God Level Demon

Chapter 1861: Dark sinking

"Li Shidi!"

Seeing that the great man was photographed as a meat sauce by a palm, the gods were destroyed, and many elders of the Promise Palace were stunned, and could not help but scream, it was anger to the extreme.

This is the elder of the Promise of the Promise, the high-ranking, equal to a general, but now it is in front of them, was killed by a living, no bones, even the rescue is too late.

Even this **** is extremely contemptuous of the strength of his younger brother, saying that the strength of Li Shidi is too weak, and that the **** really wants to look down on people to what extent!

Hearing these words, even the clay figurine has three points of fire.

In fact, this can not blame the elders of the Promise Palace is too weak, it is now that Xia Ping is too strong.

He has the blood of hell, and there is a tree of the world in the depths of the gods. He has swallowed up countless tyrannical souls, and even opened up nine sacred houses. The mana is so overwhelming that everyone can imagine, even if it is a beast. in this way.

When he is only returning to the real world, he can sweep more than half of the law and the power of the world. The gods on his body are arrogant, and the fighting power is earth-shattering, sweeping the enemy.

Now he is promoted to the legal phase, condenses the law of the heavens and the earth, thoroughly integrates the spirit of the spirit, and becomes a unitary force. The mana is transformed, and his combat power is even more arrogant.

Unless there is a hope of being able to survive from him, the rest of the people are basically dead.

"Since you dare to kill Master Li, you are looking for a dead end, the old man must kill you, peeling you and cramping! The magic road magical darkness and indulgence!"

At this moment, the great elders of this group of Promise Demon Palace disciples, the devil in the early days of the robbery, a red-haired old man, he angered the crown.

His eyes showed fierce coldness, and the horrible black magic of the whole body, almost thousands of kilometers into a dark star, reaching out to five fingers.

But these are not ordinary magic, but from the sinful magic of the dark dimension, which contains the atmosphere of indulgence, corrosion, sin, etc., which can make people fall into the nose and hell, and suffer from eternal life.

At the same time, these evil spirits can corrode and erode mana. Once they are invaded by these magical spirits, the whole body will be invaded by magical gas, and even the soul will sink into it, and finally become a killing demon without feelings.

With this magical martial art, this great elder from the Promise Magic Palace is invincible, calling it a generation of devils, and does not know how many creatures are killed.

Even once this magical power was exhibited, the souls of a planet were eroded, and in the end they became ignorant devils, killing each other and killing each other.

In an instant, these sinful demons are under the control of the great elder, as if they are life-like, condensed into a terrible knife, cutting the void.


A black knife slammed in front of the summer plane, the whole planet, the earth was shaking, it seems to contain the power of destroying the earth, even the space was torn, and there were bit by bit cracks.

Anything in front of this black knife will be cut into powder and will no longer exist.

Even this black knives contain sinful magic, can affect the soul, create hallucinations, let life fall into the endless abyss, have been indulged, and never turn over.

Under such a blow, it was almost a full blow of the power of the early days of the thunder, and such a murder was enough to tear a planet and completely collapse the original planet.

"Do not move, come!"

Xia Ping did not look at it. The thoughts moved. The Buddha behind the hands of the Buddha immediately started. The three golden arms were waving. It seemed to be printed and turned into a 卍 character, which contained the supreme Buddha.

This palm took the past, as if it was a piece of Everlasting, smashing the power of the great Buddha, such as suppression, immortality, eternity, supremeity, etc., to suppress all great existence.

Between the vagueness, this golden giant palm is deep inside, and it seems that there is an immortal to live in it.

This golden giant palm directly tore the dark sky, and the sinful sin of the sin encounters the supreme Buddha light, and is instantly destroyed, as if it was thoroughly purified.

The whole world was illuminated by the Buddha, and all the magical powers disappeared cleanly.

The Promise of the Promise of the Promise did not expect this scene to happen. The whole person was caught off guard and slammed and flew out. He shot the original planet directly, shot out of outer space and arrived at a nearby planet.


The whole man collapsed on the barren planet, and collapsed tens of thousands of kilometers. A huge golden enamel character appeared on the ground, and the surrounding soil showed the shape of golden glaze.

Then the elders of the Promise Palace continued to cough up blood, and the internal organs were beaten into a mass of bolognese. The horrible Buddha light invaded his lungs and disturbed the mana in the body.

"Impossible, what is going on in the end? My dark indulgence is the magic of the magic, and the sin of the darkness of the darkness. After nine years and ninety-nine years of tempering, it finally became a success."

When the magical power comes out, it can immediately break the Henggu and destroy the planet. It contains infinite changes. Even if it is the supreme instinct of the righteous character, it is impossible to resist the sinful magic of my body. It is the same source as the original magic. .

One of the ordinary characters in my mind will immediately erode the mana. In a moment, it will sink and fall into a magical thing that is irrational, and it will never be super-born.

But now I was actually sinful and demonized by my palm. What is your boy's head? Is it a Buddha in Buddhism that has a Buddha inheritance? ”

The elders of the Promise Palace screamed, very unwilling, as the elders of the Promise, the tens of thousands of years of the universe, killing countless, doing evil.

But still no one can clean up and go out of their way to do whatever they want.

But now I have encountered such a junior, actually I will be the virtue of this one, and I will be ruined on the spot. In the face of such an ending, I will ask him how to be willing.

"Great elder!"

Many elders of the Promise Palace are also sorrowful, even if they are separated by a planet, but the presence is basically the power of the law and the above, the gods are tyrannical, let alone the distance between a planet, even if it is separated by dozens of planets. They can hear each other's voice.

Hearing the grief and unwilling words of the elders, they are also dead and sorrowful, and they are angry.

"I understand your mood very well."

Xia Ping stood up and said: "But this does not blame you. You are a good master among the ordinary practitioners, but I am too strong. I am afraid of being strong enough. I just can’t control it. I took you off.

However, despite your reassurance, it will not happen next. I will do my best and send you back to the West without feeling the hardships of the world. This is also a kind of compassion. ”


Hearing this, the elders of the Promise Palace were eager to attack the heart, but they accidentally moved the huge Buddha power left by Xia Ping in his body, and could no longer suppress it at this moment.


This group of Buddhas exploded, and the gods and bodies of the Great Elders of the Promise Palace were smashed and blown into a mass of powder. Obviously, this time it was completely degraded.

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