God Level Demon

Chapter 2739: Kill

At this moment, the six-armed lion Magic Chebman is simply doing his best, as if to display the magic of the devil, even the burning of his own soul power, is to fight with Xia Ping.

At such a point of life and death, it has no way to blame anything, only to die in the end, to fight off this horror.

"It’s too late to be dying."

With a bang, Xia Ping silently came to the six-armed lion in front of the Chebman, and he looked at Chebman faintly, his fingers lightly pointed on the forehead of the six-armed lion Debbie. .

There is no magical power - Indra refers!

This refers to the cause and effect, the power of the law of life and death, in which the power of horror is boundless, the destruction of time and space, any magical technique is unable to measure the power of this finger.

In the midst of it, this finger seems to contain the power of the gods.

It is also because of the power of this horrible death that the six-armed lion, Debbie, will be so fearful, and will immediately display the magic of the gods, the purpose is to live a life.

The problem is that even if it knows this, it is inevitable and unstoppable. This is a killing blow.


This finger was gently placed on the forehead of the six-armed lion, Debbie, and the horror of cause and effect and the power of life and death, all of which immediately blew the body of Chebman.

"Do not!"

The six-armed lion, Debbie, made a scream of screams, and its pupils revealed horror, fear, regret, beg for mercy and unwillingness, and so on.

It has already regretted the extreme. If it has long been known that this flower demon is so horrible, it will dare to come and provoke the other side. Is this not a dead end? !

But it is too late to know this, and now there is no regrettable medicine to eat.


In an instant, the power of Indra pointed out completely, and the body and soul of the next-second six-armed lion, Debbie, was smashed by this finger, completely turned into powder, and disappeared into the void.

At the same time, this finger also broke the causal relationship of the six-armed lion, the magical Chebman, smashed the time and space picture, even if the invincible saint came here to investigate, can not find its cause of death.

It seems that the six-armed lion, Debbie, is so annihilated in this abyss.


Many abyss demon eyes wide open, can not help but scream, even if the abyss demon are ignorant creatures, but they know what is called rabbit fox sorrow.

They saw that Chabman was actually dead in the hands of this flower, and they couldn’t help but anger in their hearts.

"Damn Austin, actually dare to kill Master Chebman, you are looking for a dead end."

"Kill this kid and avenge the Chebman."

"Do it together, surround it, don't give him any chance to escape."

Many abyss demon murderous, they have been planning to do their best, swarming, tearing this kid into pieces, will never give Xia Ping any chance to escape.

Hey! ! !

Just for a moment, these abyssal demons are divided into killings from all directions, and they also erupt into the abyss field one after another.

Or the dark field, as if plundering all the light, absorbing all the sounds, swallowing up.

Or in the field of flames, there is a horrible abyss of magical fire everywhere, it is burning everything, any creatures entering it, will be swallowed up by this magic fire, turned into gray.

Or in the field of ice, the wind whistling, the snow is falling, the temperature is extremely low, it seems to reach the realm of absolute zero, cold and vertical, and freeze the time and space.


The power of these demon fields is extremely horrible, one after another crushed down, even if the six-armed lion magic Chebman is estimated to be unable to withstand, will be killed in a flash, five horses.

This is the horror power of dozens of abyss demons at the same time, enough to crush any ancient demon, and the power of the explosion is even more frightening.

"Stupid, you have already stepped into my field, and I have slept for me."

Xia Ping stood in the same place, faintly watching these abyss demons.


In an instant, the field of flowers on his body broke out, extremely terrible and powerful, completely replacing the fields of these abyss demons, covering all aspects of time and space.

The tens of thousands of kilometers are turned into a world of flowers, filled with fascinating scent, which permeates every corner of the abyss and even the soul.

"Well, how did the power of my body disappear suddenly?"

Many of the abyss demon face changed greatly and panicked. They found that they had lost their strength all over the body. It seems that all the magical powers have disappeared, and it is impossible to use any abyss.

If there is no abyss, and the magic of the abyss, they are simply the lambs to be slaughtered. How can they counter this horrible singer Austin? How can this ridiculous thing happen and make a joke.

“Why is it going to disappear? It’s very simple, because you’ve long been caught in my fantasy.”

Xia Ping smiled slightly, faintly watching these abyss demons, screaming, he snapped a finger, countless cherry blossoms, and integrated into the body of these abyss demons.

With a bang, these abyss demons didn’t know what was going on. They were like wood, and they fainted to the ground and slumbered.

Even some abyss demons are still snoring, very serene, as if they are having a good dream.

"It is the power of the blood of the flower demon, this ability to control the smell, the ability to display illusion, silent, almost invincible." Xia Ping suddenly felt very much.

It took a lot of effort to deal with these abyss demons.

After all, if you see the situation is not good, these abyss demons may be able to escape, or zero, will always be run away by these demons, there are fish missing.

Or even if they don't run away, if you die with yourself and directly blew the magic body, I am afraid it will cause a lot of trouble.

However, with the field of flowers and the display of illusion of scent, all these abyss monsters can be subdued in an instant, and they can not withstand the stunned atmosphere.

And because of the smell, they are also undetectable and have a strong secret.

It can be said that if this **** magical power is developed, the power is really unusual.


Thinking of this, Xia Ping waved his hand and immediately arrested dozens of abyss demons on the ground that had passed out, including the six-armed lion, the magical Chebman.

He intends to throw them all to the tree of the world, let the tree of the world devour the bodies of these abyss, and believe that the energy contained in these abyss demons will surely make the world tree a huge advantage.

Maybe it will allow the world tree to grow further.

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