God Level Demon

Chapter 2226: Shangpin Shengyi Pudu Shendao

Oh la la la

A sword hacked the red saint, and Xia Ping grabbed it and immediately collected the red dragon scepter of the red saint. This is a precious magic weapon.

There are also a lot of flesh and blood in the red saints, which also contains the supreme flesh and blood essence, which has great benefits for moistening the land. If you use it to water the elixir, I am afraid there will be more holy medicine.

After all, using the flesh and blood of the ancient saints to water the elixir, for these elixir, it is simply a supreme tonic, simply can not imagine how luxurious this is.

Baby like this, he can't let go.

"The beast, you actually dare to face me, killing a mysterious ancient saint, and brazenly plundering their flesh and blood, I want you to die, you must die without a place to die."

At this time, seeing this scene, Minerva's eyes are cracking, and he is working hard now, and he is really thoroughly angered.

There are not many masters of the Fantasy now. Every master of the sage level is a precious character. Now it is killed by this Wu invincible. This is enough, it is to destroy the roots of their illusions.

"The top grade holy pudu sword!"

Minerva is now completely mad, and has come up with a magic weapon of his own body, and has reached the level of the top quality.

The reason why his strength is above the many ancient saints is because he has a top-grade holy instrument.

Legend has it that this knife is a supreme sacred instrument that has been passed down from the Buddha's Gate. However, after the First World War, it was lost in the depths of chaos. Finally, after numerous twists and turns, it was actually obtained by Minerva.

And possessing this top-grade sacred Purdue knife, it is simply doubled his strength.

"Go to hell, beasts, promise, hell, reincarnation."

Minerva snarled, and he held the sacred sacred sacred sword and slammed it toward Xia Ping.

In an instant, he broke out all his power, and suddenly broke out with hundreds of millions of knives. Every knife mobilized the power of space law, containing the power of terrible space, and seemed to engrave the dense space runes.

It can be said that hundreds of millions of knives are completely integrated into the void, silent, forming a galaxy, covering the heavens and the earth, rushing to Xia Ping, escape, no escape.

Each of the above knives can easily separate an immortal saint.

If hundreds of millions of swords are killed at the same time, it is simply to kill the enemy.

"I didn't expect Minerva to be so strong."

Sofia next to her was shocked. Although she knew that Minerva had hidden her strength and her combat power was stronger than herself, she did not expect to be so powerful.

Even if she is also a near-ancient saint and has realized the laws of space, at the very least, she has a Chinese saint, and there is no such thing as a saint. This is too precious.

In fact, even some medieval saints, the ancient saints only use the top saints, so a powerful magic weapon is enough for them to use for a long time.

She has a heart to try, after all, Minerva is now a sage of the sect, and that Wu is invincible is a human, they need to be consistent, it can be said that there is no chance for her to intervene.

Hundreds of millions of knives have been bombarded, and it seems that a large river of knives and rivers has formed, overwhelming, and shrouded in the universe. If her trade rushes in, she will probably be affected.

She also had to watch it side by side, looking for a good opportunity to intervene.


Xia Ping’s instinct perceives a dangerous attack. This top-grade sacred Purdue knife has brought him a great danger. If he slashes himself, he will definitely bring great harm to his soul.

The power of this sacred Purdue knives is not the same, even the immortal body can hurt, containing devastating fluctuations.

He was trying to avoid, but suddenly, from the depths of the golden sword, there was a strong force. The power of the laws of the earth shrouded his whole body and gave him endless energy.

Suddenly, he felt that his whole body seemed to be attached to the mother of the earth. His feet stood on the ground and took root. It seemed that he was in an invincible position with the golden sword.

The power of a large land of origin is passed from his feet.

"It's not the golden slime that swallowed the earth's mother stone. Its power may be far beyond my imagination."

At this moment, I got the blessing of the power of the Mother Earth. Xia Ping is very peace of mind. The heart is as calm as the sea. Without any waves, he feels that he is really thoroughly obsessed with the gold history of the Mother Earth. Lyme.

After all, the cosmic treasures of the earth mother stone, together with the engulfing of several cosmic gems, have increased the strength of the gold slime several times, and have learned more rules of the universe.

It can be said that its current strength is no less than any top quality device.


Xia Ping’s thoughts moved and mobilized the power of the Golden Sword. I saw thousands of laws of the earth emerged and turned into khaki-colored mud barriers, which were layered and covered the body of Xia Ping.

At the same time, from the depths of the earth, the inexhaustible earth's vitality was extracted and instilled in this spherical earthy barrier, the interior seemed to be filled with huge chaotic airflow.

Hey! ! !

When it was said that it was too late, hundreds of millions of swords and smashes came at the same time, like a raindrop, and it also contained the horrible murder and space power to tear everything.

But these knives bombarded the khaki barrier formed by the laws of the earth, like a sword cut on the wall of a copper wall, which exudes the power to isolate everything.

Even the power of space law cannot penetrate the power of the earth.

In an instant, hundreds of millions of knives were broken at the same time. The spherical wall around Xia Ping was already a thousand holes, and there were knife wounds everywhere, but it was always impossible to break through.

"What a joke!"

Seeing this scene, Minerva is also crazy, completely mad: "I use the top-grade sacred Purdue knife, run the space law, do everything in my power, and actually can't break the defense of your little immortal saint."

He felt the same feeling as the previous red saints, and did not believe that this would happen.

"Be careful, this kid also has a powerful top-quality sacred instrument, and it is still defensive. It is normal for you to break his defense for a while."

Sophia looked very clearly at the side and reminded in time that she did not expect that there were so many cards on the Terran boy, which was simply the endless stream.

"Fart, I have a hard time getting a good saint, where is your **** luck, there is also a good saint, and it is also a defensive attribute."

Minerva got the intestines green, his eyes were red like a bull, his nose was hot, and he felt very unconvinced. It seems that all the benefits of the world have been obtained by this human race. Why is God so unfair?

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