God Level Demon

Chapter 2062: cage

Somewhere in the valley.

The fat man and the blackbirds are trying to do the shovel and shovel, and diligently clean around the valley. They perceive this immortal breath and suddenly change their face.

"Well, that Gaia seems to be becoming more powerful, and all are promoted to immortality. This is still worth it. In this life we ​​can't escape the evil palm of the evil man." The fat face is green, and this smell is coming out. Suddenly shivering, this is a powerful force that it can't resist at all.

It also thought of this Gaia, but the **** human dog's leg, even the doglegs are so horrible, then how can it escape the human palm, can this life only be a shovel?

"To shut up."

The blackbirds despise the fascination: "The more powerful the Gaia is, the better. If you think about it, if you are strong, can you not be jealous of being a master? It is not a good thing.

If Nagaya wants to be anti-customer and wants to be the boss himself, then the human beings may be unlucky, and maybe they will be killed by the immortal Gaia, and the **** will not be left. ”

When I heard this, the fate was overjoyed: "The blackbird is really smart. This is what you want. It seems that we don't need us to shoot. The abominable human beings will be betrayed by their own people and killed on the spot. At that time, we might be able to run around and escape from birth."

It was very exciting and seemed to think of the day when he was free and escaped the evil man's clutch.

"Ha ha."

The blackbirds despise the IQ of the fat man, and the heart is sneer. You guys think this IQ is also coming. Isn’t this a joke? Don't look at who I am.

But to be honest, it is also looking forward to this kind of thing happening, I hope that the abominable human beings can rebel, because every day in the valley cleaning, shoveling everywhere, this day it is enough.

If you can't find a way to run from this place, and you are afraid of such a savage savage, killing it does not want to do such awkward things.


Many ancient archaic species, such as Amethyst Tiger, Nine-headed Lion, Nether Butterfly, and Golden Ant, which are working hard in places like medicine fields, have also perceived this breath, and their faces have changed dramatically.

"My God, this is an immortal breath, and that Gaia was promoted to the Holy Land!"

"Well, there is immortal Gaia guarding in this place, we can't run away in this life."

"I immediately shut up, but I still dare to speak out loud. If we are heard by the abominable human beings, we will be finished. Maybe we will step on the footsteps of the fate and the blackbirds."

"Indeed, you can't talk loudly, poor fat and blackbirds. They are also ancient relics. I didn't expect to be caught in the past as a shovel, but also dedicated to the savage of the ancients."

"Thinking about it, it’s awkward, but there’s nothing to eat. If you don’t care, you’ll be eaten, and the bones won’t be left.”

"I am afraid that the fat man and the blackbirds will work in that place. Every day, they are afraid and they can't sleep at night."

"Fortunately, we are not so unlucky for both of them. Although they are working hard, they can eat and drink every day. There are two days off every week. The treatment is not good."

"Ten thousand can't end up like a fat man and a blackbird, otherwise it will be finished in this life."

Many ancient relics are nodding and deep in thought.

Although everyone is a slave, slaves are also different from the three, six, and so on. It is obvious that the fat and the blackbird are the most inferior slaves.



At this time, Xia Ping's figure flashed and came to Gaia's little stay.


Xiaodu looked at Xia Ping and yawned, and actually squatted on the bed and slumbered.

"Sleep again."

Xia Ping smashed his eyes. He found that Xiao Da had just woken up, but he only took a nap and didn't wake up. He was still in a deep sleep.

However, he also found that the momentum of the little stay is very different from the previous one. She has completely gathered all the momentum and seems to be able to master all the powers perfectly.

And her strength is increasing every moment, although she is sleeping on the surface, but in fact she is also practicing.

According to the introduction of the cat fairy, after the promotion to the immortal, Gaia will have a period of rapid advancement, and will surpass most of the saints at an extremely fast speed.

This is also the place that is envied by countless saints.


Xia Ping's thoughts immediately entered the Gaia space. He found himself in a small universe, surrounded by thousands of planets and hundreds of huge land.

The previous Gaia land, the Yunxiao continent and so on are just one of the land.

In the depths of the space, there is a sun burning in the heat, emitting infinite heat all the time, shining on every planet in this space, on every land.

The world's origin!

Xia Ping suddenly knew that the small body condensed the existence of the world's origin, and it was almost exactly the same as the world he had encountered before, but it was more reinforced and full of vitality.

Every sunshine contains infinite vitality.


Xia Ping blinked his eyes. He also felt that the law of the universe of Gaia space seemed to be getting more and more perfect, and the space was very firm and rock-solid.

And this space seems to be turned into a huge space cage. It is estimated that even if the immortal saint enters this place, he will not be able to leave from this place as long as he is unwilling to stay.

"Interesting, if you catch some immortal saints, can you hold the other person in Gaia space?"

Xia Ping touched his chin and thought about the feasibility of this matter.

Of course, this space is not only extremely strong and so simple, but the entire space is also filled with the energy of the rich universe. The strength of the heavens and the earth is more than ten thousand times. The practice in this space is almost twice the result with half the effort.

Many Yanhuangxing humans, Yaozu, and Haizu practiced in the Yunxiao area. They also found that their cultivation speed was faster than before, and the breakthrough was simpler.

Obviously, when they were promoted to immortality, they also gained great benefits and got the washing of the universe.


Xia Ping closed his eyes and connected with Gaia's mind. His **** was also integrated into this space. At this moment, he was able to observe the operation of this small universe from the perspective of a third party.

It seems that many of the laws of the universe are presented to them.

Although he still can't understand anything, he instinctively feels that this has great benefits for his future. Seeing these rules appear, it seems to have a deeper understanding of all kinds of martial arts.

After all, martial arts magic is essentially a manifestation of the power of law.

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