God Level Demon

Chapter 2036: Qinghai World

One day later.

Xia Ping found the location of Liu Rulan through the wish compass, just where she was in the central universe, even near the place where he was closed.

Perhaps it is because of this that he is perceived by him.

"Interestingly, the world seems to have been deliberately concealed."

Xia Ping blinked his eyes. He drove the world in which the stars were close to the wish compass. Soon he discovered that the world was hidden in the depths of the void.

Surrounded by layers of banned arrays, it is scalp and numb, like a war fortress in the vicinity, if it is slightly close, it will be labeled as a horse.

Even the world is hidden in the void. If it is not the instruction of the compass, he will not find a unique world hidden in the nearby dimension.

There is no doubt that the world is not registered and deliberately concealed by a saint.

That is to say, the world seems to be worthy of the great effort of this saint to do such a thing, but Liu Rulan is in this world. What is it for? Is it the nest of the soul of the soul?

Xia Ping suddenly remembered his last experience in the Blood Soul continent. The reason why Liu Rulan left was because he was sent away by a ban on the blood soul continent. This is the back of the blood soul saint.

Now it seems that Liu Rulan was sent to this place, but it is clear that the back of the blood soul saint has also had some trouble, so Liu Rulan was caught in such a crisis.

"Cat Fairy, you know how we got into the world, aren't they discovered by others?"

Xia Ping asked the cat fairy.

He feels that if he forcibly breaks in, he will surely be discovered by the saints who guard the world. He has not found Liu Rulan, and he is not suitable for conflict with the saints of this world.

The most important thing is that knowing oneself and knowing each other can win every battle. You must figure out the cards in this place, and you will have a certain degree of odds, otherwise you will not know how to die.

"Of course, no problem, you are too small to look at the current stars."

The cat fairy proudly said: "Don't look at the world is full of banned arrays, but the stars of the Chinese-class holy classship can completely disguise their appearance and breath, turning into a meteorite falling into the world. This guarantees that it will not be discovered by the saints of this world."

Xia Ping nodded. He also saw that the world is hidden in the depths of the void, but from time to time there will be a large number of meteorites that are attracted to the past and fall into this world.

This is a very normal astronomical phenomenon.

If the stars masquerade as meteorites into the world, I believe that the saints who control the world will not find anything stupid. After all, the saints cannot monitor the world all the time, and his energy is not so great.


Thinking of this, under the control of the cat fairy, the stars immediately deformed and disguised, changed into a gray meteorite, and slowly flew toward this mysterious and special world.


In the next second, the stars were easily immersed in the world, and there were bursts of shackles around the void. There was no reaction in the ban, and it seemed that ordinary meteorites fell into it.

Xia Ping entered the world like this.


Qinghai World.

This is a world where 80% of the oceans are composed of oceans. The sea is blue and extremely beautiful. There is only one piece of land in the center of the world, and the rest are all islands, like stars in the world.

This land is also known as the Qinghai continent, and countless creatures live in this land.

At the moment, the northeast corner of the Qinghai mainland, an endless virgin forest, surrounded by large trees, shaded trees, exudes a wild atmosphere, very primitive and ancient.

A group of people are flying in the air, their clothes are broken, their expressions are gray and gray, and they are obviously fleeing.

This group of people is headed by a man and a woman, and the rest seem to be their men and servants.

"Bastard, our souls have been destroyed by the big demon, why are they still not letting us?"

One of the women in red gnawed their teeth: "Even if we hide in the wild forests, even if we hide in the depths of the ocean, even if we hide in the countryside, they will still be found and killed.

Today, today, we are just weak races. Even if we are ethnic, we only have three or two kittens left. There is no threat at all. Why are we still chasing us? ”

She was very unwilling to escape for many days, leaving her feelings exhausted and she could not support it.

"no way."

Next to a purple man shook his head: "The curse kills the demon saint to personally order to remove the soul of our souls. It will let us go to those big demons. It is natural to fight for the old man to kill, complete the task, and get credit. ”

"Damn, blame the outsider Liu Rulan!"

The woman in red gritted her teeth and looked angry: "If it wasn't for this guy who suddenly came to our Qinghai world, we would still live in peace with this group of monsters and get along safely.

However, when she came, she opened the inheritance of the soul temple, and the result was the attention of the curse of the demon. Our souls were unlucky, and the whole race was taken up and down, and died because of her. ”

She hated Liu Rulan very much, and there was hatred in the depths of her nephew. If it wasn't for the appearance of the foreigner Liu Rulan, they would not live this life of escape, and it would be better to die.

"Miss, in fact, we can't blame Miss Liu."

At this time, a blue-dressed maid said: "Before Miss Liu did not come, our souls were in the control of this group of monsters, lived like a domestic animal, were raised, and every day there are people who are being Eat it.

If it weren't for the bad guys who wanted to find out the secrets of this Qinghai world, they would have been ruined for a long time. Now it is just to advance this matter. ”

She felt that she should not blame this on others. The enemy is the group of monsters, not to resent the monsters who killed the people, but all the resentment is concentrated on their own people, she can not understand.

"Shut up, you are so awkward!"

Awkwardly, the woman in red took a picture and took the blue maid to fly. There was a five-finger red mark on her face, and her eyes showed a violent look: "It’s still talking for the monk, if not She, how can our soul family fall to this point. Without her, Fang Xin is still the princess of the Soul tribe, living a life of Jinyi jade food, where, like now, it is simply a dog of funeral, not as good as a pig or a dog.

I know that the monsters have been chasing them, just to catch you and find the whereabouts of Liu Rulan. At the beginning you were the maids around the monks, and the sisters, do you think I don't know about this? ”

"In this case, why doesn't the lady hand me over, so can I stop killing you?"

The blue maid covered her red face and her face was calm.

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