God Level Demon

Chapter 2353: Promotion, promotion! !


In an instant, Xia Ping felt that his own knowledge was completely integrated into every corner of Jiaozuo prison, and he perceived every living creature living in Jiaozuo, infiltrating into every gravel.

It seems that at this moment he turned into a god, looking at the world from the perspective of the gods, condescending, feeling the joys and sorrows of countless demons.

It seems that he can change the entire Jiaozuo prison with one thought. He can call the wind and rain, let the mountains rise, and widen the river, which will lead to the control of the land.

This is the real master of the Jiao Lu prison, with supreme authority.

It can be said that this is almost the general force of the law, just like the blood instinct, it is natural to master, just like a fish will naturally swim in the water.

Between the vagueness, he seems to perceive the complete world law of the Jiaolu prison. The huge source of **** is infused into his body like a tide.

The **** gold cells in his body are awakening in madness, 100 million, 200 million, 300 million...

Now his power is increasing in geometric progression.

"It's time to combine the jail and the burning hell!"

Thinking of this, Xia Ping did not hesitate to immediately use his power to burn Hell. He perceives the burning **** in the distance, which is the connection between cause and effect and the law.

Such connections, no matter how far away from hell, can be sensed.

Immediately after his hands were printed, he immediately ignited the origin of burning Hell.

Oh la la!

The distant land of the prison does not know how far burning hell, the entire **** plane immediately vibrates, countless **** rules tremble, instantly turned into a light spot, seems to have with the Xia Ping's soul has been towed, quickly toward the Jiao Lu prison Come, this completely ignores the emptiness of the surrounding, all the rules are arranged, seems to form a unique space channel.

This is the authority of the Lord of Hell's plane. You can summon your own **** plane to your side, anytime, anywhere, regardless of the occasion.

However, such authority can only be used once a month.

call out!

After a few seconds, Burning Hell came through the space channel and suddenly came to the sky above the prison.

"What happened? What happened?"

"Looking outside, there seems to be a scene of **** coming out of the air."

"Oh my God, what should I do next? The two hells are close together and will not collide."

All the devils in the Jiao Lu prison looked up, and they saw the burning **** coming from the sky, covering the sky, and they were suddenly frightened, thinking that something happened when the comet hit the earth.

If the **** plane outside the void is hit, the impact is enough to make the nine-nine-nine demons die. This is truly a scorch, and the grass is not born.


Xia Ping did not care about the idea of ​​countless demons in Jiaozuo. He still did his own thing, and his hands were sealed, immediately integrating the origins of the two **** planes.


In an instant, burning **** and coke land prisons are immediately blurred, between the virtual and the real, the law of the two **** planes seems to be turned into yin and yang, which has a huge attraction.

The two **** planes immediately merged together, as if the water ru blended in general, without any gaps. It seems that the two **** planes were one, but they were forcibly separated and turned into two pieces of hell.

I saw that the entire burning **** was completely integrated into the Jiao Lu Prison, and eventually turned into a complete **** plane. All the demons that burned Hell appeared out of the land of the Jiao Lu Prison.

The earth is expanding and expanding.

The river is expanding and turning into a lake and ocean.

The mountains are rising, towering into the clouds, turning into a strip of mountains.

But the most important thing is that the power of Hell in this new Hell plane has also increased several times and become more intense. It is almost filled with every corner of the Hell plane. It is solid and visible to the naked eye.

All demons feel the great benefits of the promotion of the Hell plane, and most of the Hell's source energy, as well as information from the law of hell, are instilled into each demonic body.

The more devils they have, the more benefits they get.

This is like losing money in the world.

"My God, the **** plane was promoted again."

"Definitely the lord."

"Haha, it really took a lot of time to follow the lord's adults, and it took too long, and the **** plane was promoted."

"Power, my strength has been increasing at an unprecedented rate. This is a cultivation that I could not have been able to get for thousands of years. I am so grateful to the Lord."

"Don't talk nonsense, and quickly swallow up the source energy of these **** planes. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss this village, you will not have this store. You can't waste this opportunity."

Countless demons are excited. They never feel the speed of promotion so fast. In fact, every time the **** plane is promoted, there are endless benefits for the local devil.

However, it is too rare to be promoted every time in hell. It may not be seen once in a lifetime.

At this moment, all the demons are trying to absorb the origin of Hell's energy and enjoy the rare opportunity of this time.

Some of the demons who are caught in the bottleneck are even more ecstatic, grasping the time and feeling the opportunity to break through.

However, the greatest benefit of the promotion of the Hell plane is Xia Ping.

The two **** planes are merged together, and the huge source of **** is infused with the tide into the Xia Ping body, pouring into every cell in the body.

His body screamed and screamed like a star explosion. Every blood was roaring like a dragon, rumbling, and the blood was so thick that it was incredible, like the Henggu furnace, burning everything.

Three hundred and six billion!

When these enemies' energy sources were swallowed up, the **** gold cells in Xia Ping’s body were awakened to 36 billion.

This is an extremely horrible number.

Every **** gold cell contains enormous energy, like a small sun. If it explodes, it can easily tear the space and smash the stars.

And the three hundred and six billion **** gold cells at the same time bloom, let Xia Ping's body be like the eternal sun, exudes endless heat, burning the void.

This kind of radiant radiance is simply shining through the ages, through the ancient and modern, all over the corners of the burning **** that has been successfully merged, dispelling the darkness of the Hell plane.

All the demons are bathed in such a **** of gold.

At this time, the blood of Heilongjiang in the body of Xia Ping can no longer control, blood and sky, the power of mysterious and powerful blood filled the corners of burning hell, eroding the void.

The vast majority of burning **** demons have perceived the erosion of this demon god's blood, which is irresistible, irreversible, and indefensible.

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