God Level Demon

Chapter 1606: What are you laughing at?

"Sister, if we go back to the cloud world now, will the human being see us like this?" The rabbit exquisitely turned his eyes and looked at the green.

"It will definitely be. After all, the cloud world is too small, and the strongest is the gods."

Qingyi said: "And only after more than two years, even if the human qualifications are enchanting, it is estimated that it can be promoted to the state of mind. Even if he exceeds our imagination, he has already entered the realm of God. But he has been promoted to Compared with us in the refining environment, it is estimated that it is still different."

She thinks that human beings are even more powerful, and it is already remarkable to be promoted to the realm of God.

This is not to look down on the human being, but the resources of the cloud world itself limit the development of human beings and monsters. No matter how fascinating the qualifications are, the promotion to the realm of the gods is the top.

If you want to get further evolution, you have to leave the cloud.

But they also use the demon sanctuary to get out of the cloud world. How can humans have a way? Maybe they will continue to stay in the cloud world, and they don’t know the vastness of the universe.

"I think so too. If we return to the cloud world now, we must scare the shameless human beings." Rabbit exquisitely nodded and said proudly.

She seems to have thought of this scene, she returned to the cloud and saw the wicked human Xia Ping again.

That Xia Ping did not know his own horror, but he did not know how to rush to come and die. He wanted to compete with himself. Who knows that she has been different from the past, and when she takes a shot, she will fly the human Xia Ping out without any resistance. The force, splattered on the ground, like a tortoise flipping, how can't climb.

As a result, Xia Ping, a human being, burst into tears and apologized to her: "I am sorry, the rabbit is exquisite, the small eyes do not know Taishan, I don't know that the rabbit exquisite adult talent is so high, the force is so powerful. Now I dare not know the life and death of the adults. It’s a sin to die, and sin should die.

In the past, I have done a lot of excessive and abhorrent things to the rabbit exquisite adult. I hope that the adults can not remember the villain and spare me this dog. ”

Then she sneered, condescending: "Hey, now I know the wrong, knowing for mercy, remember how you bullied this beast? You want to forgive you, don't dream."

It’s easy to think that this beast has spared you. In the future, you will make me a cow and become a slave to me. I will give me a laundry quilt every day, pour tea, go on call, and you will sleep in a cowshed. Wear tattered clothes every day. ”

"Thank you for the exquisite rabbit, I am willing to give you a cow for a lifetime, and the small three students are fortunate." The human Xia Ping is not only not angry, but also grateful to him, thinking that this is her rabbit's exquisite tolerance, with a broad compassionate heart. .

Since then, she has lived the life of a slave owner who arbitrarily calls this shameless human.

Thinking of this, the rabbit exquisite began to drool, revealing a smirk, excited, and wished to immediately return to the cloud world, to the shameless humanity in front of the glory.

"Bunny, what are you smirking?"

Suddenly, a voice came out.

"Nothing to smirk, I thought of the hateful human being being arbitrarily called by me." Rabbit exquisitely replied subconsciously, but soon she discovered that it was not a green voice.

She looked back and suddenly got a big jump, a strange man appeared behind him.

No, it is not very strange, but rather familiar, unforgettable, because this man is the hateful human Xia Ping who wants to catch the beaten up of himself.

"Summer, Xia Ping?!"

The rabbit was so dumbfounded, stunned, and her head was down, she did not expect to encounter Xia Ping in this place.

"What happened? Why do you appear in this place?"

Qing Yan was also taken aback, because before the appearance of Xia Ping, she did not feel any breath at all, and even the crisis instinct of the Qing dynasty did not alert, as if completely blinded.

This is the first time she has encountered such a thing.

“Why is it in this place? It’s very simple, because I have to enter the dragon wood secret.”

Xia Ping grinned.

But in the eyes of rabbits, this is the smile of the devil, the nightmare of many years: "The shameless man, finally met you again, now is the time for my revenge, give me death."

She was surprised, confused, then excited and happy.

Because seeing this human Xia Ping here, does it mean that she has the opportunity to take revenge? This is how lucky it is for God to fulfill her.

"No, exquisite..."

Qinglan wants to open the mouth to prevent the rabbit from running, because her instinctive perception of the strength of Xia Ping's body, like a mountain, huge, can not shake, is not this human opponent.

But it was too late, because the rabbit exquisitely went out.


The speed of this foot is so fast that it is incredible, covering the power of space. There is a glimpse of the space around it, breaking into the void and being powerful.

Moreover, it contains the blood of the rabbits of time and space, and the leg strength is extremely terrible. Even if it is a 10,000-meter mountain, it can easily be crushed.

Not to mention, there is still room for this foot.

Ordinary people do not want to catch this foot with the power of space, it will be easy to fly.

However, Xia Ping is not an ordinary person, but a real person in Jin Dan, who once smashed the power of returning to the real world.

Although the power of the rabbit's exquisite foot is indeed good, unpredictable, contains space energy, but under his knowledge, it is still slow as a snail walks.

He raised his hand and gently tapped down.

This palm was shot on the right foot of the rabbit.


In the next second, the rabbit exquisitely suffered an unmatched terrorist force. In an instant, it was beaten on the ground, and a deep pit several meters wide was pulled out. The entire yard was shaking and swaying wildly.

However, Xia Ping's mercy, coupled with the rabbit's exquisite animal body, this force did not hurt her body, she suddenly climbed from the deep pit.

"How can it be?"

The rabbit exquisitely stunned: "Are you not a godland? Why can you easily resist my foot and easily defeat?" She could not imagine that this would happen.

"God is in the border? I have not been."

Xia Ping smiled slightly, revealing a white tooth, and at the same time, a terrible momentum broke out.

On his head, there was a faint shadow of a golden dan, a whirlwind of rotation, filled with golden light, and the momentum condensed into substance, just like a planet descended.

"Golden Dan!"

Awkwardly, the rabbit exquisitely scared to sit on the ground, stunned, can't believe his eyes.

"This this!"

The green scorpion is also shocked, and can no longer hold the cold look, this kind of thing is simply incredible.

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