God Level Demon

Chapter 2126: altar

"There are no saints presenting?!"

Xia Ping blinked his eyes. It is rumored that there are sages in the forty thieves' alliance, so they are unscrupulous and arrogant. There is no force to dare to provoke.

But he made such a big noise in the thief star, but he never saw signs of saints appearing.

Even he could not perceive the smell of any saints nearby. Could it be that the saints behind the forty pirate alliance are just a lie, is it rumored?

No, no!

Xia Ping does not believe in such a thing. The Forty Thieves Alliance can run for such a long time. It is impossible to support the saints. Perhaps the other party was delayed by a certain thing and did not show up.

The most important thing is that the earth mother stone did not appear in the thief star. According to the instruction of the compass, it should be hidden in the dimension space of a distant planet, hidden in the depths of the void.

Perhaps the saint behind the forty pirate alliance is hiding in that place, and is still refining the mother stone.

"Interestingly, I would like to see what the saint behind the so-called Forty Thieves Alliance is." Xia Ping was in a flash and ignored the small characters on the thief star.

He shuttled the space and quickly reached the place where the earth mother stone was.


At this moment, the pirate star field, a dimension space hidden in the depths of the void, this space seems to be independent in this world, hidden in the depths of the dimension, if there is not enough means, it can not be found.

This is like a small plane world.

But the area is not very large, probably only over 10 million square kilometers.

In the middle of this plane world, a huge altar was built, and a dense array of forbidden formations was engraved around it. A unique ore appeared in the depths of the core, apparently the mother stone.

This stone is only the size of a fist, emitting a rich energy, like the core of the world, supporting the energy of the entire ban, and it seems that there is a breath of chaotic airflow around it.

In the vicinity of the altar, there were five figures. They exuded the scent of twisting the void, and they all reached the immortality, and the mana was arrogant.

"It seems that there is something wrong with the thief star. Some enemies come in and kill, and many pirates have died."

An immortal saint in a black robe opened his mouth, his voice creaked, and the entire plane world was turbulent.

Even if he stayed in this plane world, he did not go out, but through the communicator, he got a lot of help messages, and countless pirates wanted them to shoot, eradicate the enemy and save the thief.

Therefore, he does not go out, and naturally knows what happened on the thief star.

"Don't care, this sacrifice altar has spent countless years, finally found the mother stone, and finally succeeded in construction. This is a very important thing. As for the pirates, it doesn't matter how much they die, but they are ants. ”

Another immortal saint sneer, indifferent, for them, the so-called forty pirate alliance is just the organization they created to collect resources.

In simple terms, it is a chess piece. If the piece is not used, it doesn't matter if it is thrown away. There is no feeling of half-pity.

And at such an important moment, they naturally will not abandon important things and not do it. Instead, they will run to save those ants, which is simply putting the cart before the horse.

"That's right, this sacrificial altar has finally been built. Soon we can communicate the abyss world and summon many immortal demons. At that time, we can add more people, slowly and gradually devour. This universe has completely corrupted this place and became part of the abyss."

Another immortal saint laughed and laughed. He had a strong demon atmosphere, and the darkness could not be opened. It was the deepest sin of the abyss, and it was chilling.

If there is a pirate in this place, you must be scared to death.

They think that the big man behind them, the saint who supports this pirate alliance is not a human being, but an immortal demon who respects the world from the abyss.

They came out of the abyss world and have been concealed in the human world. They have never acted rashly, just to carry out a plan to shake the earth and subvert the universe.

"Quick, as long as the sacrifice of this earth mother stone, we can immediately open a temporary passage to the abyss world, and then summon a countless demon army."

"Oh, that’s great. For this day, I don’t know how long I have waited and how much humiliation I have endured, but for the abyss, everything is worth it.”

"The war in the Taikoo era, this time we have to be a shame, let these human beings, as well as other races, know that the strongest creature in the universe is the abyss, we are the real master."

"That's right, those humble creatures can only be our slaves, and they dare to seal us permanently in the abyss. This is an indelible shame and must be revenge."

"War, there is only one war that sweeps the universe, so that those **** humans can know the horror of our abyss, and let the creatures of this universe hear the names of our demons tremble."

A few immortal demons clenched their fists, and their eyes were fired, and their eyes showed the color of hatred.

The reason why they can hide for so long, has such patience, but also because of the unforgettable shame and hatred that has accumulated since ancient times.

There is no terrible defeat in the age of Taikoo, and they will not be so cautious, step by step.

After all, such a failure, once enough, is no longer a disaster.

It is also because of this, they are cautiously concealed in the human world, even pretending to be human saints, secretly supporting a pirate organization, slowly infiltrating the human world, collecting intelligence about the major races of the universe.

The failure of the wars of the ancient times was precisely because they did not understand the major races of the universe, so they suffered such heavy losses and fiasco.

But now it's different. In order to prepare a super war that can affect the entire universe, they become spies and collect intelligence, in order to accomplish their efforts.

"Start, don't waste the world, immediately start the sacrifice method, communicate the abyss world, gather all the power of the demon, penetrate a passage, let countless abyss demon come to this world."

An immortal demon with a pair of horns on his body screamed and murdered.

The other four immortal demons also look at each other and immediately run the power of the demon in their own body. The hands are sealed and the demon language is hidden. A demon magic rune emerges and is combined into an abyss ritual.

Rumble ~~~

Suddenly, the whole altar vibrated, igniting the tremor of the void, and every space infiltrated the vast abyss of magic, seemingly eroded the plane world into an abyss.

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