God Level Demon

Chapter 2236: Speed ​​of light upgrade

After hearing these words, the insect Xiaoqian changed his face and screamed in horror: "Xiaojin, don't be impulsive, the mall is a demon, a super demon, that is impossible to open."

Once opened, it will engulf you countless money, and this is a bottomless pit. You must not fall into this evil trap, or you will not be able to leave. ”

Her face showed a memory that was unbearable.

But after waiting for the insect Xiaoqian to finish the conversation, Xiaojin’s voice came over again. It seemed to be very exciting: “My God, this mall is really amazing, so what the explosive reel is thrown out, those abominable monsters die a lot, My grade seems to have risen very fast, I have risen to the next level, and I have risen to the next level, and I can't stop it."

what? !

The insect Xiaoqian and the greedy nightmare immediately looked at the past and brought up the game screen of Xiaojin.

I saw Xiaojin staying in the valley of a novice village. This is the famous monster nest in the novice village. It is a mortal place for novices to go in. This is called the novice bones. I don’t know how many people are left here. The body with hate.

But now this valley has turned into a human purgatory. I saw Xiaojin holding an explosive scroll, and threw it into the valley with excitement. The sky is full of flying scrolls.

Hey! ! !

In the twinkling of an eye, hundreds of explosive reels explode at the same time, killing the monsters in the valley, and even one second can't resist it. Even the boss in the valley has not been killed yet.


And they just heard Xiaojin's voice from time to time to upgrade, and gained a lot of experience. In just a few minutes, Xiaojin rose by ten levels. This is the upper limit of the novice village, and he can already get out of the novice village.

Then, Xiaojin exclaimed excitedly: "Haha, I upgraded and upgraded again. Hey, it seems that I have reached the upper limit of the novice village and can leave the novice village."

She turned and looked at the worms Xiaoqian and the greedy nightmare: "Strange, don't you say that it takes at least two weeks to leave the novice village? Why can I leave in a few minutes?"

"You tell me honestly, how many explosive reels have you bought just now?"

Insect Xiaoqian asked.

"There is not much, that is, I bought a thousand. I originally wanted to buy 10,000, but I haven’t used it yet. These monsters are all dead. It’s really fragile. When I blow it, I will die.” Xiao Jin’s face is full of emotion. Road.

One thousand? !

Hearing this, the insects Xiaoqian and the greedy nightmare twitched with two corners of their mouths, and their faces were black and coke-like. One explosive reel required one hundred cosmic coins, and one thousand explosive reels were 100,000 cosmic coins.

When they saw this amount, they immediately broke open. The game company was simply a vampire, and there was no humanity. No one would buy such a ghost.

With this money, they can blame for a few hours, so why buy this kind of money.

However, they never imagined that there is such a big money, just for the novice village, but they have bought a thousand explosive reels and spent 100,000 cosmic coins. It is too abnormal, not human.

"Where are you coming so much?"

Greedy dream asked, she knows that there are countless gems in Xiaojin, but if you want to convert into cosmic coins, you still need channels. This online game also requires cosmic coins and no other currencies.

"They are all given to me by the owner. He gave me a black card. It seems to be called a cosmic bank black card. It seems that I can brush the money casually. I took it and brushed it. It doesn't feel anything."

Xiaojin said honestly.

"What? Yu. Zhou Bank Black Card, isn't that the world's top VIP card? This card is simply the card of God. It has a ceiling of 100 billion cosmic coins. If you don't exceed this amount, you can just brush it. ""

The greedy nightmare was paralyzed. I didn’t expect Xiaojin’s body to have a black card. This is a symbol of status.

Like their family, there is no black card, because their credit is really bad, almost they can not support themselves, where there is money, the Universe Bank will not

Do a loss trading.

"Oh, don't think that you can make money in this game, I have to tell you a cruel fact."

Insect Xiaoqian sneered: "Novice Village is just the beginning. What is really important is that after leaving the novice village, the monsters outside the novice village are ten times more powerful than the novice village. Not only is the defense extremely strong, but also bloody. Sometimes an hour can not kill a boss, you need to team up to win.

The most important thing is that after leaving the novice village, players can also fight each other. If they kill you, they can also explode equipment from you.

Therefore, there are some good equipments that don't make much difference. The key is to look at your skills and team awareness. Without this, you will not be able to make the next game tour. ”

She is very vocal about Xiaojin. This game is not so simple. The more it is late, the harder it is. Sometimes it can't rise one level a month.

But the words of Xiao Xiaoqian have not finished yet, Xiaojin is excited and shouted: "Look, there are a lot of powerful equipment on the mall, black gold armor, can increase 99 defense; Xuan Jinling sword, increase 99 attack; , can increase the speed of 99; the ring of power, can increase 99 power ... bought, all bought."

what? !

Insect Xiaoqian and greedy nightmare heard these words, their faces are green, these are extremely powerful equipment, also known as cosmic currency equipment, just one worth of 100,000 cosmic coins, some worth fifty Ten universe coins.

If you put all these equipments on, even if Xiaojin is a ten-level game character, you can challenge the 20th level, even the 30th level, and you can hurt the other side.

When they saw the equipment, their faces were green, and they were not affordable at all.

"Wow, it’s easy to brush the blame. I used to kill a large piece of sword in the past. Oh, it’s like cutting grass. It hurts and swords crit. A sword has died in the past, and it’s dead, all dead, oh, Why didn’t it take a few seconds for these monsters to be hacked to me?”

Xiaojin body uploaded the sound of drip, crazy upgrade, but in ten minutes, upgraded to level 20, all the experience here was exclusive to her.

Even she is very mad, spending money to buy ten times experience card, ten times the money card, killing a mob is equivalent to the experience of others killing ten mobs, and dropping money is ten times.

But such an experience card and money card are also expensive, a hundred thousand cosmic coins, time is an hour.

This is also known as the local tyrant card, not the local tyrant can not afford.

Seeing this scene, worm Xiaoqian and greedy nightmare: "..."

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