God Level Demon

Chapter 2387: Immortal monument!

After a few more days, Heems City, a manor.

Xia Ping returned to Heims City again and was safe and sound.

"Wu brother, you are fine, how come you suddenly leave Heims City? I heard that Leopold is looking for you everywhere." After returning to the manor, Bradley immediately asked.

"Nothing, I just want to go out and let go."

Xia Ping said Da La La.

Distracted heart? !

When I heard this, Bradley’s mouth twitched. How big is this guy’s heart? I know that there is a statue of the ancient demon who is staring at himself, intending to make his own life, and actually wants to leave the city.

It does not know how to say this dead behavior.

"But look at you like nothing, you should go out of town and not meet Leopold."

Bradley asked.

"Nothing met."

Xia Ping slaps his eyes.

"It’s best if you don’t meet it. Remember not to go out of town. Leopold’s guy is very hot-hearted. He will report it, but he won’t be merciful to you.”

Bradley nodded, and he didn't doubt Xia Ping's words, because if he really met the Leopold guy, where could he come back so intact.

Even if you don't die, I am afraid I have to lose my skin.

Xia Ping smiled a little and said nothing. If Bradley knew that Leopold was killed by himself, it would be scared to blink.

After talking to Bradley, he returned to his room.


Xia Ping is sitting on the ground and immediately exerts the magical power of the world tree - the touch of the world.

Suddenly, the roots of the billions of world trees were derived from him, and they infiltrated from all directions, covering a distance of four hundred light years in a flash.

Even if the entire Heims City is not as big as four hundred light years, it can be said that such a coverage is far beyond the scope of Heims City.

Hey! ! !

The roots of a tree of the world must extend to the era of time and space in all directions, and the numerous injunctions that have easily crossed Heims seems to be independent of the dimension.

No demon saint can detect the existence of the touch of the world, and even the various banned methods of Heims City have not touched.

With the roots of hundreds of millions of world trees, Xia Ping seems to have hundreds of millions of eyes, permeating every corner of Heims, as if everywhere.

"Here is the demon temple?!"

In the heart of Xia Ping’s heart, he infiltrated the touch of the world into the demon temple of Heims.

I saw that the original guards were strict and arranged various time and space arrays, enough to kill any demon temple of the Middle Ages, but at this moment they were invaded by the roots of the world tree, such as into the uninhabited environment.

"It is the demon temple of Heims City, the most rigorous place in the entire city, and it is really extraordinary."

Xia Ping can perceive the depths of the demon sanctuary to arrange 18,000 space-time bans. Once an enemy invades, it will be able to stand still in time and space, and all enemies will fall into a state of static time.

At that time, the enemy was the monkey in the Buddha's hand, and there was nowhere to hide.

He also rejoiced that he did not act rashly, otherwise the trade rushed into the demon temple, I am afraid it must die.

And in every corner of the demon sanctuary, there is a strong and powerful ancient demon sacred, even in the key points of the battle, there is a statue of the demon.

The basic high-end combat power of Shanghai James City has appeared in this place.

"It seems that if you want to seize these ancient dragons, you still need to wait for the opportunity. Now you will be shot and you will be killed." Xia Ping touched his chin.

Although the roots of the world tree in him must be hidden, even if the space and time of the Middle Ages are not detected, it is only in a state of nothingness.

If the roots of these world trees must be solidified, they will be spotted by the Middle Ages.

At that time, he is afraid that he will be surrounded by a group of medieval demon.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry, waiting for the timing.

At the same time, Xia Ping's body is also practicing in Leicheng, slowly gestating a third avatar.


A few days later, in the main city of Leicheng City.

The owner of the city, Zi Lei, and the deputy city owner, the rain saints, gathered in this place and their faces were dignified.

"The timing is finally here."

The eyes of the purple thunder sage showed a glimmer of light: "I secretly returned to the headquarters in the past few days and negotiated with the ancestors. They also knew the seriousness of the matter and promised us great support."

"Great support? Is it necessary to send an ancient saint to come over?"

Listening to the rain sage in the heart, could not help but ask.

"How can it be?"

The purple sage smirked: "What kind of character is the ancient saint, it is a big town, and the guardian of one side, every ancient saint has his own task to perform, the responsibility is great, will not be easily dispatched, where will come to the Thunder sea Small place.

Moreover, if the ancient saints are dispatched, they will certainly not be able to marry the demon. At that time, they will take a shot and move the whole body. Perhaps the demon will also send an ancient demon to arrive, and then it will be out of control.

Two ancient saints fought in the Thunder continent, I am afraid that this sea area will be alive.

Therefore, the instructions given to us by the ancestors are that this war is going to be hit, it is necessary to fight the demon's pain, knowing that it is powerful, and dare not jump again, but it cannot be too excessive. After all, the enemies of our heavenly people are still abyss. ”

"But if there is no reinforcement, how can we fight? With our strength, even if we want to attack Heims City, we will pay a heavy price. This kind of thing is not worth the loss."

Listening to the rain saint frowned.

"Reassured, although I did not promise to increase the strength of Leicheng, but promised to temporarily give me a monumental monument to the immortal monument, as the power to tear Heims City."

The purple sage grabbed a large hand and immediately took out a black stone tablet of the size of a palm.

I saw this black stone monument engraved with a mysterious ban on it. Every pen and text on the text seems to be a way of law.

And the innumerable texts are superimposed, which seems to constitute an immortal scripture. It seems that these immortal scriptures represent the laws of the universe, the heavens and the earth.

Even as a saint in the Middle Ages, when they saw the appearance of this black stone tablet, they felt that their time and space had been strongly suppressed, as if this time and space had been completely suppressed, and no force, no law of heaven or earth could work.

"No, isn't this the monumental monument to the immortal ancestors of the longevity ancestors? It is rumored that this sacred sacred device has the repression of the eight sacred, running through the power of the universe, and the ancestors are willing to give this magic weapon to you?"

Listening to the rain saints scared their eyes and they all came out.

"It’s only for me to use it for the time being. I still have to go back after the war. But the power of trying the great sacrament is also a rare experience. Maybe you can feel the power of deeper rules and find it. Breaking through the path of ancient saints." The eyes of the purple sages reveal a glimmer of light. "But the words are not much to say. Immediately summon the sages of the entire Leicheng, and send the Heims City. This time, you must beat the group of rabbits." It is."

"it is good."

Listening to the rain sage nodded and immediately issued a war call.

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