God Level Demon

Chapter 2809: Swallow artifact fragments

"These guys."

Seeing this scene, Xia Ping suddenly speechless, this group of Internet addiction girls really did not save, seeing a person would like to pull in, as if to want to preach.

But letting the small door play games is nothing, at least let her know the world, as long as it is not excessive.

By the way, there are five Gaia luoli.

Originally, he also intended to use the power of these five Gaia luoli to find the legendary Gaia Paradise based on their causal line.

But look at these little luoli seems to be planning to rely on the world of mountains and seas not to go out, completely in this place, do not know when will go back to Gaia Paradise.

And he can't be strong against them, he can only wait slowly.

However, according to the character of these Gaia housewives, I am afraid I will have to wait until the ages are old.

"Forget it, first strengthen the strength of Xiaojin."

Thinking of this, Xia Ping will no longer pay attention to cynicism and other Internet addiction girls, he knows the voice to the gold slime: "Xiao Jin, come over, I am looking for you something."

"Well, it is the voice of the master, the owner is looking for me."

Xiaojin immediately perceives Xia Ping’s knowledge of the gods, and she immediately put down the game.

"Hey, Xiaojin, where are you going? Don't you play the game?"

Greedy nightmare and insect Xiaoqian and others looked curiously at Xiaojin.

"Don't fight, the owner is looking for me."

Xiaojin’s figure flashed and soon disappeared into this place.

"Well, Xiaojin ran, then what should we do in the group battle, there is no Xiaojin this local tyrant, we can't beat the opposite group." Insect Xiaoqian shouted.

"Oh, ridiculous, how about opening and hanging, I don't believe that the technology alone can't make the group open, we don't need the power of sheet metal." Gaia blonde Luoli called.

"But the strength of the sheet metal is very horrible. Xiaojin reported it once, and all the faces were sealed. We reported it for dozens of times and ignored us."

Red hair luoli said weak.

"Shut up, don't be eroded by the power of money. A game elite like us can't be a prisoner of game money." Golden luoli clenched his fists.

"That's right, a dime can't recharge, a dime does not let the game company earn, white play until it goes bankrupt, otherwise we will lose." Brunette luoli shouted.

"But we have no money. There is no way to recharge."

Qingfa luoli squinted his eyes.

"Shut up, don't talk, don't say, when the dumb is not good?" A group of luoli was half-dead, roaring with green hair luoli, this guy is really no pot, and it is so irritating.

"Forget it, do not fight the group today, let go of the group of firewood, today we have to cultivate a new combat power." Greedy dreams patted the shoulders of the small door, called the martyrdom.

The small door was so aggressive that I didn’t know what these bullies were more terrible than the devil.



It didn't take long for Xiaojin to come to the Xia plane. This is the central palace of the thirty-three heavens of the world, and it is also the place where Xia Ping retreats.

At the same time, this place is also the treasure house of Xia Ping, which houses the treasures that he has searched from various places. Among them are artifact fragments that have been grabbed from the treasures of the abyss.

"the host."

Xiaojin smashed his eyes and looked at Xia Ping.

"It's good, you shouldn't have evolved for a long time. Now there are some good things for you to eat, so that you are satisfied." Xia Ping pulled Xiaojin to the deepest part of the treasure house.

Suddenly, this treasure house exudes infinite golden light, and each piece of artifact is filled with powerful power, even with a trace of divinity.

"This, this is artifact fragment?!"

Xiao Jin’s eyes widened, and she suddenly saw what it was. Her breath suddenly rushed. Even though she had seen countless treasures, artifact fragments were still one of the most precious treasures.

Because artifact fragments are not something that can be bought with money, but fragments of broken artifacts, only invincible holy talents are eligible.

Even if there is a piece of other saints, it is extremely lucky. There is no way to have it.

But now, there are so many artifact fragments in this place in the treasure house, which is simply incredible, it really makes her open her eyes.

She is extremely admired to watch her own master Xia Ping, with so many artifact fragments, it is estimated that the rich enemy.

No, not only can the enemy be so simple, even the treasure house of the peak race does not necessarily have so many artifact fragments.

"Is it all mine?"

Xiao Jin looked at Xia Ping.

"Yes, it’s all yours, how much you can eat, how much you want to eat, and be the strongest as soon as possible."

Xia Ping nodded.

"it is good."

With the permission of Xia Ping, Xiaojin went forward and took out a piece of artifact fragments from the ground, so he put it in his mouth and swallowed it in one bite.

Oh, she is like eating chocolate, pieces of artifacts into the stomach, and then she ate a hundred pieces of artifact fragments, and stopped.

"Master, I am full."

Xiaojin touched his stomach and felt an unprecedented sense of fullness. The powerful power was brewing deep in her body and flowing into every corner of the body, every cell.

Even the power of the laws of the artifact itself is swallowed up by the body of the gold slime. It seems to be completely integrated into the body.

"I am full?!"

Xia Ping picked up his eyebrows. He didn't expect to eat only a hundred pieces of artifact pieces and Xiaojin. The food consumption of Xiaojin was endless.

But it is normal to think about it carefully.

After all, this is a fragment of artifacts, the true essence of the gods, the materials, the power of the spirit, and the power of the law are not comparable to other materials.

Just one piece of artifact is worthless, and you don't know how many tons of other materials. Just the energy of a piece of debris is equivalent to the energy of a big world.

And Xiaojin ate a hundred and eight pieces, that is equivalent to the energy of swallowing a hundred and eight thousand worlds. This majestic energy is enough to kill any saint.

It is only a miraculous thing that only a special creature in the universe like Xiao Jin can engulf and digest so much energy.

From ancient times to today, no gold slime has had the opportunity to swallow so many artifact fragments.

If this matter is known to other saints, it will definitely be a big defeat for Xia Ping. This is too extravagant. So many pieces of artifacts are actually eaten by Golden Slim.

If these pieces of artifacts are brought to the refining device, they will be able to make the sacred artifacts possess the power of the artifacts and erupt the earth-shattering combat power.

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