God Level Demon

Chapter 1909: auction

Mountain river pearl space.

Just as Xia Ping was practicing in retreat and consolidating the mid-phase of the law, those ancient species that were captured by Xia Ping, such as fat remains, blackbirds, amethysts, nine lions, empty butterflies, gold Ants, etc., are being publicly auctioned in space, and there are thirty-six heads of such ancient relics.

The host is a green cow.

The people who participated in the auction were the slave girls of the Rabbit Ear, Angel, Luohan, and Yiyi.

Because the mountain and river pearl space is too lacking, the area of ​​medicine fields that can be cultivated is increasing, and they are very lacking in manpower, so they need a lot of hard work.

Every girl who manages the drug field is very hard every day.

These ancient relics were caught by Xia Ping, and they became the best coolies at once, and they were favored by the girls.

At the same time, they can't afford any wind and waves, because they have just entered the mountain and river pearl space, and they have been sealed by the blue cows, and they have been unable to make damage in the mountains and rivers.

A group of Taikoo relics are extremely wrong, they are outside the fierce and sinister generations, the fierce name of the universe, now it has become a prisoner, public auction, that kind of grievance can not be said.

Especially the fat man and the blackbird and the two birds, the two of them are even more angry and difficult to fill, always want to escape, not willing to be a slave to others here.

"The auction is over."

Qingniu hosted the auction, and it pointed to three of them: "Fatty, Wuhuao, Amethyst, and the three of you, go honest, don't play tricks."

Hearing this, fat, blackbirds, and Amethysts went up and did not speak, because these days they had suffered enough, and disobedience was a violent blow.

However, the fat remains still very convinced, secretly knowing the voice: "Hey, if this dead old man is the instrumental spirit of this space magic, a little bit of skill, believe it or not, I will swallow him, such a small point, not enough I chew a few times.

I swear, no matter which guy I am sold to, I will make the pharmacy of the **** earth-shaking, a mess, and let the stupid slave owners pay a heavy price.

Actually let the fat go to be a coolie, manage the medicine field, make a joke, as a degenerate family, it will only destroy, such behavior is simply humiliating my fat. ”

"That is taken for granted. This stupid slave owner thought that he had decided to eat us. Let us obey the words. It was a foolish dream. Now I will pretend to be a clever one. I will catch the idiots by surprise."

The blackbird is also a smile, which is taken for granted.

At this time, Qingniu said: "Well, there are three auction items in front. You choose one for auction, and the one with the highest price."

"I want the Amethyst Tiger, a ton of crystal fragrant rice."

"I want to, two tons."

"Three tons!"

One girl sells the price and directly raises the price to three tons of crystal fragrant rice.

"Good, three tons for the first time, three tons for the second time, three tons for the third time, the deal, this Amethyst tiger is yours." Qingniu pointed to one of the winged girls.

Then the amethyst tiger was pulled down and was obtained by the winged girl.

Blackbirds: "..."

Fat: "..."

"In fact, this is not bad, at least we have not been sold." Silence for a while, the blackbirds opened the way.

The fat nodded nodded: "I am right, I feel the same, I don't want to be sold, because I don't want to be a slave to stupid human beings, and they are enslaved by them. This is a great insult, which is detrimental to the fat family. dignity."

"To tell the truth, no matter which **** bought me, it is best to kill me on the first day, otherwise I will let her site be overturned by me, and the mountains will fall, and suffer a complete loss. How much does it cost?"

The blackbirds show their fierce look and their faces are awkward.

"Well, the next auction item, the nine lions go up, the auction begins."

Qingniu waved and let the nine lions go to the exhibition stand.

"This is the nine-headed lion? It's a majestic and powerful weapon. I know it is a good laborer at first glance. I have five tons of crystal fragrant rice."

"Seven tons of crystal fragrant rice."

"eight tons."

"Nine tons!"

One girl immediately looked at the nine lions and said their prices.

"Well, nine tons of crystal fragrant rice, once, twice, three times, well, no one has a higher price, nine tons of crystal fragrant rice is sold, these nine lions belong to you."

Qingniu hammered the sound.

A cat-ear girl excitedly pulled the nine-headed lion back.

Blackbirds: "..."

Fat: "..."

"Well, the nine-headed lion is a no-brainer. The guy is too strong. The whole body is full of muscles. It has nine heads. I suspect that it has muscles in all nine heads. Everyone knows that it is a superior labor force. , power is infinite."

The blackbirds open the road.

"Yeah, that guy is muscle in addition to muscle, buy it one, it is equivalent to buy two, buy one get one free, not buy it is silly." Fei nodded.

Wuhuan Devils Road: "If it is me, I am afraid I have to buy it if I have a bankruptcy. This is no way."

"I have some doubts now, how does the human beings invincible catch it? If the guy wants to escape, even if several cosmic fortresses can't stop, the planet can easily pull."

Fei Yan said with emotion.

"Well, next, gold ants, the auction begins."

Qingniu continued.

Seeing that the golden ants had come up, the two eyes of the blackbird and the fat man showed a contempt, and they stood up straight, as if they all saw each other's meaning.

"Gold ants? I have two tons of crystal fragrant rice."

A rabbit ear girl opened her mouth.

"Two tons of crystal fragrant rice, there is no one to increase the price? Once, twice, three times, good, no one to increase the price, two tons of crystal fragrant rice deal, this gold ant is yours."

Qingniu announced the auction sale.

Blackbirds: "..."

Fat: "..."

"It seems that something is wrong."

The blackbird and the devil looked at the fat, and his face was a bit ugly.

"Yeah, it’s so weird, actually picking slaves like this... To tell the truth, do these guys really know what kind of slaves they want?" Fei said a little dissatisfied.

The blackbirds felt that they were a little angry. They said: "The choice of gold ants does not choose us. The criteria for judging are too weird. Do they know what gold ants can do? They are just ants, nothing can be done, It’s small, it’s only eaten all day, and buying them is a loss-making business. What do they think?”

"Women are like this, the hair is long and short, it is estimated that people look golden golden, look very beautiful, they want to catch back as a pet." Fat remains.

"Slaves are not ornamental items. What is necessary for beauty? What you need is big, powerful, hardworking, and a group of uninformed women."

The blackbird is called the martyrdom.

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