God Level Demon

Chapter 2081: Burning Legion

"Since you just attacked me, it should be my turn now."

Xia Ping calmly looked at the six demons.

Escape, run away!

In the twinkling of an eye, the six demon's hairs are erected, and the sixth sense of death spreads throughout the body, as if their souls are being stared by the gods, and the soul is about to fall into the river.


Apart from anything else, they were scared to escape from all directions.


But Xia Ping just looked at them and uttered two words.


A flame emerged from him immediately. It seemed to communicate with countless fires and burned in all directions, forming a boundless scourge.

Hey! ! !

The six demons, including the snow tiger demon on the ground and the red demon, the flames in their bodies are instantly ignited, from the inside out, from the soul to the body, burning completely.


The demons suddenly made a scream of screams, tried to counterattack, and pulled Xia Ping to bury them together, but before they started, the fire burned them clean.

Oh la la la

When the wind blows, these demons become ashes and disappear into this space.

"This this!"

Many of the assault battalion demon soldiers saw this scene, they were all sweaty, could not help but swallow a slobber, looked at the new battalion commandant with horror.

They are one of the eight thorns of the assault battalion, and they almost commanded all the men in the entire assault battalion.

The former battalion commander was in conflict with the red snake demons and was killed in the dark.

However, this new battalion commander has just taken office, and he has completely eliminated the eight thorns, and the brutality is a mess.

"Sorry, I just tried a little bit harder. I just burned them. You shouldn’t have any opinions. Any opinions can be raised. I am very democratic and I want to speak freely."

Xia Ping touched his head and said with a look of regret.

"No, no, we don't have any opinions. The few **** are the following crimes. They try to assassinate the battalion commander. The result is destroyed. It is their fault."

Many demons were scared and shook their heads.

Still democratic, democratic fart!

Just the red snake and other demons were disobedient, and they spoke a few words. The result was burned alive, and there were no bones. Where did they dare to give their opinions, was they afraid that they would not die fast enough? !

Anyway, the red snake demon they have already died, the dead can not speak, there will be no objection, what dirty water is poured on them.

"I don't like the name of the assault camp. In the future, this unit will be called the Burning Legion."

Xia Ping dropped this sentence and then entered the camp.

"Yes, battalion commander, no, head."

Many demons are bowed to the first place. Since the burning demon has become the boss of the assault battalion, then everything is listening to him. It is just a change of name. This is nothing.


The news of killing the eight demon thorns quickly spread throughout the army camp and was known by countless demons, especially the eight commanders of other rock cities.

At the moment, they also gathered to discuss this matter.

"Interestingly, what exactly is this burning demon? When it comes to the battalion commander, they will kill them. The strength is not simple." A black-haired demon led the way.

It is a long time to know the red snake demon karaoke, naturally knowing the strength of the other side is not the same, especially the murder mystery of thousands of snakes.

Even if it is based on its strength, it is also taboo, not dare to treat it, or it will die.

But when the burning demon came to the assault camp, it actually destroyed the Kaige, and there were a group of friends and friends around it. This was really shocking it, and I didn't think of it.

"Not a slain, but a river."

Another long-armed demon leader blinked his eyes: "It is said that when it appeared in the Rock City, it once clashed with the black lion Mobd, and also beat Bud badly, and half of the body was almost bombarded."

It tells some information that it has received.

"What? Even Nabat is not the opponent of this burning devil? Is it so embarrassing?"

Some demon leaders are shocked by the side, if you defeat the triumphant songs, after all, even if the triumphant Kay is strong, there is a certain degree of gap with them.

But Bud is different. The other side is indeed one of the nine major leaders of Rock City, and its strength is no less than them.

"Hey, can you say that we will have the tenth command in Rock City?"

A three-eyed demon leader laughed and laughed.

"Hey, it may not be the top ten commanders, it may still be the nine commanders, but one of them may be smashed down." The black-haired demon sneered and looked at other demons.

Other demons are heart-wrenching, and everyone is in danger. This is not impossible.

After all, the command of the Rock City is enough, and in the world of the demon, the power is better, and if the strength is not as good as people, I am afraid that it will be ousted and let others go.

To be honest, each of them may be replaced.

"If that's the case, then you can't tolerate it. If you want to replace our position, it's still far behind."

The long-armed demon sneer, if the burning power is weak, but it is strong, it is likely to threaten their status and let them fall into the altar.

They have already enjoyed the taste of power, and if they are lost, it is harder than death.

"We recently discovered a stony vein in the Loess Mountain Range. There are at least hundreds of millions of stones in it. This is a fortune." The three-eyed demon led the way. "It’s a pity that this news leaked out and let the swamp lord The demon of the side found that in order to compete for this karst vein, I am afraid there will be war."

It blinked and revealed a hint of coldness.

"It turns out that it was sent to the burning of the demon as a cannon fodder? If it died in the war, was besieged by the swamp lords to death, then I am afraid that it will be a hundred, a good way to kill the magic."

Some demon leaders immediately understood the meaning of the three-eyed demon.

"Hey, I can't say anything, but isn't the assault battalion not a cannon fodder? There is nothing wrong with this."

The three-eyed demon is leading a smile.

"That's right, it's not a knife to kill the magic, just an ordinary military transfer."

"But this time, I can look at the burning magic, how long it can support the marshes of the swamp lords."

"Hey, how long can it last? I am afraid it will become the next death battalion battalion commander."

"It is said that it will change the name of the assault battalion, called the Burning Legion."

"It’s ridiculous, actually renamed the Burning Legion? It’s an ambitious guy, it seems to have to kill it.”

Many demon leaders led the sneer, and they all set a poison.

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