God Level Demon

Chapter 1684: Light speed propagation


When Xia Ping passed the fifth floor to try out the tower, the whole white giant tower trembled and sent a light beam to tell the world, the rune of the sky, it seems that the entire Panwu City was shaking and shaking.

The people who stayed around also noticed this situation and were stunned.

"What happened, why is this happening in the Panwu test tower?"

Some people have said that they have come to Panwuta so many times, and this has never happened.

"Isn't that invincible in the trial tower to do something wrathful, and it is uncomfortable for him to try out the tower, and want to expel him?" Some people maliciously guessed that it was invincible, even if it came. Trying to try the tower, I still want to find a shortcut, and the result is that the tower is furious and the punishment is aggravated.

"Fart, this kind of momentum means that someone passed the fifth floor to try out the tower, to tell the world." Some people are shuddering, they stare at the white giant tower, seemingly unable to believe the facts that their eyes see.

"Through the fifth floor to try out the tower? No, is it that someone finally cleared the Panwu Tower?!"

"If this thing is true, then it will certainly shake the universe. In countless years, finally there is a enchanting conquering this trial tower. This represents the saint seed, and the future is boundless."

"And this is the famous Panwu Tower, which has a higher gold content, and the saints may be alarmed."

"Who is it, who is going through the fifth layer of the martial arts test tower?!"

"Also ask, now only one person has entered the Panwu trial tower, and that is Wu invincible."

Speaking of this, everyone is sucking a sigh of cold, very shocked, can not help but imagine that this Wu invincible is actually the peerless enchanting through the five-layer Panwu.

They don't want to believe this, but the facts are in front of them, and they can't believe it.

"Impossible, that Wu invincible is nothing but a mean and shameless thief. What is the ability to try out the tower through the fifth floor, and make a joke." There is a venomous disciple who calls the martyrdom and thinks this is unrealistic.

"Yes, it must be what the kid has made a mean means, so that the test tower will send such a signal, not necessarily because he passed the fifth floor test tower."

"That's right, then the most favorite is to play tricks and tricks, but the strength is not much."

Many Western cosmos Tianjiao do not believe that this kind of thing will happen. If you admit it, does that mean that Wuwu is invincible above all of them? How can they be convinced? !

"Shut up, a bunch of idiots, don't come out and throw people away when you don't know."

Upon hearing this, some people yelled and sneered: "This is the trial tower built by the saints. Who can find the flaws, even if it is really finding faults, it is the strength of the other side.

For countless years, I don’t know how many days of arrogance, they can’t find flaws, and only Wu invincible has found it. It’s not strength, or what. Is it so difficult to recognize others as powerful? ”

A group of people were very dark and dumb, and they admitted that they were invincible.

However, this Wu is invincible, but the Western Universe super wanted, made a terrible evil, let them say that the praise of Wu is invincible, it is better to kill them.

"No, this invincible threat is too big."

"Through the fifth floor of the Panwu test tower, this is something that countless enchantments can't do in history."

"Even if you add a lot of enchanting in ancient times, this invincible can also be among the best."

"So is it so arrogant, claiming to be invincible?"

"You can't look down on this kid any more. You have to treat him as a big enemy of life and death. Otherwise, if you continue to grow up, you will never be able to deal with it."

"Since he passed the fifth floor of the test tower, it means that he will soon come out from it. When he has to pick him up, he will be tempted and let him look good."

"It is said that through the fifth floor of the test tower, it is a huge reward, and this martial arts training tower is even more famous, and I don't know what kind of reward he got from it?"

"Oh, no matter what the reward, in the end, kill him, the reward on his body belongs to us."

Everyone's eyes showed a burst of fierce light, murderous, they wanted to kill people and goods, even if they could not pass the fifth floor to try the tower, but they can kill this invincible, get the treasures left by the Panwu saints.

When I think of this, many people have a greedy look on their faces. Now they are not only for revenge, but also for the mysterious treasures of the invincible.

Although they don't know what it is, the things left by the Panwu saints must be precious.

However, Wu’s invincible news through the fifth layer of the Panwu test tower was also spread throughout Panwucheng.

Then, with Panwucheng as the center, this news was quickly transmitted to all parts of the universe, and was known by countless forces. This speed of transmission is not so fast.


A few minutes later, Xia Ping finally came out from the Panwu test tower. He had already digested the mystery of the Panwu Zhenjing, but this school can only be cultivated when he was promoted to the true state.

So he immediately decided to leave the virtual network, closed the door to practice, and promoted to the real world.

However, he just left the Panwu test tower and went to an open space outside. He was immediately discovered by him that he did not know when the Panwu test tower was covered with dense crowds, and the number exceeded at least five million.

Although some of them are lively, most of them are his enemies. They all show their own killings, like a group of wolves.

"So many people are watching me. Do you know that I passed the fifth floor test tower, I am very admired, I want to come to my signature?" Xia Ping touched his chin and looked around. "I will remind you first, the signature is Yes, but to collect money, a signature of one million cosmic coins, can also be auctioned."

Many people in the East Universe are speechless. This dead scammer still wants to pour money when he dies. It is simply asking for money. Don’t you know what it is? !

"Sign your sister!"

The first thing I spoke was a pro-disciple of Wandumen, who screamed: "Wu is invincible, do you know when you die? When you came to the South Universe, there was no evil, no fierceness, killing the souls of the 20 planets of the South Universe." This hatred does not share the sky. Today I will pay for your blood debt."

He showed a look for the heavens.

Many 10,000 poisonous disciples are also very emotional. They have always been chased and killed by their venomous disciples, shouting and screaming and killing, being replaced by the heavens, where there is such a great sense of ignorance and the experience of killing the people.

As if at this moment, they are all decent and decent.

I have to say that they are very comfortable inside, and it is no wonder that those famous disciples are so fond of demon slayers, and there is a big righteousness in hand, that is really unfavorable.

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