God Level Demon

Chapter 1630: Longjing

"It turned out to be."

After watching these materials, Xia Ping knew that Tania had not planned to create a monster like a corpse. She originally intended to create a drug that could make life evolve with the help of sputum cells.

After all, the blood is really amazing. As long as you eat enough, you can continue to evolve and even have no bottlenecks. This makes countless creatures envious.

There is only one shortcoming, and greed is infinite. It seems that in the later period, no matter how many things you eat, you can't satisfy you. This is one of the great shortcomings of you.

Even so, Tenny's experiment was half successful, because she did create a powerful monster that could evolve or be immortal.

And it can also continuously create genus, very infectious.

If these genuses with **** veins do not lose their minds and are not destroyed, then the performance of this experiment is incomparably perfect.

The reason why those genus will be destroyed is that the corpse itself is a crazy, irrational monster. Its power of consciousness is devastating and devastating. At the moment of infection, the souls of those genus will It is eroded by the soul of the corpse, so it will lead to the madness of the infected creature.

Such a monster can't be controlled even if it is Tania, it can only be laissez-faire.

"No, no, that is to say, if the corpse can be controlled by people and restore rationality, wouldn't it mean that people who have infected the blood of the corpse will not go mad, just like the family of the blood-sucking family? Can create a steady stream of Are you a big army?!"

Xia Ping blinked his eyes. If he could create a large number of sensible vassals, it would be equivalent to controlling a terrorist army with unlimited potential, and the forces would expand in a geometric progression.

Thinking of this, he is very excited inside.

Others, even saints, want to control the corpse capital is impossible.

However, Xia Ping is different. He mastered the powerful and mysterious technique that even the saints can control. Maybe he can take the opportunity to completely control the corpse and become his loyal and loyal.

Once controlled by the soul print, the corpse will not go crazy again, it can completely control the destructive power of the infection, and will not destroy the rationality of the infected human being, and will not cause disaster.

To be honest, Tania also wanted to find the mystery of the soul print, but at that time the blood soul saint was already destroyed, and the soul print was lost for a long time. There is no way to find it.

"Interesting, maybe this is a huge killer."

Xia Ping touched his chin. He wanted to find the corpse that was sealed. He might have the opportunity to enslave the other and make the other person become his loyal.

"Xia Ping, there seems to be a core of the ban on the formation, can you control the half-plane?"

Suddenly, the sound of the rabbit exquisite came over.


Xia Ping's figure flickered, and he came to the side of the rabbit exquisite and green, and I saw that there was a huge black stone tablet in the middle of this laboratory. The complex array of engravings was engraved on it, exuding strange space. Fluctuation, like the center of this half-plane, stabilizes the operation of the entire semi-planet world.

"Yes, this stone tablet is the core of the ban on this half-planet world. As long as this stone monument is refining, you can completely control this place." Xia Ping nodded.

"Let's refine and refine, I have an ominous premonition."

Qing Yan Shen Sheng: "An angel and the Taikoo Tianlong war had been fighting for a long time, causing strong fluctuations. Maybe it will be noticed by other people, and will come over and explore. If the space nodes in this place are discovered, we must run away. It is."

The blood of her body is warning herself that if we do not completely control this semi-planet and transfer the space nodes, then there will be great danger.

"There is indeed this possibility."

Xia Ping nodded, and he immediately stepped forward, instilling his mana and gods into it and infiltrating the stone.

In an instant, his knowledge of the gods was inexplicably linked to this stone monument. Between the vagueness, he seemed to feel that he and the entire semi-planet world were integrated into one, and that everything in the world could be controlled.


His mind was moved, and the space channel that was still open was immediately shut down. Even the space node moved, hiding in a grit on thousands of miles away.

In this way, no one can find the existence of this space node.

In fact, if there is a human being in this half-planet world and refining the stone tablet, even if these angels are so powerful, it is impossible to find the location of this half-plane.

However, as soon as this space node changes, it will be horrible. Those Western races who are coming to find out are all elites. They are looking for it and can't find out what happened in this place.

After wasting a few days, I still couldn’t find any clues, and they had to give up.

But this kind of thing has nothing to do with Xia Ping.

“Hey? There is a hidden warehouse here!”

When he completely controlled the world of this semi-planet, Xia Ping knew the space well, and his knowledge swept across all directions, and he perceived every corner of the space.

Soon he discovered that in a corner of this space, he found a hidden warehouse, which was equipped with a tyrannical ban, and possessed the ability to hide, as if hidden in the depths of the dimension.

If he does not control the world of this semi-planet, he will not find it at all.


Xia Ping did not hesitate, immediately teleported, and manipulated the power of the stone tablet, and suddenly solved the secret prohibition method.

Suddenly, a small warehouse was revealed.

Awkwardly, he reached out and opened the warehouse door.

"My mom, what is this?"

The rabbit exquisite and the green scorpion naturally followed. They looked at the things in the warehouse, could not help but open their eyes, stunned and shocked.

"Dragon Crystal, this should be the Dragon Crystal that the Dragons can have!"

Xia Ping couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, because the warehouse was filled with a strong sense of true dragons, and the majestic energy, a large number of dragon crystals piled up like a hill.

Each piece of dragon crystal is like a fist size, blood color, like blood condensate, they are the true essence of dragon blood, emitting infinite heat, such as the same wheel of the sun, ordinary people will be burned close.

Rabbit exquisite and green scorpion are even more short of breath. They feel that these dragon crystals are their own evolutionary opportunities, which can greatly purify their blood and increase their potential.

It is estimated that even the legendary source of the dragon wood is no different.

Undoubtedly, this is an earth-shattering fortune. The thunder and robbery can appear in this place will be jealous, and the hearts of murder and treasure.

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