God Level Demon

Chapter 2732: Hunting mission

At noon on the second day.

When Monica arrived, she looked at Xia Ping with an obsessive look. The face was red and she said: "Austin, I told the next night that I found more than 80 tasks, big and small. I don't know Austin wants to perform. Which task?"

"Oh, what is the mission?"

Xia Ping picked up his eyebrows. He looked at the dark gold cards on Monica's hand, which depicted the contents of the mission. This is also the unique task card of the demon temple.

However, these task cards can only be obtained if they promise to take over the task.

But what role is Monica? She uses her power to directly intercept all these tasks and then hand them over to Xia Ping.

After the selection of Xia Ping, these tasks will be handed over to other demons.

This is the power of all evil.

If other demons in the demon temple know this, I am afraid that one will envy hatred. It is estimated that the resentment against Xia Ping will definitely take it to the next level.


Xia Ping only scanned the gods and immediately understood the contents of these tasks.

To be honest, most of the tasks of these demons are chasing demons.

Because the demon temple is actually a law enforcement agency that spans the entire abyss, responsible for supervising the major kingdoms and maintaining the legal order of the major kingdoms.

But as a mysterious demon, all of them are fierce and cruel, born with cruelty, all the time, full of killing yuwan, which is derived from the instinct of the demon.

Just relying on a piece of law to tie these abyss demons, it is simply a fantasy.

Even in the demon temple, and the suppression of many abyssal kings, most of the abyss demons are already law-abiding and will not kill innocent people.

However, there are still a small number of demons that can't control their own impulses, thus creating terrible killings everywhere, leading to countless deaths and injuries.

Such behavior violates the laws of the abyss and will be directly sanctioned.

Of course, the ordinary demon can be solved by the guards of the major kingdoms, but there are also some terrible demons that need to be solved by the elites of the demon temple.

Obviously, these killing missions were issued after the major kingdoms could not solve them and handed them over to the demon temple for treatment.

But in addition to these killing missions, there are many special tasks.

For example, explore the abyss secrets.

In fact, even if the abyss demon is not 100% understanding of the vast abyss, there are still many powerful and dangerous secrets.

Such a secret is not even arbitrarily accessible to the abyss king.

Therefore, those high-level demons will promulgate these exploration tasks, hoping to let other demons help to explore.

Of course, since this kind of task is very dangerous, it is almost a lifetime of death, then the reward is quite amazing, and many demons are willing to take risks.

In addition to exploring the secrets, there are still some tasks that make Xia Ping a little surprised, that is, when it is fine.

This kind of task seems to require some loyal demon, after the training of the demon temple, and then silently sneak into the current universe, as the spies of the abyss.

Such spies are also hidden for a long time and will not be revealed until the crucial moment.


Xia Ping’s eyes showed a glimmer of light. He did not expect that the demon temple would blatantly issue such a task. It was simply unscrupulous to say that he was inserting a lot of spies in the world universe.

But think about it carefully, the behavior of the demon temple is actually very normal.

After all, this place is the deepest part of the abyss. The life of the heavens and the people can not come in, otherwise it will be quickly corroded by the power of the abyss and become an abyss creature.

So of course they are fearless and not afraid of their own information leaking out.

It is conceivable that the penetration of the abyss monsters into the present universe is estimated to be many years, and it is not known how many epochs have been experienced and how many spies have been inserted.

They are preparing such plans for the next war.

Once a war breaks out, it will surely make the heavens and the people suffer a great deal.

When Xia Ping thought of it, he became more and more aware of the terrible abyss. This race is prepared for such a long time. Once a war breaks out, the scale and destructive power may not be comparable to the ancient times.

"Austin, don't know which task you want to pick up?"

Monica looked at Xia Ping and asked.

"Just on this task."

Upon hearing this, Xia Ping pointed out one of the task cards.

"Catch the sand monster!"

When Monica saw this task card, the beauty revealed a glimmer of light: "Austin, this task is not simple, this sand demon is a famous demon.

It has been absconding for more than a hundred years. In this hundred years, it has done a lot of evil. It has destroyed more than a dozen cities. Every time it is a murder of a small city, it is extremely fierce. It is a Class A felony. You can be on the spot without trial. Execution.

This sand devil loves blood, kills a living, has a strong fighting power, and his whereabouts are extremely secret. Once the demon temple sent an elite team to chase this demon, but it was escaped by it, and even it was killed by it. . According to the information introduction, I am afraid that the strength of this demon has reached the near ancient times. ”

She is the power of this sand demon is not simple, the combat power is superior.

And Austin is just an immortal demon. If you take this task, it doesn't matter if you fail. If you are afraid of being killed by this sand demon, then you will die too much.

"What? You worry that I am not the opponent of this sand magic?"

Xia Ping glanced at it.

To be honest, he also wants to take on more difficult tasks, but his current status is just an immortal demon. The level of the demon temple is very low, and it is impossible to step over to a more difficult task.

The task of killing the sand demon is already the best reward for these tasks. Once completed, his authority and status in the demon hall will be further improved.

Of course, he is not afraid that he will expose real strength.

Because under the influence of the real demon power, even if he exposes the strength beyond the immortality, it will only be hidden by other demons before it is hidden, instead of being suspected of being replaced by other demons.

This is the terrible power of the real demon god, which can distort all unreasonable places into reasonable ones, and will not let other life feel the slightest difference.

Therefore, he will be so fearless and want to become the top member of the demon temple at the fastest speed, master the high authority of the demon temple, and thus find out important information.

When I heard this, Monica immediately shook her head: "No, no, no, of course, I am not worried that you are not the opponent of the sand magic, just worrying about whether there will be any accidents."

She stared at Xia Ping.

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