God Level Demon

Chapter 1957: Rapid advance

At the moment when the devil died, many abyss demons were completely scared.

"Impossible, the magic of the day is killed by this human?!"

"This human being is only in the middle of the legal phase. Why do you have such strength?"

"Damn, who is the monster? Actually, the two masters of the demon are killed by him, then which abyss is the opponent of this human being?!"

"Where is the Devil of Heaven, where is Heavenly Devil going?"

"Paralysis, I have already ran. That guy, you are not the first day to know, in danger, run faster than anyone else."

"The day of the dog's day demon, it is still the hegemonic demon, I did not expect this kind of goods, a little guts."

Many of the abyss and demon screams are green, and they are working hard here to resist this human attack. I didn’t expect that the demons had already run away.

But they are also helpless. To be honest, Tianxin Devil is the strongest in the demon. If Tianxin Devil wants to escape, no one can catch it.

Suddenly, because of the death of the abyss and demons of the two major hegemony levels, the sorcerer and the nine sorcerers completely defeated the confidence of the abyss and demon in the presence, and no longer the abyss demon dared to attack Xia Ping.

They are all in the same place, thinking about how to escape.

It is very difficult to make this group of abyss demons united. If there is no hegemon-level demon commander, they will not serve anyone, they are all scattered.


"The spear of the **** is too strong."

Xia Ping ignored the thoughts of those abyss demons. Since those demons did not start, he did not intend to take the initiative to kill. After all, he needed these cannon fodder to help him resist the robbery.

He is now immersed in the insights of the **** magical powers. Just now, he killed the Japanese demon in a single move. He is very grateful. He feels that this **** magical power that has just been born is the spear of the gods. The power is too strong and direct to the soul.

It can be said that once this trick is made and the enemy is hit, then the enemy will die, as the gods come and harvest the soul.

This is a natural nemesis for those powerful enemies.

After all, the physical strength has no effect on the spear of the gods. If the soul is not strong enough, only the life that is harvested is like the soul of the soul, asking for the soul.

A spear, the soul is broken!


Xia Ping shot again, grabbing the big hand, as if holding the yin and yang in the hands, the void was solidified, and the corpse of the next day, which was originally split in the air, quickly closed.

In the next second, the corpse of the sorcerer was immediately refining and refining in the solar furnace, removing impurities, leaving only the essence, probably finally turned into a watermelon-sized relic.

The relics of this day's magical body essence are too powerful, not only contains the majestic soul energy, but also contains the pure and ultimate flame energy.

In the depths of the relic, there seems to be a sacred demon living in it, interpreting the verses of various flame runes, as if the origin of all the flames in the abyss world can be realized.

After all, the sun is a powerful sun born from the abyss world. It is regarded as a substitute for the sun. It is born with a hint of flame in it.

It has an immortal breath in the depths of its blood. This is also the blood of the beast, which has an infinite effect on Xia Ping's condensed hell.


Thinking of this, Xia Ping said nothing about it, immediately running the solar furnace, quickly refining the relics that had become the enchantment of the sun, and swallowing the divine flame contained in it.

In an instant, this relic has been integrated into Xiaping's limbs, incorporating his mana, his exercises, and even the depths of the blood of Hell Jinwu.

Innumerable flame runes from the 曜日魔, all quickly passed through his body, and poured into the depths of Xia Ping's Dantian gas sea, quickly condensed into a flame seed.

Hey! ! !

Stimulated by the energy of the magic source of the next day, Xia Ping felt that the **** gold cells in his body were awakening.

Originally, the **** gold cells in his body have awakened 100 million. If you want to continue to wake up, the energy you need to consume is extremely large, and it is very difficult to wake up.

However, I got the original energy of the sorcerer's demon. After the divine flame, I immediately poured oil on the fire. It seems that I have eaten all the big tonics. The huge **** gold cells are waking up in madness.

10 million, 20 million, 50 million, 70 million, 100 million, 130 million...

In the end, he was madly awakened by 200 million **** gold cells, which means that he now has awakened enough 300 million **** gold cells.

"A strong blood force."

After Xia Ping felt that he had awakened 300 million **** gold cells, his strength was soaring and leaping forward, and he took a new step. He controlled the power of Hell Jinwu more perfect.

The eyes of Hell on his body, the eyes of Jinwu, the wings of Jinwu, the heart of Jinwu, the imprisoned gold claws, the spears of the gods, and so on have all been greatly improved, and their power is stronger than before.

Even the blood in the depths of the body has emerged with more unknown Hellu Golden Rune, which makes the blood appear dark gold, and seems to have produced a trace of immortality.

This is the initial character of mythological creatures.

In the distance, many abyss demons also noticed this situation, and each face was dignified.

They can feel that the human body seems to be turned into a huge melting pot, emitting infinite heat, as if it were a hot sun above the sky, and it will last forever.

Just a little closer, they seem to be burned by these heats, and countless abyss of magic are melting under this flame, like ice and snow.

"Damn, this human seems to be getting stronger, what's going on? Is there no limit to his strength? It's too exaggerated."

There are abyss and demons who are jealous. This human being is horrible enough. Now it has gone up one level, and its strength is unfathomable. This is to hide them from these abyss.

"This is not a human being, it is a monster. I have never seen such a horrible human being. The strength is constantly improving. There is no boundary at all." Many abyss demons were completely scared by Xia Ping, and fear was thoroughly planted deep inside. At the office.

Above the sky, countless red clouds seem to perceive that Xia Ping’s body is rising and angry, which is regarded as a provocation against the laws of the universe.

Rumble ~~

In the twinkling of an eye, countless bright red sages came down wildly, as if it were a thunder sea, flooding the area, it seems that this place should be flattened and completely annihilated.

Xia Ping was in the middle of the bright red mine, almost drowned by the thunder.

However, he is now happy and sad, because his strength is different from the past, awakening 300 million **** gold cells, he is much stronger than before.


He punched a void and produced a horrible flame. The thunder and the thunder were all blasted. The whole sky, the whole cloud, was pierced through a huge hole, like the sky was pierced by a big hole.

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