God Level Demon

Chapter 1640: Holy break

The land of the seal.


Xia Ping's figure flickered, and he passed through the eyes of countless people and sneaked into this place.

As soon as he entered, he immediately discovered that the land of the seal was completely different from the place outside. This was already a self-contained space and completely became an independent space world.

And this space world is divided into three parts, the outer world, the middle world, and the inner world.

Among them, the outer world has the largest area, and there is no endless, gray and full of dragon wood trees. The outer world's forbidden formation is also the weakest. If it is careful, it will not touch.

The ban on the middle-class world is ten times more powerful. Only the power above the law can barely enter. As for the inner world, it is the place where the corpse is sealed, and the thunder and robbery cannot be close.

Even Xia Ping discovered the strangeness of the outer world, filled with black and strange atmosphere, which is the strange energy radiated from the corpse, affecting this space and possessing the nature of erosion.

It is because of this strange power that it seems that the dragon trees have also mutated, so that they are also eroded, which becomes a corpse, with terrible infectivity.

"I didn't expect the dragon wood to be eroded."

Xia Ping's face is dignified. He also knows why so many Western cosmic masters have arrived at this place. They can't kill and kill the dragon wood tree and get the source of the dragon wood.

It is really a crisis in this place, there are many big trees growing, no one knows which dragon tree is eroded, and which dragon tree is not eroded.

If one is not careful, the dragon tree that is immediately become a corpse is close, and a branch is shot from the darkness, and instantly penetrates the body to let the virus invade, so even if the thunderstorm is powerful, it will be finished.

He also understands why the bear broadcast does not allow them to act at night, because the night action is the most dangerous, there is no light, there is a dark world everywhere, and the dragon tree that becomes the corpse is a ghost.

Estimating a general idea, it is dead, and entering the land of seals at night is not much different from finding death.

But for Xia Ping, this is not a big problem. He used a no-face mask to turn himself into a dragon tree that seems to be eroded. Then he became the own person of the dragon tree and would not suffer any attack.

"Well, this feeling."

Xia Ping closed his eyes. He felt the seedlings of the world tree deep in his mind tremble, filled the power of the tree of the world, and the green light penetrated into every cell of the body.

He feels that he is the ancestor of Wanshu at this moment, and he can control the countless plant life of the universe. Even the dragon tree that becomes a corpse can't be separated from his own control.

Under the sensation of his gods, the atmosphere of countless dragon trees in this seal land appeared in the depths of his mind, turning into a dense light spot. The infected dragon tree is a black spot, and the white light is not infected. point.

The black spot is 80% of the total spot, only 20% is not infected, and even the number of infections continues to increase.

Xia Ping’s eyes showed a hint of coldness, and the dark heart trembled. Eighty percent of them were corpse dragon trees. This is where the treasure is. It is clearly the Jedi that is dead for a lifetime.

Fortunately, there is no mask for yourself, otherwise it is difficult to walk in this place.

"It seems to be able to control these dragon trees."

Xia Ping feels that if he runs the breath of the world tree, he seems to be able to control the dragon wood of a plant in this seal, even if the infected dragon tree is the same.

Faced with the power of the ancestors of Wanmu, they simply cannot compete.

In his heart, if you use the power of the world tree, you might be able to transplant these dragon trees into your own mountain and river pearl space, so that he can not get a lot of dragon wood sources?

But now is not the time to do these things, or to explore the place where the corpse is sealed.


Thinking of this, Xia Ping did not hesitate, stayed in place, and quickly walked towards the inner world of the seal land.

Soon he left the outer world and reached the middle world, but because he was a dragon tree, the entire ban did not seem to have any effect on him.

This large array has the power to identify outsiders and can sense the strangeness.


After a few hours, Xia Ping flew all the way and finally arrived in the inner space.

"A very good ban on the formation."

Xia Ping was amazed, the inner space was not very large, probably only the size of the ordinary cage, but surrounded by a dense array of runes, full of 18,000 layers.

The layered banned array method is superimposed, making it scalp and numb. It is estimated that even if the thunderstorm is so sealed, it will be weak and very babies.

And there is still an amazing prohibition around the atmosphere, branding the void, if anyone dares to move the ban on the law, it will be hit by horror and destroy everything.

At this moment, there is a hill-like monster in the inner space that is bound, and one chain after another binds his body, making no power.

It is all black and thick, with thick teeth, scarred eyes, scarlet eyes, and the body is like an orangutan. The whole body is exploding muscles, giving off a strange and evil atmosphere.

Moreover, Xia Ping can perceive the confusion of this monster, and the depths of his mind seem to be filled with endless greed and ruined yuwan, which cannot communicate at all.

Once the monster is rescued, it must be destroyed.

But even if he wants to break this ban, there is no way. After all, this is a ban on the arrangement of saints. It is not so simple to break open.

"No, I can't do it. I don't know if there is any way for the system?"

Xia Ping’s heart moved and thought of the power of the system.

"Host, you can buy a holy class break, can break most of the holy level, need 2 billion hatred." The system also heard the voice of Xia Ping, immediately said.

Two billion hatred? !

Xia Ping sucked a bite of cold, this is indeed a treasure of the sky, and it is still a one-time treasure, it is too luxurious.

But if you can enslave the corpse, the value of the two billion hatred is not a problem, but it is worth the money.

Thinking of this, he spent two billion hatred to redeem the holy ban.

However, he did not immediately start to break the ban on this place.

Because if it is broken now, let the corpse run out, with the terrible power of the corpse, he can't deal with it, let alone enslave the corpse.

Therefore, we must find a way to consume the living power of the corpse, so that its power is in the weakest state, so that he can easily enslave the corpse.

"It seems that we must let most of the dragon's secrets gather together, with the power of many powerful forces, to deal with the corpse, let the two sides consume each other, then secretly shot, take the corpse, and I can take the opportunity to get the West The hate value of many races in the universe makes up for this loss."

Xia Ping’s eyes lit up and she thought of a knife-killing murder.

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