God Level Demon

Chapter 2473: Enter the core cave

In a month, the blink of an eye passed.

There are also many dragons who want to find Xia Ping's troubles, trying to **** Xia Ping's enlightenment flowers and intangible orders, but they are not being killed, they are being held into the mountains and rivers, and they are permanently slaves.

As time went by, invisible orders continued to appear in the ruins, and the surrounding dragons were less and less chasing Xia Ping. They also knew that Xia Ping was not a good dragon.

"This Wutai fight is really a wicked door. It can live for a month. Even today, no one can take away the invisible order and enlightenment flower on his body. It is simply incredible."

Some dragons feel puzzled. They feel that according to the strength of this Wutai fighting, they are still surrounded by dragons, and they are all enemies, not to mention living for a month. Even if they can live for three days, they are remarkable.

It can be said that this Wutai Dou still can survive and live in today.

"It is indeed incredible. I have heard that there have been a lot of troubles for Zhonggu Long to find Wu Taidou, but so far no news has come out, and I don't know if those Middle Dragons are dead or alive."

There are dragons who know some gossip.

"Just kidding, go to Wutai fighting trouble, and now even the news can not come out, it is naturally dead, where do not know whether it is dead or alive." There are longan stunned.

According to the strength of the Middle Ages, each of them has grasped the law of time and mastered the field of time and space. Even if such a presence does not beat the other party, the escape can be escaped.

But this Wutai fight can be encountered. Actually, no news leaked out. It seems that the silent disappearance in this world is generally more, which makes the dragon more fearful.

"It is true. Many dragons also think that those middle dragons are dead. That Wutai fight is like a black hole. I don't know how many dragons have been swallowed up, and there is no horror."

"I think this is really exaggerated. The Wutai fight is only in the late period of the ancient times. It can be considered against the middle dragons. Actually, they can kill them and make jokes."

"Yeah, I still can't imagine this ridiculous thing until now."

A group of dragons is incredible and puzzling.

At this time, there was an old dragon who said: "In fact, it is not impossible. There are so many secrets in the universe. I heard that in the dark restricted area, there were once a dragon ancestors who encountered a kind of heavenly and holy medicine, which seemed to be called Huang Quanhua.

When they touched this flower, they were immediately swept by a mysterious force of death. Even if the Taigu Dragon was recruited, the soul was pulled into the Yellow Spring and died silently.

If that Wutaidou can kill so many medieval dragons silently, let them escape and escape, I must have mastered such a mysterious treasure.

Although it may not be a strange plant like Huang Quanhua, it may have the same effect as Huangquanhua. The group of ancient dragons don't know, and all of them are recruited. ”

It said its own guess.

When I heard these words, the other dragons couldn’t help but realize: "It turns out that it may seem like you said that the Wutai fighting body must have a mysterious means of not knowing the dragon."

"What is the means? If you can know, you can solve this martial arts fight."

The dragon has a greedy gaze.

"I advise you not to provoke the Wutai fight again. Since it is a mysterious means, it is impossible to find out easily. Did you not see those Middle Dragons? The silent death is enough to prove the horror of this means. Before I knew what this means was, I used to look for Wu Taidou, and that was to die."

The old dragon sneered.

When I heard these words, many dragons couldn’t help but shudder. It was also true. Before I could understand the secret means of this martial arts fight, I went to look for Wu Taidou. It was not sent to death or what to do.

Maybe they haven't waited until they find the secret of Wu Taidou, they are killed.

Now the entire ruins are big enough, and not only the top holy medicines like Gouda, but if you look carefully, you can find other top holy medicines.

They don't have to risk their lives to find the trouble of Wu Taidou.

Because so many Middle Dragons have died, it has also proved that Wutai Dou can qualify for Wu Daohua.

Three-year-old children with gold sway through the city, naturally will also cause greedy for countless people who are speculative.

But if it is two meters tall, the strong man holding the steel sword holds the gold, ensuring that not many people dare to swear, this is the difference between the two, only the strong can be worthy of the top treasures.

The record of Wu Taidou during this time can fully prove this point.

Because of this, in addition to some hoes, there are fewer and fewer dragons in the entire ruins to find Xia Ping trouble, and they are also jealous of Xia Ping's strength.


At this time, Xia Ping, under the leadership of Destiny Long Betty and Invisible Dragon Kali, searched for treasures everywhere.

"Haha, that group of stupid waste Chailong did not dare to come over and see who else can resist Benlong's search for treasures." Destiny Long Betty is proud, she feels that there is an adult dragon support is cool, it can be a shit. There is no dragon at all that can bully himself, and can walk across the ruins.

Before the dragons who wanted to find trouble, all the dragons were killed by the adult dragons. So now, instead of the waste Chailong, they will be scared to escape and the situation will be reversed.

"Adult dragon, we have helped you find a lot of treasures, can the red blood dragon grass give us?"

Invisible Long Carly looked forward to watching Xia Ping.

The same is true of Destiny Long Betty, because red blood dragon grass can enhance their blood, it is vital.

As for the enlightenment, it is too precious, and it is a waste to give them. Of course, Xia Ping is not likely to give it.

"Well, you have a lot of credit, and this red blood dragon grass is yours."

After thinking about it, Xia Ping thinks that this red blood dragon grass is very precious, but it will have a great effect on the dragon. For himself as a human being, the effect is not very big.

Moreover, he already has the blood of the hell, and it is also a waste of the blood of the ancestral dragon. And such a red blood dragon grass, the blood of the ancestral dragon is also rare.


Destiny Long Betty and Invisible Dragon Cary are both excited. They took over the red blood dragon grass that Xia Ping handed over. Their little eyes are full of excitement and cheers.

"Well, is time coming?"

Suddenly, Xia Ping’s heart moved. He perceived that the invisible dragon in his hand was shaking, and a huge amount of information immediately poured into the depths of his consciousness.

It seems that this information tells himself that he passed this test and can enter the core cave of the invisible dragon Theodore.

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