God Level Demon

Chapter 2085: Hell's magic weapon is crying

"My God, the head of the group is too strong, even if it is the Nine Commanders of the Rock City, it is just like this. Actually, he alone broke through the cellar swamp."

Some of the demons of the Burning Legion were completely convinced and worshipped.

Originally they thought they were dead and would be buried in this big array.

But where did you want to get it, the head of this group burned the horror to this point, and actually single-handedly broke through the whole big array, killing this group of swamp demon pieces without leaving, holding the head groin.

"Not only is the strength of the commander not so terrible for adults, it is estimated that even the rock lords are just like this."

There is a demon opening.

"Impossible, this is a bit too exaggerated. The rock lord is an immortal monster. Even if the head of the group is strong, it is impossible to compare with the rock lord."

Many demons shook their heads. They felt that Xia Ping’s strength was still far away from the immortal demons. After all, it was an immortal demon, standing in the horror of countless **** demons, where it is so simple.

"But no matter what, the greatness of the head of the group is evident."

"That's right, what are you waiting for here, follow the head of the team and kill the swamp monsters."

"Yes, beat the dog, and destroy all the swamp monsters."

Many of the Burning Legion demons are excited. They are smashing in the past, killing all the swamps and escaping swamp monsters.


Hey! ! !

Xia Ping alone killed the past, condensed the melting pot of hell, the fire of **** burned, and all the swamp demons that were close to each other were burned to death, refined and refined into a soul crystal.

The more he feels the killing, the Hell Furnace seems to be more powerful, as if to absorb the flesh and blood energy and soul energy of these demons, and enhance the origin of the Hell Furnace.

Vaguely, after these swamp demons have died, it seems that a little spirit in the body will be integrated into the melting pot of hell, and the power of the Hell Furnace will continue to grow even more terrifying.

In fact, this is the horror of the Hell's Golden Blood and the Hell's Furnace. It has a very high growth.

It can kill and kill countless demons, draw the blood of the demons, and the power of the soul, so that this **** furnace becomes more powerful and powerful.

If you grow to the extreme and gather the power of countless **** demons, you can refine everything, and the gods can easily refine.

At the same time, the **** golden cells in his body are also awakened by the individual. He can feel the power of his body a little bit powerful. It seems to be drawing on the power of these demons and strengthening his body.

"Damn burning magic."

"Block it, stop this burning demon immediately, and don't let it get close to the mountains."

"Damn, go to hell, burn the devil, here is not where you can come."

"Picture, and with it, blew your body."

Seeing that Xia Ping was killed, the head of the swamp demon seems to be crazy. In order to prevent Xia Ping from advancing, they are not afraid of death, and some even blew themselves up, causing terrible impact and trying to die with Xia Ping.

“Is the Stone Mine vein here?”

Xia Ping ignored the shrimps and crabs around him. Anyway, these demons are close to themselves, and they will soon be burned to death by the hell. It will be turned into ashes in an instant.

If the demon blew himself up, the impact force would be less than three meters, and it would be swallowed up by the North Guardian.

It is useless to let these swamp demons obstruct, and they cannot stop his footsteps.

His main purpose now is to enter the deepest part of the Loess Mountain Range, to rob a large number of bluestones, and to further evolve the blood of the **** in his body, there is no need to continue to involve these small characters.

And he is also very curious now, these swamp demons seem to be worried about being close to the depths of the mountains, all trying to block their own steps.

Even so far, he did not see how many high-level generals of the Marsh Legion appeared, as if they were not at the forefront, but stayed at the deepest part of the mountain.

"Interesting, is this group of swamp demons doing something that is not going to happen?! Found it, the stone veins are in front."

Soon, Xia Ping perceives a deep scent of dark stones in the depths of the mountains. It is extremely pure **** energy. It seems that breathing a little bit can make the body full of energy.

He said nothing, his body flashed and slammed, and the flame on his body immediately dissolved a burst of defense against the big array, piercing a mountain wall and directly entering the deepest part of the mountain.


After entering the mountain range, I saw the scene in front of me. Xia Ping’s pupils contracted. He suddenly saw a huge open space in front of him, surrounded by dense bluestones.

But these bluestones are not the most important, but there is a huge mysterious altar in the middle of this open space.

As for the middle of the altar, there seems to be a tyrannical magic weapon.

It was a stick, white, white and flawless, without any impurities, as if it were made of bones, but did not know what bones, there is a trace of indestructible taste.

The depth of the inside of this stick seems to contain a wonderful power of hell. From time to time, a piece of hellic verses emerges, and between the vagueness, the surrounding voids make a ghostly cry.

Hell's magic weapon is crying!

Under the heart of Fu Ling, Xia Ping suddenly woke up. He realized that the instinct of the depths of the sea poured out a piece of information. This is the **** of the Hell's Spear, and it is also one of the weapons of the Hell Jail!

A stick, the ghosts are shocked!

At this moment, this crying sorrow is being sealed by the ban on the altar, completely imprisoned, and no one can easily approach it. It seems to prevent this magic weapon from being born.

The other demons of the Marsh Legion, including the head of the Green Frog, also appeared in this place, they are urgently cracking the altar of the altar, trying to take out the magic weapon.

"It turned out to be."

Xia Ping suddenly realized that it is no wonder that the appearance of these demon generals was not seen in front of the formation. It was originally gathered in this place to collectively crack the prohibition of this altar.

Estimated to be compared with this hell's famous magic weapon, these bluestones are nothing.

As long as this magic weapon is robbed, I am afraid that the power of the swamp lord will skyrocket and leaps and bounds, even if it is the strongest lord of the flame hell, it is not impossible.

"Damn, how can there be a burning magic coming in this place, not to say that now is the key moment to crack the ban on this, do not allow any demons to come in?"

The head of the green frog magic screamed, very dissatisfied.

"Head, this is the head of the Burning Legion of the Rock Lord. The **** killed our brothers and came in." The demon soldier shouted, "Please ask the head to avenge us."

It is in tears.

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