God Level Demon

Chapter 1990: World origin

"Well, I just woke up."

Xia Ping was still discussing the problem of cultivation with Qingniu. Suddenly, he perceived a familiar and powerful atmosphere from the Shanhezhu space, which almost filled the whole space.

And this breath is awesome.

When she was asleep before, she has been very quiet. Now she exudes this breath. It is obviously what happened, or finally refining the enormous soul energy and awakening from sleep.


Xia Ping's figure flashed and immediately entered the Shanhezhu space, and came to the place where he was asleep.


He had just arrived, only to see the awake little stay out of the eggshell, and his body was surrounded by a unique atmosphere, as if she was a world.

The surface of her body seems to have a lot of rules and lines, which is similar to the way he came to the central universe. The rules and patterns seen from the cracks in the space are unfathomable.

"Are you promoted to the Holy Land?"

Xia Ping’s surprise asked, if the small stay was really promoted to the holy place, then he had an extra-level helper, so the help was so big.

"not yet."

Upon hearing this, Xiaoju shook his head and said that he had not been promoted to the holy place, but he had reached the peak of the thunderstorm, and he could only break through to the holy world!

"Almost? What is the difference?"

Xia Ping curiously asked, if it can solve this problem, maybe a small stay can immediately be promoted to immortal level.

"I am not very clear, it is almost."

Said little and seriously.

Xia Ping is not surprised why he doesn't understand why he stays. After all, Xiaoya is just a Gaia who has just been born for a long time. It is not very clear about the many knowledge of cultivation.

In fact, the speed of cultivation is so fast, it is already above the many Gaia, and the average Gaia has to live for more than a billion years to reach such a realm.

After all, the general Gaia is too lazy to be forced to stay in the same place. It is purely instinctive in practice. Naturally, there is no such diligence, and there is also Xia Ping's assistance.

"I know what is going on."

At this time, the cat fairy appeared in front of the summer plane.

"Cat Fairy, how come you? Isn't it observing the degree of integration of the spacecraft?" Xia Ping asked.

The cat fairy puts his hand: "The situation has stabilized, and it is very smooth. It doesn't need to be observed all the time. The reason why I came here is that I feel that Gaia is awake.

To tell the truth, I have a little more understanding of her situation. The old master spent a lot of thoughts in order to train her into a holy Gaia. ”

"Oh?! Is it the energy of the soul?"

Xia Ping looked at the cat fairy.

"No, the energy of her soul is completely enough. The reason why Gaia has not yet been promoted to immortality is because she lacks some of the world's source of energy."

The cat fairy said: "If Gaia, who has lived for more than a billion years, because of her growing relationship, as long as her **** reaches a certain level, she can naturally be promoted, because after so long growth, she is inside. The world of the world is actually quite enough.

However, the growth rate of the small stay is too fast, and the time is very short. This also leads to the lack of the world in her body, so this also hinders her from being promoted to the holy Gaia, and she is never able to break through. ”

"How should this problem be solved?"

Xia Ping wants to know the solution.

"It's very simple, that is, to find a large number of world sources to let Gaia swallow, then this problem will naturally be solved."

Cat Fairy Humanity: "As for how to find the source of the world, the solution is to be in the central universe. In this universe, a new world is born, gestating, and dying.

If we can find those new small worlds, plunder the origin of these worlds, and let Gaia swallow, then Gaia will naturally break through the bottleneck and quickly advance.

In fact, the reason why I am so anxious to improve the ability of the stars to sail in the central universe is not without this consideration. ”

It shows a proud look, indicating that his wisdom beads are in the grip and strategizing.

Qingniu gritted his teeth and saw the cat look like a fist. It was like a punch and what was installed here.

"It turned out to be."

Xia Ping nodded. "But I have a very strange thing. The small stay is considered to be in the realm of thunder and robbery. Why did she not encounter a thunder when she broke through? Isn't she not going to robbery?"

He thinks this is very weird.

"Of course not, the Gaia people are creatures born in the natural environment, or they are the supreme existence of the law of the universe. They have long been recognized by the origin of the universe. Their breakthrough is a matter of course, like human beings. Growing up is the same, so it won't cause the back of the universe."

The cat fairy explained.

Xia Ping is speechless, and the gap between biology and biology is so great. They want to be saints, and they will experience three disasters and nine catastrophes.

But the Gaia family was born to be like this. When they were born, they were recognized by the origin of the universe, promoted to be saints, and even the thunder and robbery did not need to cross. It was too rogue.


At this time, Xia Ping’s communicator rang, and Wei Liangsheng hit it.

"Well brother, what's the matter?"

Xia Ping connected his own communicator and asked directly.

"Xia brother, I don't know if you are interested in picking up a task. The reward for the task is quite rich, it is a little dangerous." Wei Liangsheng said the purpose of this contact.

"Task? What mission?"

Xia Ping naturally knows that there are many tasks in the early holy places, such as cultivation tasks, protection tasks, killing tasks, collecting tasks, etc. Each task will receive a lot of points.

Every disciple in the beginning of the Holy Land will be crazy to pick up the task to get points, in order to get a lot of cultivation resources.

"The task of vying for the small world."

Wei Liangsheng immediately said: "There was a small world born recently. It is said that the world is a new life. It contains a lot of resources and was discovered by some of our human race masters.

But the masters of other races also discovered the world, and there was a fierce conflict and war between the two sides. So they asked for help from our early holy places, hoping to send some masters to help.

This mission reward is very rich, according to the size of the contribution to allocate points, even if only participation, there are 100 points, if the contribution is large, at least a thousand points to 10,000 points.

But the task is also very dangerous, because it is fighting with the power of other races, or for the control of the world. If you are not careful, it is not a strange thing to be killed. ”

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