God Level Demon

Chapter 2072: Into the world of hell

Xia Ping continued to ask, and also got a lot of useful news from this demon mouth.

For example, if you want to go from Flame Hell to other Hell planes, there are only two ways. The first one is to use the space channel. It is said to be left over from the ancient times. The only space channel connecting the outside world can reach other **** planes.

However, this passage was jointly held by the nine lords, and no one could easily use it.

The second method is to go directly from the flame hell, enter the void, and arrive at another **** plane.

The problem is deep in the void, blowing the **** monsoon everywhere. This is one of the most terrifying natural disasters in hell. Even if the sage-level demon is blown by the **** monsoon, it will be destroyed.

Not to mention the ordinary demons and ghosts, dare to enter the void, that is, must die.

For example, although this flame **** has nine lords, but the relationship between them is not good, often in order to compete for the site, resources, and thus war.

The demon forces underneath them also often have a big fight, fighting in desperation.

Because the demon struggle is the nature, and they can swallow each other and become stronger, this is even more of a reason for fighting.

If you can defeat another lord, I am afraid that this lord can now advance rapidly and become the real hegemon of the flame hell.

It is a pity that the nine lords are restrained by each other, and no one can help. After all, after reaching the immortal level, even if the fighting power differs from each other, it is difficult to kill each other.

Unless the strength is large enough, it can be done.

“Interesting, is there a war often?”

Upon hearing these words, Xia Ping touched his chin. He entered the world of hell, in order to kill a lot of demons and ghosts, devour the soul energy of them, and unblock the pen.

If the world of **** is calm and calm, it will not be easy to do it, but if there are frequent wars, no one will know how many demons and ghosts will die.

Of course, if you die too much, it will also attract the attention of the lords.

"Right, you have to find a way, God does not know **** a lot of demons, but it will not cause the lords to pay attention." Xia Ping blinked, he looked at the surrounding demons, immediately thought of One way.

It is impracticable to walk in the world of **** according to his human body. It must be transformed into a demon and integrated into the world so that it will not be discovered by other devils.

And if he is a demon, he can join one of the lords' camps at will, join the army, become a soldier, and fight legally with other demons.

In the war, he can also devour the soul energy to the fullest, and will not be suspected by other demons. This is simply a fair act.

He is not worried that he cannot join the army of one of the lords.

Because in the world of hell, discipline is very loose, there is no such thing as household registration, and no one will trace what your origins are.

At the same time, the world of **** often has wars, and there are countless deaths and injuries. Therefore, they are also extremely eager for excellent soldiers. Simply speaking, they are eager for a large amount of cannon fodder and will not refuse to join any demons and ghosts.


Thinking of this, Xia Ping immediately runs a mask without a face, and immediately changes into a demon look. He suddenly becomes a burning demon, five meters tall and carrying two wings.

The muscles of his whole body are composed of black rocks. Each muscle rock burns with flames. It seems that dark gold melt is flowing, emitting terrible heat.

Anyone can see that this burning demon is not simple, and the body contains terrible power.

In the world of hell, low-key is not a virtue, but a flaw. Once it is weak, it will be eaten by other demons. You can expose your own fangs and threaten other demons at any time and place.

"Not bad."

Xia Ping is very satisfied. He changes into a burning demon. It is estimated that no demon can see his identity. He can walk freely in the world of hell, and he will not worry about being debunked by other demons.

"Right, go to Rock City and join the army of rock collars."

He decided to join the rock collar, anyway, this place is closest to himself, and it is the same to join any lord.

The Rock City is a super city pool where the rock lords are located. This city is home to countless devils, and a large number of demons who are eager to make meritorious deeds will travel to Rock City.

Oh la la!

However, before leaving, Xia Ping also searched the treasures of these demons on the scene, took all the space rings on them and took away all the wealth from them.

In this **** world, the only hard currency, or currency, is the stone, all the ghosts and demons are used.

Searched the space ring of thousands of demons on the field, he also got a full 100,000 pieces of stone, and many other ore materials that can be found in hell.

"Okay, let's go."

After Xia Ping scraped the group of demons, he clap his hands and waited to leave.

He did not intend to kill this group of demons. After all, it is better not to have any abnormalities near this passage, otherwise it will be noticed by the rock lord.

There is no need to scream at the snake now.


Just ten minutes after Xia Ping left, these demon soldiers finally woke up one by one.

"Strange, humans, where was the human being?"

Some demons feel that they are a bit embarrassed. It was only recently that a human being appeared in this world, but disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"The hallucination, it must have been an illusion just now. Here is the flame hell. How can a small human being come in here?" The demon soldier thought that it was an illusion.

Other demon soldiers are also nodded with recognition. If humans are really present, they can't be found, and now it is impossible to disappear for no reason.

And the world of **** is not a place where humans can come in. Once you enter, it will take a long time for the body to be eroded by the power of **** and weaken its vitality.

"Wait, my space ring, my bluestone, which dog day actually stole my stone, rolled out, and immediately rolled out me!" At this time, the demon soldier made a screaming scream It is simply a heartbreaking lung.

"My God, my sacred stone is gone, which slay is so wicked, but this I have worked hard to accumulate money for several years, the purpose is to go back to the Rock City, happy, no, now a dime Gone."

"Catch it out, grab the thief immediately, grab it, and unload it."

"The paralysis, all dare to steal the army, the thief is simply daring, I can't spare it."

"You must find the thief who digs three feet, and you must not let him run."

Many demon soldiers shouted out of heartbreaking grief, and they had worked hard to accumulate wealth for several years. Now they are gone, they are simply unacceptable.

Each one is violently thundering, mourning, vowed to find out the odious thief, corpse corpse.

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