God Level Demon

Chapter 2102: Unblock

"The sea shark lord, where did the other immortal lords go, the **** burning demon, what did you do with your hands and feet?" The rock lord, who was wrapped up like a scorpion, also found this scene.

It was completely forced, and I didn’t know what happened just now. I just thought that for a moment, the sea shark lord and other demons immediately disappeared from the world, and it seems to have been erased from this world.

This strange thing happened, it scared it, and did not understand what happened.

"Then you don't need to be in charge."

Xia Ping spears toward the head of the rock lord.

"No, stop, you **** burning magic, immediately give me a hand... I have treasures in the castle, and there is no treasure to spare me, these treasures can be given to you, all for you."

The rock lord screamed in horror, trying to surrender all his treasures in exchange for his own life.


In the next second, its voice came to an abrupt end, because its rocky head was immediately penetrated by the spear of hell, and the power of horrible **** broke out in the depths of its soul, instantly blasting its souls apart.

Rock lord, die!


When the rock lord died, the reincarnation trembled, and it madly swallowed the majestic soul energy obtained from the rock lord, completely based on his own.

These souls are energized into a gray mist that quickly floods into the depths of the reincarnation pen and quickly fills the entire space.


After Xia Ping’s knowledge penetrated into the reincarnation pen and got the souls of three immortal demons, the inner space of the reincarnation pen was almost filled with the soul energy, and it was turned into the sea.

Hey! ! !

The soul of the sea constantly patted the first heavy seal, bombarded the first bronze door, creaking, every impact, bursting out of earth-shattering sound.

I don't know how long it took. After such a fierce beat, the bronze door finally showed traces, creaking, and cracks like spider webs emerged.

Even the chains that sealed the bronze gates were severely bombarded at the moment and broke down.


At the end of the day, the bronze gate could no longer withstand it, collapsed, and the chain was completely broken. An unfathomable force emerged from the inside of the bronze door.


Xia Ping’s eyes showed a glimmer of light. He immediately knew that the reincarnation had lifted the first heavy seal, and the esoteric energy poured out from the depths of the reincarnation pen and was poured into the depths of his mind.

At this moment, the spirituality of his soul and the reincarnation are intertwined, seemingly blending with each other, and countless **** runes emerge to form an essay.

He also knows the ability of the reincarnation to get the first heavy seal - the soul!

And this ability is no longer temporary, but permanent.

On the top of the pen tip of the reincarnation, there is a black cold mang, and it is invincible. It seems that every black hair is a peerless blade, enough to tear the void.


Xia Ping held the reincarnation pen and made a light stroke toward the void. Immediately, a huge hollow crack that tens of kilometers across the front appeared, piercing the space barrier of the world. The so-called space barrier was so fragile in front of the reincarnation pen. Like tofu, it is simply a blow.

"too strong."

Xia Ping was very excited. After unwrapping the first heavy seal, the reincarnation was not only a kind of ability, but it was simply an all-round improvement and turned into a peerless killer.

From the point of attack power alone, it is ten times more powerful than before the seal was unlocked. The destructive power is even more stunned. It is simply shocking.

He paid so much, killing three immortal demons, and releasing the seal of the reincarnation is still worthwhile.

"Well, the thunder has ended?!"

At this time, Xia Ping looked up and saw that the robbery cloud above the sky had gradually collapsed, and the nine glory of the thunder that fell down also disappeared.

He blinked his eyes and didn't know when the thunder was over. It was too much water.

If the thunderstorm is self-aware, knowing Xia Ping’s thoughts will definitely be irritating, and who knows that there are such terrible monsters in the world.

Normally, the horrible thunder of the Nine Nether Thunder, even if it is an immortal monster, it will take off the three layers of skin. If it is hit, it will be better than death. Other demons will not even say it, the kind that will die. .

But this **** is good, it is completely dominated by the flame, and it has a natural resistance to the flame. Any force of the flame comes to this kid, and it has no use.

All nine Nether's fire thunders landed on Xia Ping, and they were swallowed by him quickly, turning into huge energy, and letting the **** gold cells in his body wake up wildly.

Therefore, the robbery cloud is very reluctant to dissipate. After all, it also knows that Xia Ping can't be defeated, and bombarded the 108-plus thunder, which also consumed all the power of catastrophe.

In a short time, it is impossible to condense more.

"Well, it seems that the **** gold cells in the body have awakened a lot."

After the thunderstorm ended, Xia Ping picked up his eyebrows.

He was surprised to find that the **** gold cells in his body awakened 500 million, and now he has awakened 1.5 billion **** gold cells.

In the depths of his body, 1.5 billion particles are breathing, tremors, and whales eat and eat, causing visions of heaven and earth.

An unprecedented tyrannical force emerged from Xia Ping's body, as if the power of 1.5 billion small hells Jinwu was surging, screaming, soaring, and absorbing the heavens and the earth.

It seems that as long as he breathes, he can create a storm that attends the entire planet.

With one look, you can create thousands of volcanoes and turn a small world into an endless sea of ​​fire.

Every move can break the void, shake the universe, and shake the eight.

Rumble ~~

This tyrannical momentum spread from Xia Ping's body, centered on his body, like a tide, followed by waves, sweeping in all directions.

The tens of billions of kilometers are shrouded in such momentum, and the rumbling sounds, every inch of land, every mountain, and even every inch of space is shaking.

Ground tremors were shocked by numerous cracks, and some of the mountains were directly shaken and collapsed into powder.


The wind whistling, sweeping the world, creating thousands of hurricanes and constantly spinning.

The demons and ghosts within this range are shivering and feel the breath of the end of the world. It seems that the supreme **** has come down. This is the most noble and pure power of hell, beyond everything.

Even the power of the nine great immortal lords is completely incomparable, and in essence, it is not known how powerful.

This is the true **** of the Lord, the demon from the depths of chaos.

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