God Level Demon

Chapter 2111: Late robbery

"This is the source of hell?!"

At this moment, burning a treasure house in the city.

After the end of the throne ceremony, Xia Ping came to the treasure house built by the demons, which collected treasures from the nine immortal lords who did not know how many years.

These treasures were originally treasures of the lords, but they were all killed, and naturally belonged to Xia Ping.

When Xia Ping came to the treasure house, he first felt that there was a special energy fluctuation in the depths of the treasure house, causing the blood in his body.

Hey! ! !

He grabbed his hand and immediately flew nine black beads from the depths of the treasure house. Each of the beads contained rich **** energy. It seemed to resonate with the heavens and the earth and the entire flame hell.

There is no doubt that these nine beads are the origin of the flame hell.

Originally, there was only one bead in the flame hell, but when it was vying for the nine immortal lords, the result was split into nine pieces, which were respectively collected in their respective treasures.

Originally these nine beads were an opportunity to see the sky again, but now the nine immortal lords are dead. These nine natural beads are naturally gathered together and fall into the hands of Xia Ping.


Thinking of this, Xia Ping did not hesitate, his eyes showed a glimmer of light, running the mana in the body, condensing the furnace of hell, and immediately refining these nine original beads.

Oh la la la

The nine original beads quickly melted and turned into liquid, and immediately flooded into his limbs. Finally, they entered the Dantian gas sea and became a golden bead.


Xia Ping’s eyes showed a fascinating golden light, because this golden bead was shaking and seemed to communicate the deepest source of energy in the flame hell.

With his body as the center, billions of kilometers of squares have formed an energy tide, turning into a huge vortex, and there are countless void cracks around, and huge energy is instilled.


"What is going on? Is there an enemy?"

"No, that is where the Lord practices, and such a vision should be caused by the Lord."

"It is the lord of the Lord, just cultivation, it has caused such a movement."

"But it is too horrible. I feel that if I am in the energy center, I will fall into a space storm and be torn on the spot."

"Retreat, immediately retreat, we can't be stupid to die in the cultivation of the Lord's adults."

In the distance, many demons and ghosts also saw this scene, all of them are awkward, but they also know that it is the location of the city's cultivation, so they are relieved.

Even so, such a scene is too horrible, one by one, in order to avoid being hurt, they have to shun the house, away from the burning city, so as not to smash the fish pond.

"This is the origin of the flame hell, the core of this world?!"

Xia Ping feels that his soul is integrated into this source. It seems that there is a seed in the deep inside of this golden bead, which is engraved with dense and complicated **** text.

His soul penetrated into it, as if he had communicated the entire flame hell, his knowledge spread and spread throughout the corners of every flame hell.

Mountains, earth, valleys, deserts, jungles, sky, gravel, air, etc. Everywhere in the flames of **** seems to be in the control of his gods.

This is like being a Gaia. It has absolute control over this plane. It seems that the horrible energy tide can be mobilized anytime and anywhere, and it will turn upside down.

Perhaps this is the authority of the flame hell, as long as you control the core of this source, you will also control everything in this **** plane.

"Well, what is this feeling?! Is it a huge energy, is it a reward for the origin of hell?"

Xia Ping picked up his eyebrows and moved his heart.

At this time, after his body merged with the source of this flame hell, an unimaginable majestic energy suddenly poured into the nine Zifu space, like flood irrigation, fierce.

It seems that his soul communicated with the source of **** at this moment, and he received the reward of hell. A supreme will runs through the void. It is a greatness that transcends everything and cannot be resisted.

At the same time, the huge energy tide came down, almost drowning the space, and screaming.

To tell the truth, such fierce energy is coming in, very violent, if it is not his body is strong, comparable to the beast, otherwise it will certainly not support, bursting on the spot, breaking open.

"Great, this is an adventure."

Xia Ping was very excited and felt that this was a big chance.

Before he was promoted to the middle of the thunderstorm, the nine large purple house spaces in the body were too large and rich, and he wanted to fill up the mana. It needed to consume tens of thousands of years of martial arts, and also needed a lot of heaven and earth. .

This is a resource that is enough for an ordinary martial art to consume all its wealth.

But after getting the source of this flame hell, he communicated the energy of the entire **** plane. In an instant, the nine large purple houses on his body were filled with majestic mana, filling every corner.


I don't know how long it took. When the mana in his body reached its limit, a barrier broke open, and the nine purple houses expanded toward the depths of the void, and the chaotic airflow around them rolled.

Late in the thunder!

Xia Ping was excited and felt that he was promoted to a new realm. He had reached the late stage of the robbery, and his mana, his knowledge and strength had been greatly improved.

The first is his nine large purple house space, which has doubled more than before. Then his power of consciousness is nine times stronger than before. The tyrannical soul energy is almost consolidating into the essence and inciting the void.

Even reaching the realm of virtual power generation, the gods have a little movement, sweeping a radius of three trillion kilometers.

To know that the distance of a light year is only 946 billion kilometers, and now his knowledge covers a range of one-third of the light years.

If you are aware of this by the thunder, you have to be scared to faint. You have never seen the power of the cultivators of the thunderstorms to such a degree.


He was given the gift of Heinen's original energy. Xia Ping also not only made great progress in the mana realm, but also the blood of Hell's Jinwu in his body.

10 million, 30 million, 50 million, 100 million...

At the end of his life, he awakened 800 million **** gold cells. So far, plus the previous ones, he has awakened 2.4 billion **** gold cells.

A horrible flame energy emerged from Xia Ping's body and spread all over the limbs. It seems that the blood of the whole body has turned into a dark gold, filled with countless hells and gold runes.

He was surrounded by a group of flames all over the body, and the fire was shining like a sun. The hot rays shrouded every corner of the flame hell. All the dark hells were torn by the light and turned into a bright world.

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