God Level Demon

Chapter 1889: That scourge has appeared again

"What? That Wu invincible has appeared again. Now that the courage is fat to this extent, the disciples of the dark hall are all destroyed. Even the demon of the Lei Yao family is also killed by him?!"

Many people heard the news and immediately stunned.

Because they haven't heard the news of Wu invincible for a long time, thinking that this kid has offended so many forces, scared to hide, and dare not scream again.

Who can think of it, in the creation map of the heavens, this kid appeared again, and once he appeared, he made a big case that was earth-shattering, and destroyed the disciples of the dark temple and the demon lord.

"Paralyzed, this kid is so daring that it is not human, is it human? Even the disciples of the Dark Hall dare to kill. I don't know if this is one of the two holy places of the Terran. This is a horse cell."

Some people think that Wu is invincible.

"Just kidding, what the kid didn't dare to kill, he was so arrogant that he had no side, he had never seen anything he could not do, and what the dark hall was."

"Yeah, the so-called debts do not press, carefully count, the power of this kid offended is simply countless, people who can kill him, simply counted, now nothing more than a dark hall and the demon family. ”

"That's right, this guy can't find his own identity. It's crazy to commit crimes everywhere. It's just that no one can clean up."

"This time the kid is definitely dead, killing the disciples of the dark hall, what a big event, knowing how many masters of the dark hall, if this group of people move, hiding in the corner of the universe is useless."

"Blow, continue to blow, the universe is so big, the kid just hides somewhere, the people in the dark hall can't find it. Didn't the forces like the poisonous door, Xuantianmen, 钧天教 and so on before? Now even a family can't find a hair."

Everyone has a lot of arguments, because the deaths of the dark temple disciples and the demon lords and other people are too shocking. They all think that the invincibility of the martial arts is simply against the sky, even if it does not appear, it will make a big earth-shattering as soon as it appears. case.

"And there is still a problem. I am afraid that I have not found it. Every time there is an invincible weapon, it will be madly progressed once. It can only be used to deal with the truth. But now it can kill the law, and the speed of progress is so scary. Dead. If this time disappears, will it be able to kill the thunderbolt easily?

Someone thought of this serious problem.

Many people have been reminded that they are immediately stunned. They have been shocked by the invincible actions of the martial arts, but they have forgotten the horror talent of the other side and made rapid progress.

This rate of progress is not calculated in years, but in days.

If the other party continues to grow, I am afraid that no one can get him.

"What is the invincibility of Wu Wu, how do you all know him?"

Some people do not know Wu invincible, they are all from the Central Universe, this time in order to enter the heavens to create a map, they only came to the Central Universe.

But they are also unfamiliar with things in other cosmic regions.

For these people, except for the central universe, the rest are rural places, wild places, and do not know how to spend time to pay attention to and understand.

Just like Xiaping's previous earth, living in China, but where is the specific situation of small countries such as Tunisia, Namibia, Comoros, Niger, Kenya, Uganda, etc., no one knows what happened in these small countries every day.

"You don't know the brutality of the invincible, his fierce name has long been resounding in the universe!"

Someone heard these words and immediately explained the incompetent degree of murder. Although the famous time is not long, it is only in recent years, but every time there is a big case, it will offend countless forces.

Now the Xuantian Gate of the Northern Universe, Tianjianzong, Sui Tianjiao, and other holy sects, the venomous door of the Southern Universe, the Luohan of the Western Universe, the Angels and the Wolfs, and so on, as well as the major forces of the Eastern Universe. Wu invincible is listed as a wanted criminal, the whole universe is wanted, and the amount of reward has reached tens of billions of cosmic coins. It seems that there is still a growing trend.

"It turns out that Wu is invincible and so ferocious."

"It really is a wild land, and the poor people out of the country."

"Still be careful, that all-night murder is terrible, the disciples of the dark temple are killed, and our words will be killed."

"Oh, isn't that the humans in these cosmic regions are very weak? It's far worse than our central universe. Now there is such a terrible wanted criminal, and the wild land is too dangerous."

"One side of the water and soil to raise one person, the resources of the wild land here are scarce, everyone is fighting for it, it is normal to have a two monks, and everyone should not care."

"The very evil people in the dark temple are because of the great intentions, they have been torn by the invincible, the bones are all gone, the dead is called miserable, I can not describe it in words, now the darkness of the hall is crazy, vowed to take revenge ""

Many people from the Central Universe warned each other, be sure to be alert to strangers, and don't talk to strangers casually, lest they encounter the terrible all-nighter and invincible, thus dying.

If it was before, they still look down on people in these rural areas.

But everything needs to be contrasted. Now even the horrible human celestial arrogance of the Dark Hall has been killed by the wanted, and it is impossible to imagine that the invincible degree of murder is absolutely not what they can provoke.

For a time, the invincible fierce name of Wu was also circulated among the forces of many central universes, which was frightening.


At this moment, Xuantianmen, Qitianjiao, Guyuemen, Tianjianzong, Wandumen and other forces also received this news, and they all cheered up and became crowded.

"The invincible weapon appeared."

"I guess it is true. According to the character of the kid, the creations of the heavens are born. How could he not participate?"

"I didn't expect it to be ferocious to this extent. People in the dark hall dare to kill, is it too long?"

"When you die, he is not dead. It is so easy to die like this scourge. He is arrogant. He believes that the dark hall can not find his true identity and address, and he is naturally fearless."

"This time we must arrange the Tianluo network and completely destroy this kid. Otherwise, I will leave the heavens to make a map, and I don't know where to go."

"That's right, this invincible is like mud, slippery and keep hands, don't be amazed, this time we must be foolproof, can't destroy him, it can't be shot."


Everyone has a lot of arguments. They are resentful to the invincible. They have always seen this guy jumping around and getting into trouble. Not only is it okay, but it is getting more and more fierce and more and more invincible.

Where did they endure such a thing, all of them are planning to find an opportunity to completely destroy Wu invincible, and to eliminate the roots.

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