God Level Demon

Chapter 2745: Abyss

"Abyss forbidden?!"

Hearing these words, Xia Ping’s pupils also shrank. After actually getting all the memories of Austin, he also had a certain degree of understanding of the abyss world.

If you ask him where he wants to go, it must be the forbidden place.

It is said that the forbidden land in the abyss is a super-forbidden land formed by the gods in the last cosmic era, which is equivalent to a small dark restricted area.

It is conceivable that the dangers of this abyss banned land, even if the semi-god-level powerhouse enters it, will fall into it. In fact, the number of people who have fallen into the semi-god-level demons is too much.

This has become a place where many demons are sorrowful. It has been listed as a taboo place. There are layers of banned arrays around it. The ordinary demons have no way to enter them.

Of course, the reason why Xia Ping wants to enter this abyss forbidden is because he got the news, perhaps the biggest secret of the abyss is in this forbidden place.

Legend has it that after entering the abyss forbidden land, it has gained infinite benefits, and it has become the strongest existence to suppress other abyssal kings. Therefore, the abyss is forbidden by countless demons.

Even if this place is extremely dangerous, the benefits that can be obtained are enormous.

It is a pity that this place has long been blocked by the demon hall. Except for the high-level figures of the demon temple, other demons are simply not qualified to enter.

If it is found that a demon sneaks into it, it must be dead without a whole body, and will be expelled from the demon hall immediately.

Xia Ping wants to gain great authority in the demon temple in order to get the opportunity to enter the abyss forbidden. He wants to enter it and see what secrets are hidden inside.

But now the demon king of the night actually said that the abyss was forbidden to open soon, many demons have the opportunity to enter the abyss forbidden land, which suddenly made him feel excited.

He suddenly felt that this was a great opportunity.

"The abyss is forbidden to open, is it because the abyss of the perennial is about to start?"

There are ancient demons who can't help but ask.

The so-called abyss ratio, which is hosted by the demon temple, will be held once in 10,000 years.

But such a contest is not a test of humanity, but all the demons are placed in an extremely dangerous environment, so that each other can kill each other.

In this way, the abyss demon that can survive is the strongest.

What they admire is the killing without any rules. No matter what means are used, in short, it can survive from such an environment. This must be the strongest demon, and no one can deny it.

If anyone can get a good ranking, then they will surely get the reward of the demon temple, and even get a big training.

Of course, what rewards, what is more important than the test.

The favorite of these demons is to kill. After all, it is usually not allowed to kill in normal times. It can only be carried out in the framework of the rules. This has long made many demons unable to hold back.

This time, the contest is a game that legally kills other demons. During the game, you can use any means to kill the enemy, so that you will not bear any responsibility.

So you can imagine the enthusiasm of other abyss demons, each time will cause the excitement of countless abyss demons.

"No, it’s going to start again? But wasn’t it only held once in 6,000 years ago? It’s not yet reached the 10,000-year deadline. How could it be held in advance?”

There are doubts in the abyss.

In the past, it was a 10,000-year period, and there was no shortage of one minute. Now it is a full advance of thousands of years, and suddenly many abyss monsters are wrong.

"No doubt, because this is the command of the Lord."

The night demon king said: "The reason is very simple. Occupy the world universe, the devil wants to pick the strongest warrior as a vanguard, and this time the contest is a good opportunity.

If anyone can get a good ranking in this competition, then it will be a heavy responsibility in the demon temple, and even become a general, it is not a strange thing to lead a tribe. ”

what? !

When you hear these words, many abyss demons are excited. This is indeed a great opportunity. If you can get the appreciation of the demon, then they can be upgraded to the third level and gain the supreme authority.

The power in the abyss represents power, represents wealth, represents resources, and which abyss and demons will not let such a great opportunity, this is the opportunity of the Dragon Gate.

"But the king has to tell you in advance that this contest is extremely dangerous. The venue is in the abyss forbidden. The place will be degraded even if it is a demon, not to mention other demons. If it is negligent, maybe this time. The abyss demon who participated will die."

The night demon king is screaming.

The abyss is forbidden? !

Suddenly, many abyss demons seem to have been splashed with a bucket of cold water, calming down from the frenetic state, indeed as the night demon said.

If the strength is not enough, I am afraid that I will die in the abyss forbidden moments.

Even if the strength is very good, it is enough to protect yourself, but if you neglect it, I am afraid it will fall, because the danger of forbidden land in the abyss is not only from other abyss demons, but also from the forbidden land itself.

"And this time there is almost no limit to the strength of the contest. Except for the abyss king, other monsters of the strength level can participate." Night Devil continued.

what? !

Many demon faces are a little green. If you don't limit your strength, the abyss of different strengths are all in the same arena. Then the weak abyss is better than the fart, isn't it going to die? !

I am afraid that the protagonist of this test is the demon of the Taikoo, and the other demons are just foiled.

If other abyss demons don’t want to participate, it’s a dead end.

It is no wonder that this contest is to select the abyss commander. If the abyss commander is a Taikoo demon, then other natural abyss demons may not have any opinions.

And still selected in such a game, then many abyss demons are naturally more convinced.

I am afraid that this game is a general mobilization before the war, the purpose is to pick out the appropriate demon commander who can suppress the other abyss demon convinced.

This sort of selection also makes other abyss demons feel very fair.

"In order to pick the abyss commander?"

Xia Ping blinked his eyes, and could not help but reveal a trace of sultry light, his heart flickering.

His speculation is not wrong. The pace of the Abyss war is getting closer and closer, and it seems that there is a war schedule in general.

If he goes on like this again, I am afraid that the war will really begin to erupt.

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