God Level Demon

Chapter 847: Assassination!

At this time, Xia Ping was driving an anti-gravity sports car in mid-air and quickly flew toward the giant company headquarters. This sports car is a specialized vehicle of the giant company in the villa.

After all, flying ships are long-distance vehicles, while sports cars are used in the city. They are widely used and can be seen everywhere on the streets.

This sports car can also be driven automatically. As long as the owner enters the order of the destination, he can lie down and sleep in the car until he arrives at the destination.

"It’s really lively."

Xia Ping looked out the window, high-rise buildings, row upon row, people come and go, extremely prosperous, and everyone is very high in martial arts, at least the martial arts, the master can be seen everywhere.

It can be said that the people living in Giant Island are basically human elites, and the strong are like clouds.

This has also led to the incomparable prosperity of Giant Island, where a variety of expensive sports cars can be seen everywhere and prices are extremely high.


Suddenly, an anti-gravity car was out of control, like a dislocated wild horse, rushing towards his sports car, very fast, reaching a speed of two or three hundred kilometers.

There is no doubt that once this sports car crashes into his sports car, it will immediately hit the sports car into scrap iron, and even those who stay inside may be seriously injured.

"Car accident?!"

Xia Ping's eyes flashed, and he immediately opened the cover on the sports car, revealing the skylight, and the whole person jumped out of the seat like a cannonball.


When it was said that it was too late, the two cars immediately collided together. The sports car of Xia Ping was deformed and bumped. The steel was twisted and twisted into a pile of scrap iron, and a lot of sparks appeared.

Even the out-of-control car exploded in an instant, turning into a huge flame, the power is amazing, the heat waves rolling, sweeping in all directions, and solidified.


Xia Ping was not in a hurry, his body flickered, his back gave birth to a wing, and instantly left the explosion center hundreds of meters, which was considered to be out of danger and was not affected by the explosion.

However, the cars around them were terrible. They were affected by the horrible air. The whole body was blown out and collided. This was a serial car accident. All of a dozen cars collided together. ring.


Suddenly, Xia Ping’s eyes showed a hint of coldness. He felt that in the explosion of smoke, there was a wave of fluctuations that ordinary warriors could barely detect.

Every cell in his body trembled, and a savage killing spread throughout the body. It seems that the air machine on his body was locked by a peerless beast, and there was nowhere to escape.

call out!

In the twinkling of an eye, a silvery cold light passes through the air, like a falling star in the sky. The cold mangling is like a light in the night, and it seems to be Changhong.

Immediately, a sharp dagger was stabbed over, aiming at his heart, fierce and sinister, and did not intend to have any mercy. This is a deadly murder.

And this speed is extremely fast, breaking through eight times the sound barrier and tearing the air. This is the horrible speed that ordinary masters can't respond to. In the face of this fatal blow, the ordinary master can only be closed and wait for death.

North meditation!

Xia Ping snorted, and he immediately ran the North Guardian body. Standing in the air, he did not move at all. Immediately around the body, a transparent hood with a diameter of two or three meters appeared.

This layer of helium hood overlays, seemingly applying hundreds of layers of seals, constantly rotating with airflow, forming a huge vortex, centered on his body, it seems that a lot of air is swallowed and a vacuum is formed.


The dagger's precise stab came over, sharp and unparalleled, trying to pierce the suffocating hood, piercing the heart of Xia Ping, completely ending Xia Ping's life.


The killer was shocked and couldn't believe his eyes, because he was bound to get a thorn, and it was still a special way to break the suffocation.

But when his dagger was stabbed, it was like being muddy. The dagger was swallowed up by countless airflows, and no force could be used.

At this time, its true body is revealed, the whole body is dark, like a shadow of the same group, and it can see any true face, and the body emits a sinister and evil atmosphere.

Originally it wanted to escape, but the whole body was sucked by this vortex airflow, and no matter how struggling it was in a short time, it could not get rid of this whirlpool.


Xia Ping immediately recognized the true identity of the killer, because before he was in Yanhuang University, he had encountered the assassination of a master-level movie demon.

At that time, the shadow demon was killed by Qiu Xue and suppressed on the spot.

But I didn't expect to come to Giant Island. These ghosts and ghosts didn't scatter. I actually followed them. At this moment, I suddenly shot and thought about my life.

"You are looking for death!"

Xia Ping snorted and murdered. Since the other side wanted his life, he would not be merciful. When the air was empty, he shot the past.

The power of this palm is the terrible blow of the master's four heavens. The palm of the hand contains an unparalleled power of arrogance, and it is invincible enough to wear a golden crack.


At this time, there was a loud scream next to it, and it seemed to feel the infinite power of this palm. In the middle of the air, two or three master-level shadows were once again thrown out.

They are divided into three directions, and they are killed in an instant, holding a sharp dagger in their hands, making a peerless thorn, and the speed is so incredible.

Undoubtedly, they want to surround Wei to save Zhao and attack the key points of Xia Ping. I hope that Xia Ping will give up the idea of ​​killing his companions.

If you change to a general guru, I am afraid I will have been caught by this blow.

It is a pity that Xia Ping is not an ordinary person. He simply ignores the attack of the other three-headed shadow demon. He still runs the whole body's suffocating temper, and when the palm is photographed, it is like a dragon roaring.


The shadow demon killer had no time to escape. He was immediately beaten on the head by the palm of his hand. He slammed his head and was photographed as a mass of bolognese. The blood exploded like a fireworks.

"Globe human!"

The three heads of the sorcerer's eyes are stunned, their eyes are red, and a companion is dead. For them, it is almost the same as the death of the mother, and the heart is boiling.

They want to seize Xia Ping, kill him, revenge and hate.


Xia Ping sneered, running North Guardian body, the emptiness seems to appear illusion, a sputum on the back, whales swallowed, forming a terrible suffocating whirlpool.

Immediately, the three-headed masters were not close to Xia Ping, and their bodies were surrounded by suffocating whirlpools. There were constant pulls of various forces, and the body had a bit of tearing.

"Go to death."

Xia Ping slammed out, like a giant strike, the power is unmatched, a slamming sound, the three heads of the sorcerer's shadow demon like a watermelon, was punched by a punch, and there is no dead body.

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