God Level Demon

Chapter 2142: Fantasy nest

Mountain river pearl space.

Xia Ping has already arrested the blue man and other people into the space of the mountains and rivers. Not long after, this group of people slowly recovered their awareness of sobriety.

"This, where is this?"

"I don't know, but we are still not dead. It's great."

“Who is dealing with us? Is our identity exposed?”

The blue man and others were shocked. After waking up, they instinctively looked at the surrounding environment and found that they seemed to have left the clay city and came to a strange place surrounded by wild mountains and mountains. There is no human smoke.

Then they were a little relieved. They seemed to be safe and sound, not beaten by the enemy, or even wearing a torturer and other instruments. This is a misfortune.

"I finally woke up."

Xia Ping stood shoulder-to-hand, looking at the blue man and others.

"Wu Wu is invincible?!"

When I heard a voice coming, the blue man and others couldn’t help but watch it.

But after they saw the appearance of Xia Ping, they were scared of urine. They were all dead, and they did not expect to encounter this legendary peerless demon in this place.

Suddenly they were so scared that they were sweating, their legs were squatting, and there was a feeling of great difficulty.

This is simply a fake Li Wei met the real Li Wei, there is nothing more unlucky than this.

I use my knees to think, and they know why the enemy has attacked themselves.

Undoubtedly, when they were found to be invincible by the Lord, they went straight to the door to teach them.

"No, I am not invincible, you are. Didn't you pretend to be very similar in the clay city? You also bullied the city and robbed the good people."

Xia Ping said with a smile, the tone is very light.

Awkwardly, the blue man and other people suddenly fell on the ground, although the tone was very light, but they could hear the big horror, scared the whole body is stunned, and the body could not suppress the fear.

Wu is invincible, that is the name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

They are now repenting that their intestines are green. Why are they so incapable of pretending to be invincible? Is this not a dead end?

"Sorry, Wu Daren."

"We are wrong, it is really wrong."

"Give us a life, we will not dare to fake your identity to deceive and drink."

"Yes, the treasures on our bodies will be handed over, and there will never be a half-point."

One by one scared to death, pleading for mercy, but they know the horror of Wu invincible, that is the real peerless demon, the kind of murderous, not the parallel of them.

It can be seen from the time of the battle, they have tried their best to escape from the invincible, this is what a terrible strength and means.

Even if there is no momentum in Wu’s invincible, they dare not have any rash action.

"Shut up, I don't have the mood to say this to you. Let me talk about your origins and names. Don't lie in front of me. If I know a half-lie, I will die."

Xia Ping is murderous.

The blue man and others were scared and panicked, and did not dare to say a half-lie, saying that they were from the fantasy family. They were only blinded by lard, and they would pretend to be invincible and came to the Red Saturn to lie. drink.

The name of the blue man is called Batti, one of the nobles of the Fantasy, and the rest are ordinary members of the Fantasy.

"Well, I know about the situation. Where did the two pieces of sound in your hand come from?"

Xia Ping asked.

"This is what I got from the illustrious treasure house. If Wu Daren is willing, I would like to offer it with both hands." Blue man Batti said with a charming face.

"It’s all in my hands. Do you think you can still keep it?"

Xia Ping despised: "I ask you, how much is such ore in the illustrious treasure house?"

"There are still many, wait, what do you want to do?"

Suddenly, Batty was alert at once. He felt that this famous peerless demon suddenly asked about the information of his own ethnic nest. This is absolutely extraordinary.

He did not forget the celebrity devil before he had just destroyed the Forty Thieves Alliance and killed the five immortal saints.

This kind of horrible existence actually remembers the fantasy family's nest, which is still worth it.

"I didn't want to do anything, just want to go to the treasure house of your Fantasy to travel, and rob the rich and help the poor." Xia Ping is very honest about his purpose, want to go to the fantasy to play the autumn wind, "Yes, your Fantasy nest is in Where? Whoever can say it, who can leave from here, do you know?"

"Don't dream, even if it's dead, we won't say it."

Batti and others looked firm and showed a look of death. It was completely different from the expression of being greedy and fearful of death. It seemed to be related to the crisis of race. They all became very brave.

This also has a lot to do with the Fantasy being chased by countless races.

If the members of the Fantasy are not united enough, their nests will not know how many times they have been found.

"Yes, it's quite a bone, but I don't need you to die, you will naturally say it." Xia Ping smiled slightly, and his thoughts moved. A strong tyrannical power came down, and instantly shrouded Batty and so on. people.

With a bang, Batti and others immediately fell into the illusion and could not extricate themselves.

"Let's say, where is the fantasy family's nest?"

Xia Ping asked.

"Yes, Wu Daren, the nest of our race is in the secret of the northeast of the South Universe, 100,000 light years from the Red Saturn..." Batty immediately said what he knew about it.

"Good, you are falling asleep."

After getting the information he needed, Xia Ping waved his hand and immediately let Batti and others fall into a drowsiness. It is estimated that seven or eight days will not wake up.

"The Fantasy old nest actually has a lot of sound stones, and they don't know where they got it from, but no matter how they get it, I am sure to get these sound stones."

Xia Ping blinked and he felt that he should go to the Fantasy nest.

But before that, he needed to find the Treeman Elder Ricky, which was his main purpose in entering the Red Clay City.


When he was in a flash, he returned to the Red Clay City again.

At this time, the tree girl waited for Xia Ping on the other side of the street. She saw Xia Ping’s figure appear and immediately asked: “Xia Daren, has the matter been solved?”

"Well, it has been solved, where is the tree elders Ritchie?"

Xia Ping asked.

"I already know the specific location of Grandpa Richie. His medicinal pharmacy is on a street in the southern city of Hongtucheng." Just now Ruth had already inquired about the map of the red clay city and found the location of the tree patriarch Ricky.

"Well, let's go."

Xia Ping nodded and took Ruth to the position of the tree patriarch Ricky.

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