God Level Demon

Chapter 2736: Play pig eat tiger


At the moment, above the earth, a demon appeared immediately, 20 meters in body, and the whole body was condensed by yellow gravel, with nose, mouth, ears and hands and feet.

This is the famous sand demon, even if it is fainting at the moment, but still can still feel the terrible death atmosphere and the heat of the sand.

It seems that where it appears, it will surely plunder all life and water.

In fact, even if it hides, the surrounding water is gradually swallowed up and evaporated by it. Over time, it will be desertified.

Therefore, each time the sand magic hides, it will not be too long. After all, if the time is too long, the place where it hides will definitely be abnormal, and it will be detected by other demons.

"Sure enough, this flower is indeed unusual, just a small knife test, it is easy to catch this fierce evil, extremely powerful sand magic."

Xia Ping stood in the same place and touched his chin.

This sand demon has entered the field of his own flowers and has fallen into deep sleep. It is estimated that the sand demon at this moment still does not know that he has been arrested.

Just now he was only exerting some of his power. This century-old, the sand magic that escaped the countless times of the demon temple, fell into his hands, and even the fierce battle has not yet begun.

If you let other demons see this scene, I am afraid that they will not be able to close their mouths.

After all, the sand demon is a famous desert in the abyss. Its **** plunder, death and devouring are simply famous. It is known as the **** of death in the desert.

Even its ability to elementize is to make it extremely life-saving. The ordinary demon, even if its combat power is stronger than it, can't kill it.

But now it is so silent, it was arrested by Xia Ping, it is really shocking.

Of course, this is the supreme power of illusion.

Even if it is a frontal battle, it can show the strength of the same level of horizontal pressure. If it is a sneak attack, then let alone, there are not many that can be resisted under the whole world.

“The power to control the scent can also improve and dig out more space.”

Xia Ping blinked his eyes. He suddenly remembered Monica's performance. It was estimated that Monica was so obsessed with herself at this moment. Apart from being a perverted woman, she was also inseparable from the soaring power of his body.

Because such an odor can increase the goodwill of others, if it has a good feeling in itself, then it may be able to increase the sensitivity at the speed of the geometric progression, almost reaching the full level.


Just as Xia Ping wanted to bring this sand demon back, he looked up and immediately realized that there were more than a dozen tyrannical demon spirits in all directions.

Hey! ! !

In the twinkling of an eye, there were twenty full-faced demons around Xia Ping. Their strengths were at least in the Middle Ages, and even three were ancient demon.

These tyrannical demons are all over the place, and the atmosphere is merged with each other. It seems to form a forbidden array of emptiness, blocking the time and space in all directions.

Under the influence of such a banned force, even the ancient demon can't escape from the blockade of this ban, and at this moment, the tens of thousands of kilometers have formed an absolute cage space.

"Well, six-armed lion magic Chebman?!"

Xia Ping picked up his eyebrows. He looked at an ancient demon who was headed. According to Austin's memory, this kid is one of Monica's fanatics. It seems to be his dead rival.

Austin has been encountering this six-armed lion, Debbie, several times, and has been secretly warned that if he continues to approach Monica, he will surely suffer a disaster.

Combined with what happened last time, coupled with the pervasive killing of the six-armed lion Magic Chebman at the moment, it is estimated that killing the real Austin can not be separated from this kid.

In addition to the six-armed lion Magic Chebman, there are also five or six of the middle-aged demon Xia Ping who have seen in the alleys, are the murderers who killed Austin a few days ago.

At this moment, these demons gather collectively here and completely surround them. From the point of view of their killing, it is obvious that they are planning to put him to death.


Six-armed lion Magic Chebman blinked and looked at the unconscious sand monster on the ground, and then looked at Xia Ping: "It seems that the whole demons of the Rock City, including me, are all I looked at you thoroughly.

The famous name of the all-nighter is the sand demon. This demon has reached the peak of the Middle Ages. It is so easy to be put down by you. Your strength is far beyond our imagination. You hide it really deep. ”

It has a gloomy face.

Even though it has long known that this kid is a slicker who plays pigs and eats tigers, it is really seeing this scene, and it still makes it so irritating in the lungs.

It was because of his own mistakes that he lost such a big face. As long as he thought of this, it would have liked to give this kid a corpse.

"Austin, do you guys dare to play us?!"

A demon screamed, and his anger was unstoppable, and he yelled at Xia Ping.

I saw that the famous sand demon was so easily and easily uniformed by the kid, and the strength displayed was far beyond the imagination of the demons. They still don’t know where they were actually being played.

With such a powerful illusion, how could it be killed by them so easily? !

When I think of it, they are all sorrowful and angry. There is a kind of grievances and anger that are fooled by people. It is simply that they can't wait to give this kid a corpse, in order to wash away such shame.

"The last time I was pretending to be so weak in the alleys, let us kill so easily. It turns out that everything is an illusion."

"It seems that everything is explained clearly. You **** already knew about the assassination, but deliberately took our strategy, the purpose is to play around with us."

"It is obvious that there is such a powerful illusion power, but it is still pretending to be a small white face here. It is a waste of soft rice. What is your attempt at this bastard?"

"The acting is really lifelike, the screams of death, the pleadings before dying, and the desperate battles in the battle. Even the demons of our tyrannical giants have been deceived by it. How many people this **** has deceived, you Is the **** fun to tease other demons?!"

Many demons are gnashing their teeth and roaring Xia Ping. They have been humiliated for so many years, and this is the first time.

In particular, after remembering that they had 'killed' this kid, they left with joy and enthusiasm, but they did not expect to be beaten the next morning.

This makes them more awkward.


Xia Ping squinted his eyes, he was a little bit forced, and he was not sure what the demons were saying.

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