God Level Demon

Chapter 2269: Blackmail


Xiaoyao’s ancestors waved a hand and immediately sent the misty stone to Xia Ping’s hand, smiling slightly: “Well, this treasure belongs to you, remember to make good use of it, don’t waste the old man’s painstaking efforts.”

Although the fog stone is very precious, but for his class of the universe hegemon, it is just ordinary.

The reason why he is willing to give such a treasure is that he is cherished.

Because it has only been promoted to immortality in a few decades, and the foundation is deep, if such a talent is cultivated well, it may add an invincible saint to the Terran, which is more cost-effective than a piece of great saint.

Moreover, if Xia Ping’s prestige spreads out, it will surely cause shocks to all the people of the heavens. They are all taboo to the Terran. I am afraid that Xia Ping will kill the murderer and kill this genius in advance.

Therefore, he decided to give such treasures as the fog stone, which will greatly enhance Xia Ping's life-saving ability, so that this genius will not die.

"Thank you ancestors."

Xia Ping took over the misty stone, and he could perceive that this special stone seems to contain the power of unbelievable laws, as if it were all-encompassing, containing the whole universe.

But these laws are illusory and incredible.

However, it is not the time to study this foggy stone. Just observing it, I immediately received it.

"Apprentice, this is an empty ancestor, good at time and space."

"This is a sage of the river, and is proficient in water."

"This is the silver moon saint, an ancient saint who lived from the age of the ages to the present."

The northern sages came forward and introduced these saints to Xia Ping one by one.

"You are good for your predecessors."

Xia Ping greeted each other one by one, revealing a cute look, human and animal harmless.

But the expressions of these saints are not very good, because the **** of the North Ming saint is an opportunity to collect money, and take the opportunity to help his apprentice to meet, how shameless asshole, extremely shameless.

But even the old ancestors gave such precious gifts. How can these saints say something that they refused? If they really say it, they still have to be shameless.

Regardless of the preciousness of the gifts, they must come up with a little gift, and they should not be too sparse, otherwise they will get their hands.

"Xia Shidi, this is a golden bamboo, a special plant born from the strange area, contains the origin of the gold and thunder, is an excellent refining material, and is now given to you."

"This is Taiyi Jingjin, a cosmic-grade rare material, which is the superior material for refining the holy sac. If it can assist the smog stone, it may refine the sacred sacred ware, I hope it will be very helpful to you."

"This is a seven-treasure retreat of the old man's refining, the holy medicinal medicine, even if the soul is badly hit, taking such a remedy, it can be restored within seven days."

One by one, the sages twitched their mouths, and they had no choice but to take out one piece of treasure as a gift. All of them felt that the meat was sore, as if they were cutting meat on them.

But in the face of such hidden blackmail, they are helpless.

Hearing these words, Xia Ping’s eyes were stunned. He was very excited. He was a saint of the Terran. It was really rich and rich, and he took out a treasure. They were all worthless. They were all found in the illusionary treasure house.

However, this is a matter of course. The Terran is one of the peak races of the universe. It is not necessary to say that the richness of the economy is not at all. It is not a race like the Fantasy. The gap cannot be calculated by numbers.

As saints in the early holy places and dark halls, their wealth is far more than the saints of other races. It is the truth to rely on the big tree to enjoy the cold.

He reached up one by one and took over the treasures.

"Polite, it's too polite. If you have time, it's better to come to Beibeifeng to eat dinner." The North Ming saint smiled and looked at the group of painful saints.

He is the saint of the Holy Land in the early days. In the early Holy Land, there is also a bureaucrat and mountain peak.

In fact, every saint in the Holy Land, if you join the Temple, can have a mountain of its own in the Holy Land as a place of cultivation.

When I heard these words, many saints were green. This smile is clearly a knife in the smile. Now they are all pitted with so many treasures. If they really go to Bei Mingfeng for a meal, three glasses of wine will be poured. I have to get a lot of things. At that time, I am afraid that the treasures of the whole body have to be searched and cleaned by the other side.

Where is this meal, it is clear that the sheep are in the tiger's mouth, there is nothing more dangerous than this.

"No, no, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do."

"Yes, let me say that the medicinal herbs that I had refining before seemed to be about to succeed. The time is coming, and the delay is not allowed."

"It is true that a piece of sachet that I have refined before has reached a critical moment. I am afraid it will not be separated."

"The North Mystery is really sorry, we are all busy, no time to party."

"Next time, let's get together again if we have a chance next time."

Each saint is smeared on the soles of his feet. He quickly found a lot of excuses and quickly left the place. For fear of being caught by the northern sage, he was killed as a fat sheep.

Hey! ! !

Within a few breaths, a group of saints ran away, leaving only a few ancestors.

Seeing the panicked expression of these saints, the northern sage is very happy, and then said to the ancestors and other people: "The ancestors, this time, I am also time to return to the North Pluto."

"Well, go back."

Happy ancestors nodded and did not care.

"Xia Ping, go back with me."

The northern sage said to Xia Ping, he still has something to say to Xia Ping.

"Yes, Master."

Xia Ping nodded, and he knew that his master must have a lot of things to say to himself.

Whizzing! !

As soon as the voice fell, the northern sage swayed with a big hand, and suddenly the space was distorted, and the figures of the two disappeared immediately.

"How do you see Xia Ping this little guy?"

"Haha, my face is dark, at least I don't need to worry about him being pitted."

"It is true that some Terran geniuses are very good at their environment. The protection they get is very good. Like the greenhouse flowers, once they go to the hegemonic area, I am afraid that they will suffer. Many Terran geniuses are like this."

"But the news that this guy is promoted to immortality will spread out. I am afraid that it will cause great anxiety to other races. I am afraid that they will kill the killer and deal with this little guy. Do you want to hide the news of this little guy."

"Concealing what is not being criticized is a mediocrity, and this thing is completely hidden."

"It is true that the crisis is a danger and an opportunity. When North Ming grew up, it also suffered a lot."

"How can I achieve invincibility without suffering? This can only be seen in the future of this little guy."

Many people's ancestors have been talking about it. For those of them who have stood at the peak of the universe, Xia Ping's move is innocuous, and they have seen too many things.

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