God Level Demon

Chapter 2440: What is missing?

Bailongcheng, a shop selling virtual equipment.

Xia Ping, Ye Mengyao, and Destiny Long Betty and other young dragons entered the store.

“Wow, is this the place to sell virtual reality devices?”

“I heard that using this device will allow you to enter the virtual world, which is equivalent to the second dragon world.”

"Yes, yes, the virtual world is no different from the real world except that it will not die."

"It's amazing, but I have never been in."

Destiny Long Betty and other young dragons are curious. They are all orphaned dragons. They are taken away by these dragon dealers when they are very young. They are so poor that they will not have the chance to get these virtual devices.

They looked curiously at the environment around the store and wanted to reach out and touch the devices.

"Little kid, don't touch it, you can't afford it if you break it."

At this time, the store immediately walked out of a chubby middle-aged golden dragon. He roared with Betty and other young dragons, and a pair of poor dragons did not enter his shop.


Destiny Long Betty and other young dragons roared this shopkeeper, which is clearly a dog's eye to see people low.

"Look at what you have seen, have you ever seen a money dragon? You can see that you are the master of virtual equipment, and you will know that you are hanging out in the store all day, delaying the business of Laozi."

The owner of the middle-aged Golden Dragon sneered.

Awkwardly, I haven’t waited for the middle-aged Golden Dragon to finish the conversation. Xia Ping immediately took out a fist-sized dragon crystal from his body and squatted on the table.

"I don't know if I have a money dragon, but I can still buy virtual equipment here. If you don't want to do business, I can go elsewhere."

He looked at the middle-aged golden dragon faintly.

One hundred dragon crystal? !

Seeing this fist-sized dragon crystal, the middle-aged golden dragon eye beads are quickly protruding, revealing the look of greed.

In fact, Longjing also has the size and standardization, which are representative of a dragon crystal, five dragon crystal, ten dragon crystal, fifty dragon crystal, and one hundred dragon crystal, these dragon crystal amount is the currency that constitutes the dragon world.

This is similar to the denomination of human banknotes.

The piece of dragon crystal that Xia Ping took out is obviously worth a hundred dragon crystals.

To know that a piece of dragon crystal is enough for a normal family of three to live for a few months, then a hundred dragon crystals, for the ordinary dragon is also a relatively large number.

Of course, for the holy dragon, it is only a slap in the face.

"This guest, joking, I was just joking. I really don't know Taishan. I am forgiving. I hope that you will forgive me." The middle-aged Jinlong immediately recognized it, revealing a pug. No, even if he is arrogant, it is impossible to fight against Longjing.

"Do not talk nonsense, immediately take out the best virtual equipment in your store, don't give those broken copper out." Xia Ping waved his hand and said to the middle-aged Golden Dragon.

"Yes Yes Yes."

The middle-aged Golden Dragon's smile was more intimate and embarrassing. There is no doubt that this is a big customer. He quickly entered the store and took out one of the top virtual devices.

"This guest, this is our top virtual device - the smart bracelet, which is made of the top dragon gold material, has indestructible characteristics, and the ordinary power can not hurt it.

Of course, this is just its most common feature. The important thing is that it has a fast thief, can enter the virtual network world without any delay, and the signal is very good, even if it enters the place where there is no shortage of smoke, it can receive the network signal.

Even it can accept energy, solar energy, wind energy, and even Longli energy charging, basically all-weather standby, unlike other virtual devices that need to be charged all the time.

Moreover, it is small in size, can be carried on the body, and can be used anywhere. This is the most advanced intelligent virtual device in the entire dragon world, and it is absolutely suitable for your identity. ”

"Do not talk nonsense, how much is it?"

Xia Ping waved his hand.

"4.5 Longjing one."

The middle-aged golden dragon stretched out four fingers.

This price is indeed very expensive, which is equivalent to more than a year of ordinary dragon income, can be regarded as a luxury.

"Okay, give me ten pieces."

Xia Ping immediately said, he carefully counted, including himself, as well as Ye Mengyao, several young dragons, almost need ten virtual devices.

And these ten virtual devices are not expensive, for a total of forty-five dragon crystals.

"Yes Yes Yes."

When I heard this, the middle-aged Jinlong was very excited. Ma slip took out ten such smart bracelets from the inside of the store.

"give change."

Awkwardly, Xia Ping took a hundred dragon crystals on his desk.

I saw the distressed look on the middle of the golden dragon face, and screamed, it took out a hundred pieces of dragon crystal from the drawer and piled it on the table.

Then it divided the dragon crystals into 4.5 dragon crystals, and then counted a few dozens. Finally, it finally breathed a sigh of relief and took out the remaining fifty-five dragon crystals.

"It's right, yes, you should get back fifty-five dragon crystals."

Middle-aged Golden Dragon breathed a sigh of relief and looked satisfied.

"What is this doing?"

Xia Ping’s mouth was pumped, and his face was speechless, but it was just looking for money. Is it so big? !

"I heard that most of the maths of the dragons are not good. Even the nine-ninth multiplication will not be so good, so don't be too surprised."

Ye Mengyao knows the voice.

"Is there still such a thing?"

Xia Ping touched his chin. He took over the boss's fifty-five dragon crystals, and suddenly he seemed to think of something like it. He patted his head: "Yes, boss, I almost forgot, in fact, I have exactly Forty-five Longjing, I will give it to you, and then you don't need to find any money. Just give me this hundred pieces of Dragon Crystal."

what? !

When I heard this, the middle-aged Golden Dragon immediately smashed, and the eyes seemed to have circles. What does this mean? Originally, the calculation of fifty-five pieces of Longjing has cost it a lot of power, and now it is here again.

"What happened to the boss, I gave you forty-five dragon crystals, and then you gave me one hundred dragon crystals. Isn't that the money and the goods clear? What else do you need to consider?"

Xia Ping said impatiently.

Yes, it is true.

The middle-aged Golden Dragon did not nod and nodded, suddenly realized that this kid gave himself 45 pieces of Longjing, and then returned to the other party a hundred dragon crystals, which is exactly the money and goods, and they do not need to calculate hard.

Thinking of this, he took out a hundred pieces of Longjing and gave it to Xia Ping.

"Well, the cooperation is enjoyable. If I want to buy something next time, I will definitely come back to visit the boss." Xia Ping took over a hundred pieces of Longjing, Da Lala said.

"You're welcome, I hope you will take care of you in the future."

Middle-aged Golden Dragon looks happy.

"Okay, then see you again."

Xia Ping waved his hand and left with the fat dragon and other young dragons holding virtual equipment.

Seeing this scene, Ye Mengyao's mouth was pumping, and looking at the middle-aged golden dragon with pity, it was like watching an idiot, but she did not say anything.

She can only feel that Xia Ping is definitely a natural liar. This boss has been deceived and is still helping the people.

The middle-aged Golden Dragon stood in the store for a long time, and if he lost his account, he felt that he seemed to have lost something, but what he lost was not understood.

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