God Level Demon

Chapter 2818: Wild sand hell

Go to hell! ”

The invincible devil Felipe screamed, and it didn’t matter whether the kid was arrogant or well-prepared, and in the end he blocked his demon, and all of them died and turned into powder.

Blood and Mind - mad sand hell!

Rumble ~~

In an instant, centered on the body of the invincible devil Felipe, a terrible world field covers thousands of light years, and it seems that it has formed a wild hell.

This is a terrible desert world composed of gravel, full of drought, death, hot breath, any life into it, will be drained from the body's blood, turned into a dry body.

Under the cover of this wild hell, all demons can't escape.

Even every black grit will be blown up with the wind, and it contains the power of horrible death. If you hit the enemy, it will instantly let these forces of death invade the body, eroding the whole body, and dying without a whole body.

And it is extremely difficult to break this mad sand hell. All the attacking forces bombarded in this world will be swallowed up and absorbed into the power of death.

In other words, the more you attack the world, the more powerful it will be.

"Felipe's adult is full of strength, it seems that this demon is dead."

"Unfortunately, I still want to see the strength of this kid. It seems that there is no such opportunity."

"Once the adults of Felipe make the best, then the game is over, and this kid will die."

Many devils talked in the distance, they all looked at Xia Ping very pity, all of them thought that Xia Ping, the ancient demon, was dead, and there was no hope of survival.

Because they don't know how many times the invincible devil Felipe has seen this trick, even if the invincible demon wants to resist this trick, it takes a lot of effort.

This is not to mention the Taikoo demon in the district. It is estimated that a face will be cold.


Xia Ping’s eyes showed a hint of coldness. He immediately felt that he had entered a sand hell, surrounded by endless black deserts, screaming and screaming.

In all directions, the death monsoon is blown, black gravel is attacked, and every grain of gravel is a horrible bullet containing the power of death, which can easily penetrate the defense of the saint.

If the ordinary saint stays in this place, it is estimated that it will be killed in an instant and become a dry corpse.


In the twinkling of an eye, Xia Ping grabbed the hand and immediately grabbed the golden sword that was transformed from the gold slime, inspiring the fifth supernatural power-earthquake.

This magical power is derived from the origin of the earth's mother stone. If this earthquake is magical, it can cause earth vibration, vacillation, and space storm.

When Xiaojin was promoted to the magic weapon of the half-step artifact level, this magical power was simply promoted to the point where Henggu did not exist, and a sword could break the void and sink the land.


Xia Ping held a golden sword and gently ignited the earthquake. This moment caused the constant tremors and roar of the entire sand hell.

At this moment, the **** of the sand is constantly shaking, and every black gravel is beating with the vibration, and the whole world seems to be unable to withstand such a terrible vibration frequency.

A few times, the entire **** of the sand seems to have been shattered and broken.

Taking Xia Ping's body as the center, it is a shocking sound wave of horror. It is blasting in all directions, and there are hundreds of thousands of vibrations, destroying everything.

Everywhere along the way, all the black gravel was shaken into a powder state, and even the wind was easily torn, and it could not withstand such bombardment.

"Impossible! The Taikoo demon is only in the area. It can actually smash my wild sand **** and make a joke."

Seeing this scene, the invincible devil Felipe is simply crazy, it is the demon of the sand, the sand **** is concise and successful, when it exerts the power of this field, it is simply unfavorable and invincible.

If it is the same level of demons can stop this trick, so it can understand.

However, this kid is just a Taikoo demon. It is just a sword. It actually makes the **** of the sand that has condensed out to be broken.

Ask how such a thing can make it acceptable.

"Just kidding, how could it be so easy to dispel the mad sand **** of Felipe, what is going on?"

"This is the life and death field of the invincible demon. This is just the equivalent of a **** plane. It is shrouded and basically crushed. The devil under invincible will die."

"No, is this demon scorpion playing pigs and eating tigers? He is actually an invincible demon, just pretending to be a demon evil. Is the purpose to make Felipe adults take it lightly?"

"Impossible, even if this is the case, Felipe is not taken lightly, still makes full effort, but even so, this demon smashes this mad sand hell."

"Fake it, it must be an illusion. Can the Archaic Devils and Felipe reach this level?"

Many demons are wide-eyed, and they can't believe it. They thought that this kid was dead, and he must die. He wanted to get a face to disintegrate the power of the invincible devil Felipe.

They have never seen any ancient demon can do this, no one can imagine the shock and incredible in their hearts at the moment.


However, Xia Ping can ignore the feelings of this invincible devil Felipe, and the mana of the nine seas of consciousness emerged at the same time, as the power of the nine worlds broke out.

He holds a golden sword and is a sword to kill the past.

Gold Slim's eighth supernatural power - Thunder!

Can summon a piece of Thunder Sea, form an absolute Thunder field, like a thunder, killing the enemy to the end, the destructive power is extremely strong, this ability comes from Raytheon.


In an instant, with Xia Ping’s body as the center, immediately summoned hundreds of millions of purple thunders, each of which is like a bucket, containing a thunderous thunder.

This is not an ordinary Thunder, but it is a nine-day robbery. It has a natural creator for creatures with negative attributes such as demons, and the power is terrible.

"Let's land, destroy this demon."

The golden sword in Xia Ping’s hand was gently waved, and the hundreds of thousands of days of robbery thundered and landed at the same time, covering the area, and the sizzling sound seemed to form the boundless Leihai.

These nine-day robbery seems to have become a brontosaurus, as if they had their own consciousness, swam in the thunder sea, and smashed the past with demon in all directions.

And this is like the energy of the yang attribute is automatically looking for the energy of the yin attribute, there is a natural attraction.

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