God Level Demon

Chapter 2756: Know the time person as Junjie

Hey! ! !

In the twinkling of an eye, fifteen people who reached the ancient times immediately flew in the distance. They seemed to perceive the breath here and are coming quickly.

Just a moment, they all descended to the summer plane, unscrupulously showing the power of the ancient demon, seemingly crushed the sky.

"Well, isn't this kid a singer Austin? It's a coincidence that I actually met this kid here."

A Taikoo demon suddenly found Xia Ping in front of him, and the things that happened before the flower demon Austin were actually spread over the square and were known by countless Taiko demons.

After all, Huan Austin was pursued by so many powerful Taikoo female demons, and even alerted the great elder Moran to preside over justice. Now who doesn't know the reputation of this kid.

So they recognized the flower Austin at once.

"I didn't expect this little white face to dare to participate in this abyss ban, but there is not much strength. Is it here to send it to death?" A fairy tale smiled, but it did not understand why this kid is so weak, actually I dare to participate in this abyss forbidden land ratio, it is really a joke.

"I don't know, maybe this kid has his own plans, maybe even a certain degree of certainty to leave the abyss forbidden." Another ancient demon squinted and looked at Xia Ping up and down, seemingly looking for Xia Ping in the end. What secrets dare to participate in this abyss forbidden land ratio.

"Wait, what is the kid's hand, is it not a stone that is produced in the abyss?"

At this time, a Taikoo demon immediately noticed the **** stone in Xia Ping's hand, and its eyes immediately lit up, incomparably fanatical and excited.

It can feel the breath and the majestic energy emitted by the **** stone. The blood of the abyss in your body seems to be boiling, and you can't wait to immediately devour the energy of the stone.

In fact, the energy contained in the stone, whether from the abyss, from hell, or from the heavens and the world, has a great desire for the blood of God.

After all, this is the desire of lower creatures for higher organisms, stemming from the instinct of life evolution.

"Yes, this is indeed a **** stone. I have had the privilege of seeing the abyss kings out of the **** stone. This is the ore that contains the power of the gods in the legend. It is extremely precious, even if it is rich, it cannot be bought. It is basically abyss. The materials that the kings monopolized were almost impossible to obtain from other demons."

"No, how can there be a **** stone in this kid, a small white face in the district, even if it is a pet, it is impossible to be given a treasure of God stone."

"It can only be said that this kid is very lucky, so good to scare people. It is estimated that this guy just came in and found a bunch of gods. Besides, there is no other explanation."

"Is luck? When you meet us, his luck may not be very good."

"That's right, you want to get treasures, you also have possession of treasures, you also need strength. If you don't have the strength, even if you get the treasure, you can't keep it."

"This is not a treasure that such a weak demon can get."

Many of the Taikoo demons are staring at Xia Ping, and their eyes are greedy. They all want to kill Xia Ping in an instant and rob all the gods on this kid.

"Is it interesting to want to **** the stone of mine?"

Xia Ping perceives the thoughts of these ancient demons, and suddenly smiles, the reason why these ancient demons do not have instant hands, it is estimated that scruples between each other.

After all, if you want to get the **** stone, it is not just a Taikoo demon, but a full set of fifteen ancient demon monsters. Every one wants to completely occupy these treasures and want to swallow them.

It is because of these subtle ideas that these ancient demons did not choose to do it immediately.

"Dare to rob us of the **** stone, the master immediately killed this group of demons, no, it is best to take all the prisoners, grab back to the mountains and seas as a coolie." Qingniu immediately shouted loudly, very angry, actually dare to stare at their hands Treasures, this group of abyss demons simply do not know how to write dead words.

It followed Xia Ping for so long, and with the strength of step by step, the eyes and the eyes have long been different, and the Taikoo demon has no need to be on the mind.

Even in the case of the superpowers who have encountered such a level of the Abyssal King, they can easily escape without being able to make a few rounds.

"No hurry, there are some gods in the district. There should be a lot of forbidden places in this abyss."

Xia Ping blinked.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand in the hands of the **** stone, and instantly threw it into the strongest one of the red-haired ancient demon hands. The action did not hesitate and drag the water.

Suddenly, the red-haired Taiko demon is a bit embarrassed, because it has not yet opened, in front of this flower Austin actually handed out all the gods of the body and sent them to their hands.

It was the first time in this life that this situation was encountered. Subconsciously, it took over these gods with big hands.

"You, what do you want to do?"

The red-haired Taiko demon is a bit aggressive.

"This demon leader, the so-called current affairs person is Junjie, I think that the strength is weak, I am not qualified to get these gods, so I will give it to the commander, I hope to lead the smile, after all, only to master such a powerful demon, is eligible to monopolize all The **** stone, other demons are not qualified."

Xia Ping smiled slightly, saying that this is a gift that he honored each other.

At the same time, he runs the illusion field in the body, which affects the emotions of the red-haired demon, although such power can't make the Taiji enchantment completely fall into the illusion.

But the power of this smell and the power of illusion can infinitely magnify each other's expectations.

When I heard this, the red-haired Taige demon suddenly laughed and was very refreshed by this flattering. "Yes, kid, you are very good. Actually, I can see that this command is the strongest demon here. If you are late, I am afraid I will shoot you by myself."

It pinches his fists and shows the power of his body, indicating that he is indeed the strongest of these ancient demons.

I haven't waited for Xia Ping to talk, and a blue-haired Taiyuan demon squinted at the side: "Abbott, it's a bit wrong for you to do this, so many gods, you want to be alone."

"Yeah, there are so many gods here, so many of us are too old demon here, they should be divided equally."

"That's right, Albert, you want to be alone, and asked if we didn't."

"The so-called seeers have a share, there is no reason for you to get all the benefits, and we have no farts, this is a joke."

Many Taikoo demon murderous, staring at the Red Devils, they have already transferred their targets to this red-haired demon Ebert, completely uninterested in Xia Ping.

After all, Xia Ping is just a weak demon in their eyes, not worth mentioning.

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