God Level Demon

Chapter 1484: Southern universe

After listening to the cat fairy, Xia Ping nodded: "That is, if you want Gaia to grow fast, you must capture more lives into the Gaia planet, and the stronger the soul, the better."

To be honest, in the vast universe, there is not much, that is, too much life, it is like a star, so he thinks this is actually a small matter.


The cat fairy nodded: "But it should be just enough. After all, too much life, beyond the tolerance of the Gaia planet, will lead to the ecological collapse of the planet, which is not a good thing."

"Of course, I understand, and it's not that life is good. It's better to have a strong spiritual race." Xia Ping touched his chin. "If you can catch some dragons, it would be better."

He didn't care, after all, the small interior space, but there is a star size.

The predecessor earth can carry at least 10 billion people. If you limit, you don’t know how much.

Ordinary stars are 1.3 million times larger than Earth, and the number of people able to carry the population is even more terrifying. Of course, this is also a bit more than human beings. If it is a larger animal than humans, it may be a little less.

Even so, this is a rather terrible population figure.

The cat fairy mouth pumped, and it was quite beautiful. If such a strong race, if it is so good to capture, those races have long known that it has been extinct many times.

But indeed, as Xia Ping said, the more powerful the soul, the better the Gaia planet will be.


The little stay was ignored by Xia Ping’s words. She held Xia Ping’s thigh and screamed directly.

Xia Ping was speechless, and when he reached out, he picked up the little luoli and put it in the bedroom.


A week later, the stars finally got out of the foggy star field, and Xia Ping also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, this place is full of hegemonic beasts, and the pressure is great.

Then the stars ran through the void, which took weeks and finally reached the edge of the Southern Universe.

"Right, wish compass."

Xia Ping took out the innate magic treasure wish compass from his body, and wanted to find the existence of the brainwashing grass, to rely on the power of this magic weapon.


His knowledge penetrated into it, and at the same time passed his wishes into the depths of the interior, trying to find the laundering grass.

Immediately, the power of the wish compass was spurred, and the gray air flow was surging, mysterious and unpredictable, like chaos, and the power of destiny was touched.

The pointer inside the compass is in a fierce rotation, mysterious fluctuations, spread around, silent, and instantly spread to the entire South Universe, as if no one can perceive it.


Suddenly, Xia Ping perceed the compass's pointer to stop, pointing toward the northeast, while a mysterious energy emerged in the depths of Xia Ping's mind.

It seems that a clear road sign appears in his soul, guiding his direction.

"It's a mystery."

Xia Ping was amazed. He had a strong hunch. As long as he followed this direction, he would definitely find the Souls.

However, he also knows that it is not without cost to motivate the compass. He needs to recharge, so that the wish compass can swallow the mysterious energy in the depths of the void, in order to exert the ability of the compass.

Therefore, if you want to motivate the compass, you must always recharge it.

However, some of the wishes are too small. It takes a few hours to recharge. Some of them have great wishes. It takes decades, even hundreds of years, and the tens of thousands of years of charge may not be enough.

However, this wish compass has not been used for a long time, so the energy accumulated inside it is quite amazing. You don't need to worry about the wish compass in a short time.


After a few more days, the stars sailed all the way and finally arrived at the location of the wish compass. It was a wild planet, and it seemed to be no different from the ordinary planet.

Looking at the past, Xia Ping discovered that the planet is full of dense green plants. The forest is dense, as if it were the ancient times of the earth. The oxygen content is extremely high, and there are powerful wild beasts everywhere, just like the wild age.

"Go in."

His mind moved, and immediately let the stars land on the planet, breaking through the atmosphere, reaching a vast grassland, and growing weeds of half a person.

"Good gravity."

Xia Ping suddenly perceives that the gravity of this planet is not ordinary, more than ten times that of the ordinary planet. It is imaginable how powerful the creature living on this planet is absolutely extraordinary.

Of course, for him now, the ten-fold gravity of the district is nothing at all, and there is nothing like it.

"Well, the strength of the heavens and the earth here seems to be very active and very violent."

Xia Ping swallowed the planet's heaven and earth and found that it was more active than the stars of the East Universe, and it contained a violent factor that seemed to affect emotions.

However, this has no effect on him. These heavens and earths have entered their own bodies, and they are swallowed up by the blood of Hell Jinwu in an instant, thoroughly refining.

"It is indeed violent, this is the special environment of the Southern Universe."

Cat Fairy Humanity: "The inner world of this universe has a violent factor. If the practitioners devour these heavens and earths over time, they will also have violent factors. The brain will always be filled with the idea of ​​violent resolution. It is easier to get angry than ordinary people.

This is also why the Southern Universe grows a lot of barbarians, and there are many magical sects. It is the best growing soil for the cult.

You must also be careful when you enter the Southern Universe. There are countless powerful magical sects. These martial art methods are endless, fierce and sinister, killing the planet and slaughtering civilians. They are ordinary pigs, and harvest a batch if necessary.

Although the practitioners of the Eastern Universe are also arrogant, they have a bottom line for doing things well, and there are major sects, but the Southern Universe is different. Advocating the strong is the respect, the weak meat is strong, there is no rule at all, there is no bottom line. ”

Xia Ping nodded. In fact, he also got a lot of news about the Southern Universe from the virtual network. Many practitioners of the Eastern Universe despised the practitioners of the Southern Universe. They called Nanban and only used muscles to think about problems.

And many people also think that Nanban is very exclusive, but also very dangerous, do not have to go to the South Universe without any need.

Even the practitioners of the Southern Universe have become aggressive, and in history they have invaded the East Universe many times, trying to burn and plunder and rob the resources, but they have all been defeated and have not succeeded.


Suddenly, Xia Ping’s eyes showed a hint of coldness, and the grasslands trembled around. I don’t know when, surrounded by a large group of barbarians in all directions, the number is hundreds.

They are all powerful, wearing animal skins, holding spears, and engraving a lot of mysterious and ancient totems. The body is extremely strong and violent, like a beast.

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