God Level Demon

Chapter 1557: World leader mission

After the description of the elders of the fish repair army, Xia Ping finally knows the specific situation of the first star.

Although the Qiankun faction is powerful and covers six major stars, the manpower is quite limited. To manage the vast area of ​​the six stars, it is necessary to spend a lot of manpower and resources.

It can be said that most of the Qiankun faction forces are placed on other planets, where there are more important interests.

Therefore, they are also unable to put a part of the power on the top star.

Moreover, the first star is a commercial boom, and in the border with the Western Universe, many Western cosmic forces will travel to the first star and the East Universe.

It is precisely because of this that the leader of the world has been stared at by many forces, leading to the planet being controlled by many external forces, and the influence of the Qiankun faction is declining.

Once upon a time, there were also Qiankun sent Jindan disciples to the planet to perform tasks, trying to clear the local forces, but they all failed and even secretly murdered.

Over time, this planet has become a three-way zone.

"So, you have to be the master of this planet."

Fish repair army Shen Sheng said: "You want the other forces of this planet to bow to the Qiankun faction and become the real thing, and the martial art does not have any resources and personnel can be delegated to you, so you can only rely on yourself."

Xia Ping understood that this martial mission was not so simple, and there were no resources or manpower. It was really difficult to rely on oneself to demarcate the first star and exclude other forces. It is no wonder that the task period is ten years.

"So what is the need for this planet to be worthy of attention?"

Xia Ping wants to know the specific situation of this planet.

"Although the power of this planet is very large, there are many gangsters of different gangs, the size is different, but the strongest force is the Medellin family." Fish repairs the army, "This family is not simple, very united, it is The underworld family, the strength of the homeowner also has a golden level, enough to become the master of a planet."

"The most important thing is that they suspected of colluding with the Star Trek Red Scarf thief. They seem to have an unusual relationship with them. They often help sell stolen goods and wash their money.

It is precisely because they collude with the Red Scarf thief that the forces have become increasingly large, leading them to become the largest force in the world, no one dares to provoke. ”

Red towel thief? !

Xia Ping’s heart was shocked, but he did not expect to hear the name of the red thief from the elder’s mouth.

Since the annihilation of a large number of red thief warships in the cloud world, and by the way to **** the red thief's crystal fragrant rice, he never heard the name of this interstellar pirate.

To be honest, he has always been jealous of the red scarf thief.

Although the geographical position of Yunxiao is very remote, no one knows at all. In the vast universe, like the same drop of water, it is impossible to find it at all.

But the red towel thief is different. They know the specific location of the cloud world. It can be said that this is a huge hidden danger.

Once the red thief rushes out of the nest, dealing with the cloud world, I am afraid it will cause great trouble.

Of course, there is the existence of the Skynet system. He is not worried about the power of the Red Scarf thief. The problem is that the large-scale action of the Red Scarf thief will definitely attract the attention of other forces, leading to the exposure of the cloud world to the minds of those who care.

At that time, the cloud world is not a secret place, and it will let a steady stream of people come.

Therefore, he wants to annihilate the red thief and completely kill the dangerous source, so that not many people in the entire universe know the specific location of the cloud.

If it is before, he wants to eliminate the red scarf thief may not be able to catch, but promoted to Jin Dan, mastered a lot of supernatural power, the district red towel thief is nothing.

"Red towel thief? I also know the name of this interstellar pirate group, but what is the great thing?" Xia Ping quietly inquired about the information of the red thief.

"The Red Scarf thief is just an ordinary pirate group. The leader of the Red Scarf thief has only the strength of the true level."

Fish repair army Shen Sheng said: "The problem is that this pirate group seems to be associated with many big families, become the black gloves of these big families, responsible for doing a lot of dirty things, but also responsible for helping to launder money, plunder resources. .

If you deal with red thieves, it is to take the lead and move the whole body, I am afraid it will provoke the power of many big families, so this is a dynamite barrel, not many people dare to provoke, which also makes them have to go unpunished. ”

"It turned out to be."

Xia Ping nodded. He also knew that the red thief was not simple. The two treasures, the nine-day loam and the crystal fragrant rice, were not available to ordinary pirates.

"So this time you go to the first star, not only to deal with the Medellin family, but also to deal with the red thief, and sometimes the power of the Western Universe will blend in to trouble you."

Fish repairs the military: "So this situation is very complicated. If something goes wrong, even if the mission fails, it doesn't matter, there will be no punishment."

He said that this task will not have any punishment, just a trial.

"I know."

Xia Ping nodded.

"After three days, you have to leave the world."

Fish repair military road: "And this time to the world leader must conceal his identity, using another pseudonym, can not reveal that he is a saint disciple, you can only go to that place is an ordinary true disciple.

Of course, we have already prepared for you with false identity and pseudonym. Everything is traceable and will not be discovered. Your pseudonym is called Yang. ”

He wants Xia Ping to conceal his identity.

This is also a matter of course, if Xia Ping goes to the first star in accordance with his true identity, as a saint disciple, who does not know the dead and the dead dare to provoke.

Anyone who has no problem with his head will automatically withdraw.

After all, the identity of the saint disciple represents the facade, strength and dignity of the Qiankun faction. If anyone dares to deal with the sage disciples, it is the enemy of the Qiankun faction, not endless.

In this way, trials naturally lose their meaning.

"Yang doesn't move? I understand."

Xia Pingdao.

"Well, that's it. I hope you can try everything."

The fish repair army ended the conversation with Xia Ping.

"Somewhat a little, red thief? Maybe this time I really want to go against the red thief, but I want to see what kind of secret this interstellar pirate hides."

Xia Ping blinked.

Once upon a time, he faced the red scarf thief as weak as an ant, but now the time has passed, the red thief in his eyes is not a big problem.

There is even a chance to completely annihilate this trouble.

"Cat Fairy, first collect the intelligence of the first star, we will set off three days later." Xia Ping said to the cat fairy, the information of the elders of the fish repair army is only a small part, he also needs to know a lot of the first star intelligence.

Knowing oneself and knowing each other can win every battle. Although he is confident, he will not be blind.

"no problem."

The cat fairy nodded.

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