere else, it will take at least three days."

"But we have not been around for a long time."

It looks around the big demon and expresses the seriousness of this matter.

"No way, let me do it."

A poisonous demon stood out, and its strength reached a thunderous robbery. The horror was gone, and the body was filled with terrible black poisonous mist. These black poisonous mists seemed to corrode even the space.

It sounds like a thunder, causing resonance in the world.

"How do you do it? Now we need to keep the sinister yin and yang upside down. Without you, the whole big battle will collapse. You think we are not fast enough?"

There is a big demon dissatisfied.

"It doesn't need to maintain this big battle all the time. It's just that there is a big demon. If we are willing to pay a little price, we can still let it go for a while."

There is a trace of cold eyes in the big demon eyes, indicating that if these big demons are willing to pay a certain price to maintain the formation, let a big demon shot, it is not impossible.

“How long do you need?”

Many big demons are watching this poisonous demon.

"Ten seconds is enough, three seconds to shuttle the void, killing this group of humans in one second, and then returning for three seconds, and rest for three seconds."

Thunder robbery poisonous devil arrogant.

The big demon who was present did not doubt the words of the poisonous demon. The other party did have such strength. The strength of the demon robbers was too strong, and the group of humans was just a small one.

Even if the group of human beings has more than 200,000 people, it is only a matter of the thunder and robbery, and these human beings can be killed in an instant.

They didn't want to shoot before, just doing it, they need a lot of price for these big demons.

If you drive those low-level demons to kill those humans, why should they shoot?

But now it is different. The group of humans have already killed the low-level demon, and they are not allowed to shoot.

"Okay, then you will shoot as soon as possible."

Many of the big demons look at each other and they are all determined and decided immediately.

"Well, I will kill the people."

The poisonous devil is indifferent, like killing a chicken.

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