God Level Demon

Chapter 2435: Bailongcheng

"Well, the adult dragon seems to make a lot of sense. If you see that there are so many treasures on us by other bad dragons, you definitely want to rob us, you can't keep it."

Hearing this, greedy Long Auston nodded with the same feeling.

Other young dragons nodded unanimously. They felt that Xia Ping’s words were also very reasonable. Their age is too small. If they were robbed by other bad dragons, they would be completely finished.

"Don't believe this adult dragon."

Destiny Long Betty looked at Xia Ping with enthusiasm: "What helps us keep it, it is simply nonsense, it is clear that we want to swallow our treasures. We will wait for what we grow up and give back to us when we can grow up. Really. When I grow up, this bad dragon must definitely look for another excuse to swallow our treasures."

"Reliably, I have an honest adult dragon, and I won't deceive children unless I am really worth it."

Xia Ping said Da La La.

After that, he grabbed the big hand and took away the treasures that these young dragons packed. They did not give them a chance to oppose it.

"Abominable, bad dragon."

Destiny Long Betty bit his teeth, can't wait to rush to beat the bastard, but he was stunned for a moment, he was not the opponent of this adult dragon, he had to endure for a while.

“Right, what city is more prosperous nearby?”

Xia Ping asked, he wants to know about the situation nearby.

"There is a white dragon city, which is the largest city in the tens of thousands of light years. Its owner is a white dragon, and its strength has reached the realm of ancient dragons. Even the black wind village does not dare to provoke."

Although very angry, fate Long Betty still said what he knew.

"Okay, then go to Bailongcheng first."

Xia Ping nodded and immediately headed for Bailongcheng.

"Give me waiting, wait for Bailongcheng, I want to eat you poorly."

Destiny Long Betty is a bad idea. He wants to go to Bailongcheng to eat a meal and eat all the losses. Otherwise, the treasures on his own will be lost in vain.


Just as Xia Pingren left for a while, the dragons that passed nearby also found the situation here, and they gathered together. They also found that there was a big problem in the black wind village.

"What happened? Why did the black winds suddenly burst into flames, smoke everywhere, all the bans were destroyed, and even the underground dragon veins disappeared?"

There is an immortal dragon to discover this situation, and I am amazed.

Because the black wind village is a famous bandit of millions of light years, do not know how many dragons have been robbed, fierce and savage, and even some nearby cities are afraid to provoke.

As the owner of the Black Wind Village, the Black Dragon is even more fierce and devastating.

"The Black Wind Village is definitely a Chu problem. It may have provoked the enemy and was attacked."

There is an immortal dragon to guess.

"It really happened to be an enemy."

The courageous dragon, who was very courageous, glanced at it and immediately called it up: "My goodness, the whole black wind village was destroyed, all the forbidden formations were destroyed, even the dragon veins of the black wind village Was pumped to get clean."

"I am going to go, it is really."

"What exactly is the dragon, and what is the hatred of the black wind village."

"Who knows, the usual black wind village is evil, and all the bad things have been done, even if it is not strange to provoke more enemies."

"Quick and fast, go to the Black Wind Village and see if there are any remaining treasures."

"Yeah, the black winds of the village, but the old-fashioned bandits, fierce names, do not know how many dragons robbed, the wealth accumulated in billions of years must be quite amazing."

"That is, even if it has been scraped by other dragons, there are three nails in the rotten ship. Maybe you can find some treasures that are missing."

Many dragons are heart-warming, and they are close to the black wind village.

"I rely on it, go to its uncle, what is the wicked guy, actually the black wind village search is even cleaner than the face, really a nail has not stayed, insane."

Soon, there was a near-ancient dragon who broke his mouth and his face was green.

It will search the black wind village up and down, but it is found that it is really a treasure can not be found, the murderer who killed the black wind village seems to have a very good grasp of the treasure, up and down are searched clean .

No, this should not be the search for treasures, but the move is right, even some of the beam wood of the black wind village, a little bit worthy of the money was taken away.

Mom, how bad is the **** in the end, don't you know that you are leaving something worthwhile? !

Other dragons are also depressed to the extreme, do not know what to say, and finally had to leave.

Some of the dragons in the nearby city are twinkling and very excited.

"Haha, the black wind village is finally over."

"It’s really God’s eyes, and finally there are dragons that can clean them up.”

"After the evil spirits of the Black Wind Village, the hardships of these nearby cities are all over the place, and no one dares to kill us on the road."

"But the Black Wind Village is not a powerful force. Actually, they are colluding with many forces. They are considered to be the black gloves of the big forces, and they are doing some dirty things.

It is precisely because of these great forces that the Black Wind Village can be so unscrupulous, even after several rounds of killing, it can still stand up and become a large force nearby.

Of course, the black-winged villager Black Dragon Basta is not a good dragon, the strength has reached the Middle Ages, comprehending the rules of time, not so good to kill. ”

"Yeah, I just watched the environment of the Black Wind Village. It didn't seem to have been destroyed too much, nor did it produce too many traces of fierce battle. It is conceivable that those black winds and villagers must be suddenly met. The killing between the two, even the power of resistance is not taken away or killed."

"It seems that the dragon that attacked the Black Wind Village is terrible. Maybe it is a dragon that has reached the ancient times and has realized the law of creation."

"What do you do with this kind of thing? In short, this is something between big people. It has nothing to do with us. We just have to report this news to it."

"That's right, the more you know, the faster you die. This is my many years of experience as a spy."

Many dragon spies talked about it. They immediately left from the Black Wind Village and returned to their respective cities to report their affairs to the black wind village.

For a time, the news of the demise of the black wind village spread all over the area of ​​tens of light years, which also caused the vibration of many forces.

Many dragon spies have taken shots, trying to find out which forces have personally shot the black wind village, which has a profound impact on the distribution of power in this region in the future.

No matter how they inquire, they can't find any clues and messages.

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