God Level Demon

Chapter 1435: Star coordinates

"I rely on, **** whale?! Holy-level beast, what the **** is this?"

Xia Ping was stunned, and the usual sacred beasts were all missing from the dragon. Now they have just come to this foggy star field to see one, and they are still famous for their **** whales.

It is said that the **** whale is a fierce beast that has lived from the ancient times to the present. The saints have eaten some, fierce and unmatched.

In the face of such an ancient savage beast, the void is trembled, and a fierce breath can be revealed, and a planet can be crushed. It seems that even the stars have been under great pressure to be crushed into an iron ball. .

However, the stars are also good ships, the same level, can be considered to resist this horrible momentum.

"Stupid cat, I said that I can't come here, you still don't believe it, take us to come here to die." Qingniu gasped his nostrils, even if his old master Shanhe saint appeared here, he dared not say victory over the **** whale. .

"Reassure, the stars are actually the spacecraft built to enter the foggy sky. It has a stealth system that can be hidden in the fog, converging and will not be discovered by the **** whale."

The cat fairy patted the chest, confidently full, said that he was an old driver, and entered the foggy star field many times. This situation is really too big a surprise, pediatrics.

However, it is also very guilty. After all, it did not expect that it would be so lucky to wait for someone else to enter the foggy star field and encounter an ancient beast of the hegemonic level.

Fortunately, after the gods whales swallowed dozens of nearby planets, they left slowly.

Perhaps the stealth ability of the stars is extremely powerful. The **** whales are completely incapable of discovering them. Perhaps the stars are too small. For it, it is just a grain of dust.

In short, after an hour, the **** whales dissipated in the eyes of Xia Pingren, and they suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is no interstellar navigation map in this place. How to move forward?" Xia Ping looked at the cat fairy.

"Let's lead the stars!"

The cat fairy seriously said: "In the foggy field, many stars have been left by the old master with some star coordinates, and will not disappear for hundreds of millions of years."

"These stars are only able to sense the talents who have trained the stars. As long as they can sense these coordinates, we can come and go in the foggy field."

"And the treasures of the stars are the most dazzling places in the coordinates of the stars."

Star coordinates? Leading stars? !

Upon hearing this, Xia Ping closed his eyes and operated to lead the stars. Immediately, his star body emerged, his body was filled with endless starlight, and a large array of stars appeared in his body.


He felt the power of his own star-studded star, and the stars of tens of thousands of miles were provoked by him. The endless stars of light were drawn from all directions, even the power of the fog could not resist.

"These are the coordinates of the stars?!"

Xia Ping perceives the depths of her mind. I don't know when there is a starry sky map. The dense light spots appear on it, and it seems to show the appearance of countless stars.

He immediately knew that these spots must be a planet with millions of miles, and there seems to be a guide. As long as you can follow these coordinates, you can reach the final destination.

And this is also the guidance of the disciples of the stars to the door.

"Move 45 degrees east."

Xia Ping opened his eyes and revealed a glimmer of light.


Cat Fairy is very excited. It knows that Xia Ping has finally ignited the star coordinates of the foggy star field. If it can't be sensed, then it can't move in the foggy star field, just like a headless fly.


This is the time of three days and three nights.

Along the way, Xia Ping also saw many cosmic beasts in the foggy field. They traveled in the foggy field, appearing from time to time, and the fierceness of the world, each beast has a terrible power.

If you leave the foggy field, it will definitely cause the creatures to smear.

He also saw many space warships, all of which are unowned warships. It is estimated that these space warships are ships that have accidentally entered the foggy field from ancient times to the present.

Of course, there are also people who think they are very strong, thinking that they can conquer the foggy stars, they are driving an invincible fleet, but they are instantly destroyed.

If the cosmic beast that is not inadvertently touched is destroyed, it will be lost in the endless fog. For thousands of years, there are no way to leave for tens of thousands of years, starving to death.

Xia Ping roughly figured out that there were tens of thousands of ships without the main space that they encountered these days. They floated alone in the foggy field, wandering around like ghosts.

"This planet is good."

Soon, Xia Ping came to a planet with stars coordinates, his eyes lit up, because this is a life planet, similar to the earth, suitable for human survival.

He has searched so many planets, basically the environment is extremely harsh, not suitable for human survival, such a suitable planet, it is too rare.

"It's here."

Xia Ping decided to temporarily take a temporary rest on this original planet, and forge his own magic weapon. After all, I don’t know how long it will take to reach the end of the Star Treasure.

Therefore, he still forged the treasure of the life.


At this time, Gold Slim was also excited to scream.


Xia Ping can perceive the meaning of the gold slime. It perceives that there are many asteroids around the life planet. Among them, the asteroids are all agglomerated by iron ore. The asteroids, there are copper planets, there are bank stars, aluminum planets, uranium planets and so on.

It can be said that this is simply a paradise for its predation, an opportunity for evolution.

I have to say that this foggy star field is really rich in resources, and it is almost like a mineral planet.

Perhaps this is also because the foggy star field is rarely humanized, and this star field has never been exploited by humans, so the resources are extremely rich.

"Go, be careful."

Xia Ping nodded, allowing the gold slime to prey on the past.


In the next second, the gold slime immediately left the stars and flew over the terrestrial planets, swallowing a big mouth.


At this time, the stars also landed on this mysterious life planet.

Xia Ping came out and found a valley. He also arranged a large array of one after another, so that he would be disturbed when he forged the magic weapon.

Although there is no one on this original planet, he is still used to preparing for it and carefully driving the ship for thousands of years.

After all the preparations, Xia Ping took out the chaotic gold from his body and began to think about what kind of magic weapon he should forge, which has a great influence on his future.

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