God Level Demon

Chapter 1688: Annihilation

"Stop, Wu is invincible, we are Peacock Tianjiao, do you want to stay with us?! Don't hurry to stop, so there may be opportunities for relaxation."

At this time, a group of peacocks were guilty and guilty, trying to scare Xia Ping and find an opportunity to escape. They knew that the magic weapon in this kid’s hand was terrible and could hurt the soul.

Therefore, they do not want to die in the hands of Xia Ping, so that they lose a lot.

"I have told you long ago, don't do it, but you don't listen. This is the end of disobedience. You don't hurt you. You don't understand this truth." Xia Ping held the round pen and emptied a little.


This white light instantly penetrated the large array of peacocks and arrogant arrogance, which was broken like glass, and produced a terrible counter-attack.

The next second, this group of peasant Tianjiao made a scream of screaming, and was all killed by the reincarnation.

The reincarnation pen also devours some of the soul energy left by them, and seems to be growing.

"Stop, Wu is invincible, we are innocent, onlookers, and you have no enmity, don't do it to us." A group of onlookers shouted out that they were innocent, just onlookers, and did not deal with it. The meaning of Wu invincible.

Seeing a batch of Tianjiao deaths, from the virtual lateness in accordance with the fall, they are afraid of the extreme at this moment, for fear that Xia Ping will do it to them, die of life, and fish ponds.

"Innocent? When avalanches, no snowflake is innocent, why don't you understand this?"

Xia Ping sighed.

The reincarnation of his hand was shot and killed, and a cold mans shot and smashed together, forming a dead big net, cutting everything, smashing the void.

Hey! ! !

One by one, Tianjiao, who was hiding around, was killed. Even if they tried to hide in the building, it didn't help. A pen instantly tore a building and split his body in half.

Just a breath, thousands of people were killed.

"Forgive me, don't kill me. As long as you are willing to let me go, I will immediately swear that I will definitely shun the house in the future, and I will never deal with you again." Seeing the fierceness of Xia Ping, killing Jin Dan as a chicken Many Tianjiao were scared to be half-hearted and quickly beg for mercy, hoping to survive.

"Retire the three houses? No, you are still better to die, so even if you want to deal with me, there is no way. And you swear and fart, who can believe."

Xia Ping is not merciless, like a tiger into the flock.

As long as the reincarnation pen is gently shocked, a ray of light is shot out, no matter where they are hiding, no matter what kind of body-building magical power is applied, it will be instantly pierced and extinct.

This piece of land has been smashed by this power, completely destroyed, and countless buildings have been destroyed. The earth is full of potholes, like the surface of the moon.

And those who seek for mercy are quickly annihilated and disappear into the virtual network.

"Ah, this peerless devil, fierce and cruel, no humanity."

"Working with him, dying in the end, I don't believe that his mana is endless."

"Yes, we have a lot of people, and the heap can kill him, even if there is a holy instrument in hand."

"Even if we ask for mercy now, this devil will never let us go. If so, then if I am dead, I have to bite him."

One by one, Tianjiao gnashed his teeth and looked at death. Now even if they want to beg for mercy, this devil will not let go of himself. If so, then he will fight with him. If he dies, he will bite this kid.

"I want to work hard? Not that the Yellow River heart is not dead."

Seeing this scene, Xia Ping shook his head and said: "If you are desperately useful, what do you want genius to do, and what do the saints do?!"


In an instant, his whole body's mana was infused on the reincarnation pen, and each hair burst into a white sacred light, as if it inspired thousands of swords.

Xia Ping took the reincarnation pen, and the pen took the dragon snake and swayed in the void.

Suddenly, a huge landscape painting was sketched out. This is a map of the Jiangshan Society. It shows 100,000 mountains, countless rivers, deserts, valleys, and even a variety of birds and beasts in the depths of the mountains.

This level of realism is simply a world recovery.


I saw him gently waving, this pair of Jiangshan community maps from the void, covering a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers, which is like a small world hit the Pan Wucheng.

When this scroll fell on the earth, the mountains and rivers above, instantly turned into countless swords, smashed in madness, pierced the void, and destroyed the ancient times.

Hey! ! !

One by one, the arrogance is too far off guard, and the screams are screaming. Their bodies are like rags. They are easily penetrated, bloody, and broken limbs everywhere.

Xia Ping also does not care how these people seek for mercy, how to fight hard, how to be angry, he holds the reincarnation pen, as if to judge the king of life and death of the kings, high above, harvest life.

Hey! ! !

The sound of the drums roared in the entire Panwu City. Every time it hits, it is extremely fierce, impassioned, and exudes an incomparably tragic atmosphere.

The battle was carried out for an hour. Almost all of the 100,000 miles were extinct. The half-seat martial arts was almost destroyed by this battle. There were broken limbs and pits everywhere.

In the battle center, the only building that can stand still is the Panwu trial tower. The white giant tower seems to remain unchanged. No matter what happens, it cannot be shaken and remains immortal.

Enemies such as the Western Universe and the Southern Universe, which were incomparably angry, were able to send a steady stream of experts to come in and fight with Xia Ping, but now they dare not send anyone in.

Because of this battle, at least thousands of people have died, and I don’t know how many days of arrogance have been killed.

Moreover, the breath of Wu invincible has not weakened, not only has not weakened, it seems that the Vietnam War is stronger, this is simply a super monster that can't die.

They also quickly realized that they were waiting for their reinforcements to die, and the mana of this kid was not consumed.

Perhaps the way to deal with this kid is to use the holy device.

The problem is that the use of the holy device is a big problem. Without the consent of many elders, there is no way to use it.

Even if they want to have a meeting now, it’s too late.

This also led them to no longer send people to die.

"No one has dared to come yet?"

Xia Ping held a reincarnation pen and stood on a barren land. There was a feeling of loneliness like snow. It seems that no one dared to fight him, killing the enemies.

However, this battle also gave him a lot of benefits, so that the reincarnation pen swallowed a lot of soul energy.


Xia Ping's thoughts moved away from the virtual network. Since no one dares to come again, he does not need to stay in this place. This time his purpose has been reached.

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