God Level Demon

Chapter 1835: Rex Rabbit Three Caves

"Here is the worm nest?!"

After a few breaths, Xia Ping passed through the space channel and entered the nest.

All of a sudden, he found himself in a dark vacuum, like a starry sky, and there were many huge planets around him.

Fortunately, he has been promoted to the true state, condensing the gods, can survive in a vacuum, otherwise he will just enter the worm nest, I am afraid that he will die of oxygen deficiency.

“There is no living being?”

It’s just that Xia Ping’s knowledge scans the past, but it’s a sign that these planets don’t have any living. They are all the original unmanned planets, and there are no plants on them. They are bare and have no life.

The problem is that here is the nest, which is considered to be the base camp of the black hole worm. There should be a lot of black hole worms, why is it ridiculous?

If so, where does the black hole worm live? !

The emerald Lord seems to see Xia Ping's doubts and said: "Wu brothers, black hole worms are not living in these planets, but living in a unique black hole, which is their unique nest.

As for the reason why these planets appear in this place, it is estimated that the black hole worms devour the space energy, and when the wormhole is opened everywhere, the planet of the universe is inadvertently brought into the worm nest. ”

"Dimensional black hole? According to what you said, where can the black hole insects live, can you find them?"

Xia Ping asked.

"Of course, if you don't see the front, there is a nesting channel in that place. It may be the nest where the black hole worms dig out." The owner of the jade pointed to a vacuum in front of the bucket, and there was a black hole in the bucket size. One piece, as if it was a space passage, could not see the end.

According to the emperor, the black hole worms are basically mavericks and do not like to live in groups.

In their early childhood, they may still live in the mother's nest, but once they grow up and have independent predation ability, they will survive from their mother's nest and open their own nest.

In fact, if it is not the black worm ancestor who uses the supreme power to capture all these black hole worms and put them in their own worm nests, these wild and lonely black hole worms are estimated to be distributed throughout the universe, and the old and the dead do not interact.

"In the past, there might be a black hole insect in that place."

Some demon kings are bright and excited.

They acted in an instant and exerted their speed. They hoped to take the lead and suddenly rushed into the black hole, trying to capture the black hole insects inside and thoroughly refine them.


Immediately, there were five or six demon kings who could not wait to rush into the black hole. They immediately discovered that the black hole is an innocent space world, vast and boundless.

But they soon discovered that this space world is not simple. It is purely a world of lava, burning terrible flames everywhere, as if it were a world of flames.


"Damn, there are no black hole worms, traps, this is a trap."

"Help, save your life, the Lord of Emeralds will save us."

"No, no, don't want to die, we don't want to die, come to the demon to save us."

Suddenly, these demon kings screamed fiercely, the whole body was covered with lava, and the ubiquitous flame burned.

If it is a normal flame, these demon kings are not in the eyes, but this is not an ordinary flame, but a terrible fire from the depths of the Dimension, which contains incomparable destruction power.

They immediately issued a cry for help, hoping that Xia Pingren would come to the rescue.

But the speed of this incident is too fast and too fast, Xia Ping they have no time to rescue, or even if they have time, they have no intention to shoot.

After all, these demon kings are not pure in mind, and they want to get rid of the black hole worms. How can they try to rescue this group of idiots who want to eat alone? !

It was only the moment of effort, these demon kings were burned to death by the flames, turned into gray, screaming, and even the soul was burned to the ashes.

Originally, these demon kings were all in the demon world, but now they are dead, and there is no way to struggle.

Seeing this scene, many demon kings are chilling, and immediately realize that this place is not a paradise, but a Longtan Tiger Cave that may die at any time.

"What happened? Not that it is a black hole insect nest, may there be a black hole insect? Why is it a trap?" Xia Ping blinked and stared at the emerald Lord.

He felt that the monster was very insidious, deliberately said these words, concealing the key information, the purpose is to let some greedy monsters die.

"The brothers are really anxious. If I haven’t finished it yet, it’s a pity to go to death."

The owner of the emerald reveals a sad look, saying: "Although there are black hole nests, there may be black hole worms. The problem is that not every black hole nest has black hole worms.

The so-called Rex Rabbit Caves, black hole worms are also the same, in order to protect themselves, they will build a lot of black hole nests, and these black hole nests contain great danger.

Some may be a world of flames, it may be a world of ice and snow, or it may be a highly toxic world. These are the energy that the black hole insects communicate with in the world of the dimension, and there is a great danger.

Once someone accidentally enters the black hole nest, they will fall into the trap of the black hole worm, will be alive and die, and can no longer live from it, so the black hole worm is so difficult to obtain, so difficult to refine. ”

It was a pity that I thought I could sneak into Xia Ping, but I didn't expect this kid to be very calm, and did not act immediately, nor was it impatient.

This kind of heart is beyond its expectations.

"It turns out that it seems that it is not so simple to find black hole bugs, it takes a lot of time."

Xia Ping nodded.

"It doesn't matter. What we don't lack is time."

The Lord of Emerald is not in a hurry.

However, although the emerald Lord is not in a hurry, but Xia Ping does not want to delay in this place for too long, so-called night long dreams, here is the demon world, who knows what will happen.

As time goes by, there are definitely more and more demon circles to come to this place, or to quickly refine the black hole worms and quickly get rid of the demon world. This is the best policy.

"Xia Ping."

At this time, the voice of Qinglan passed over and screamed: "Going northwest, I can feel that there may be a big chance in that place, there may be a black hole insect."

Northwest direction? !

Xia Ping picked up his eyebrows. He knew that this was the **** **** of Qinglan. It was a bit like his own innate magical compass, and he could find his own types of adventures and magic weapons.

After all, the name of the lucky one is not the same as it seems to be from fate.

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