God Level Demon

Chapter 2265: shameless!

When you hear the dark wind saints, many saints can't help but nod. If Xia Ping reveals the cultivation of the immortal saint at the beginning, it is definitely no one dared to challenge him.

Even he could not participate in this holy land.

However, Xia Ping did not reveal his own cultivation, and he was still a foreign disciple at the beginning of the Holy Land. Therefore, from this perspective, he is also eligible to participate in this holy land.

Anyway, they all see that Xia Ping’s face is thick and black.

"Which phishing law enforcement, if it is not their ill-conceived, want to bully people, there will be such things happen."

The northern sage is standing shoulder-to-hand, very calm: "And if you really care about it, my apprentice is still only a child, only a few decades old, and Che Guangliang are not in the same era, really care about it. Car Guangliang, these hundreds of thousands of years old talents are bullying children.

Although my apprentice is indeed promoted to immortality, but in terms of age, it is only a child. Is it true that my apprentice is fast-cultivating, powerful, and wrong? ! ”


The dark wind sage is almost angry, and if it is from the perspective of age, Xia Ping is indeed a junior, even a child's generation.

In fact, Che Guangliang, a peerless enchanting, looks young, but all of them are thousands of years old, and they get married early, even grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Xia Ping and theirs are indeed just a child.

Of course, there are countless races in the universe, too many living creatures, and chaotic lives. Most of them are distinguished by strength.

If the strength is not enough, even if it is a long time to live, it is only a junior, only a grandson.

However, the words of the Northern Saints are also correct. They can't make any rebuttals. Even from any angle, Xia Ping does not violate the rules of the Holy Land. This is a blind spot.

After all, who can think of a little guy who is only a few decades old has actually been promoted to immortality, this is unprecedented.

"In short, this car Guangliang, they have not lost the benefits this time, my apprentice just tells them a truth, people can not look at the sea can not fight, do not look at people all day."

Beiming Saints said: "In fact, there are countless races in the universe. There are also many creatures that can hide themselves. If you want to be a momentary mind, you may not have a life. Don’t see that they have lost some points now, but they have learned a lot. It has a great educational significance, which is equivalent to paying a tuition fee. The benefits are many."


The dark wind saints and others can't wait to look at the northern sage. It seems that not only is Xia Ping's face thick, but the northern blessing sage is also thick and sturdy.

He also said that it is a cost to buy a lesson, which is equivalent to paying a tuition fee. What kind of **** tuition is so expensive, you need to pay a million points. If you say this, they can not only be angry but also grateful to him for this lesson. !

They were a little angry and wanted to give a punch to the North Sage.

However, there are many Terran ancestors watching in this place, they can not lose the rules and square inch, such dumb loss can only be swallowed by themselves, helpless.


The news of the score ranking, Xia Ping is the message of the immortal saint. It was also spread all over the early holy land, whether it is still in the town of the demon tower, or the disciples who have been eliminated by the town demon tower also informed the incident. .

Suddenly, this news caused a huge uproar.

"Impossible, Xia Ping is not a legal situation, it is not a thunderstorm, but promoted to an immortal world. It has become extraordinary and has become an immortal creature?!"

After hearing this news, someone was shattered and looked at it with a look of disbelief.

"Just kidding, before this kid was only the peak of the law, breaking through the thunder and robbing, this is a hard thing, but now tell me that he was promoted to immortality. Impossible, this kid regards immortality as what it is. Now, how to break through is as simple as drinking tea."

Some people have been hit hard and can’t accept the facts.

"I was trapped in the thunderstorm for three thousand years. I was too late to break through. I was afraid of being killed by a thunder, but he was promoted from the legal phase to the immortality in a year. Even if it is talented, it will not be excellent." To the point, is it a fake message?"

Some people think that this news may be fake.

"It can't be fake. This news is known from the many saints of the Terran, and it has also been recognized by the ancestors. The kid of Xia Ping is indeed promoted to immortality."

"Yeah, see no, this kid has broken through the tenth floor town demon tower, even this layer of immortal demon can easily be eliminated, who can question his strength."

"Oh my God, this rock is from which stone, how can it be so horrible? Is there no bottleneck to say it? Breaking up and drinking is about the same."

Many disciples such as the Holy Land and the Dark Hall do not know what they should say. They are also tens of millions of people, but compared with Xia Ping, the gap is so big that they are scared to death.

If they are not far from Xia Ping, they may also have a jealous attitude.

But now the gap is too big and too big. To the extent that they are too big, they can’t even get up even if they want to be jealous. They can only be sincerely admired.

Such a character can only be regarded as a legend. It can only appear in various legends. There is not much in real life.

Most people are only amazed at the news, but some of the disciples who signed the gambling with Xia Ping and the disciples of the dark hall are all jumping feet and frying.

Because this matter has a great relationship with their interests.

"My mother, Xia Ping is an immortal saint. When did this happen?"

"It happened just now. It was verified by the saints of the Terran, no doubt, and he has already broken through the tenth floor of the town demon tower, all the way to triumph, fierce."

"When it's over, it's completely over, and our points are frozen."

"10,000 points, this time I am full of 10,000 people gambling points and Xia Ping, now all gone, one hair is gone."

"They are already immortal saints. Who can beat him, even if they are Che Guangliang, they can't play it. This time we lost, there is no chance to win."

"Paralyzed, shameless, Xia Ping is so shameless, obviously it is already an immortal saint, and actually pretends to be a weak chicken, and we gamble. It is clear that we want to take the opportunity to hang our money."

"Xiaping of the dog's day, the immortal saints are so shameless, and they also dig into the points of our little people. This is how much the **** is short of money, even those of us who are poor."

"This is the phishing law enforcement, malicious sitting, and large-scale fraud scenes, no one will manage this bastard?"

A group of disciples in the early holy places and dark halls mourned. They knew that they were completely cold this time. They don’t want to earn money from Xia Ping. They all fed the dogs.

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