God Level Demon

Chapter 854: Second round of trials

Hey! !

These silver liquid robots were armed with long guns, and they smashed them in one shot. The long guns were like forests, and they were sharp and sharp, which almost sealed the position of all the movements of Xia Ping.

It is like a thorny jungle. Once it is stabbed, it is bloody, and even the whole body will be pierced into a horse's nest. The gods will not save.


Xia Ping can feel that these silver liquid robots are also very powerful. They all seem to be gunners. They have been immersed in the guns for decades and have practiced to the level of superb.

If it is just a silver liquid robot like this, it may be more rigid and has a flaw between the moments, but the eighteen robots are united together to form a gun array and make up for each other. This is simply invincible.

This is not as simple as one plus one, and the power is simply doubled.

Hell Town Magic Spear!

In an instant, he also took out the weapon from his body. The bare-handed and the robots armed with the long guns were too bad to be restrained.

From Xia Ping immediately filled with the horrible **** atmosphere, as if the door to **** opened, an Asura came out, the air around it seems to be turned into blood.


A spear pierced, and there were overlapping shadows in the air, as if a spear would pierce the void, and the spear tip contained incredible sharp power and was invincible.

Even these spears stirred the air, creating a horrible swirl of airflow that turned into a rope and instantly bound these silver liquid robots.

Even if they want to dodge, that is impossible.


Xia Ping shouted, murderous, turned into a **** jail, smothered the demon, pierced with a spear, and shook the ground, instantly piercing the body of a silver liquid robot in front.


The spear of **** trembled, and a terrible hellish atmosphere erupted. Like the savage of the ancient gods, the whole liquid robot was instantly exploded.

Such a terrible explosion power, even if the core of the robot can not support, immediately smashed, divided, and this liquid robot also turned into a pool of silver liquid, quickly into the ground, disappeared.

Xia Ping was unforgiving, and after a spear pierced a silver liquid robot, he shot again and again, spearing like a dragon, piercing seventeen spears in a flash.

Hey! ! !

Time seems to have stopped at this moment. The remaining 17 liquid robots are not able to move, and their computing power does not seem to calculate that this will happen.

When they reacted, the energy of the Hell's Spear instantly detonated in their bodies, as if they had ambushed the human bomb, and suddenly they were blown apart.

Immediately, a huge deep pit appeared on the ground, and a large amount of silver liquid flowed into it and turned into a small lake.

"Is there?!"

Xia Ping stood in the same place, holding the spear of hell, exuding a violent breath, like Shura, who came out of the depths of hell, is a **** of war that is invincible.

When the liquid robot with the long gun disappeared, it seemed that the trial space did not give Xia Ping any news at all, and eighteen robots with large swords appeared again in an instant.

This kind of offensive has followed suit.

Some robots hold huge axes in their hands, and they are so strong that they will go down and have the power to break the earth.

Some robots are proficient in assassinations, they are turned into shadows, and they are always looking for Xia Ping’s flaws, and they want to be fatal.

Some robots hold energy guns and bombard them in the distance. They chase and kill Xia Ping, and once they are caught by these robots, they will be shot and killed.

And such an attack came in full 18 times. Different robots attacked with different weapons, one after another, like the waves of the sea, and never stopped.

Xia Ping also runs pure Yang, and it is like a meteorite in the sea. If these robots attack, he will not move and will change.



I don't know how long it took. Xia Ping smashed out and smashed a robot with a sickle and destroyed all the remaining robots. The whole earth was scarred and there were amazing traces everywhere, like hundreds of missiles. Baptism in general.

"Call!" Xia Ping's mouthful of mouthful breathing, some dense sweat on his forehead, even if he physically explosive, in the face of so many attacks, it is not a little breathless.

It is estimated that if he does not have the North Guardian ability, he can absorb the power of these enemies, and strengthen himself and strengthen his own strength.

If you change to another guru, you will die.

However, such a fierce battle has great benefits for Xia Ping. He feels the suffocating energy in his body and refines the drug stored in his body. It seems that he is about to break through a hole and strengthen his body.


When the last robot died, a mechanical sound immediately sounded in the air: "Congratulations to the trial, through the first round of death trials, you have half an hour to rest."

"The next round of death trials will be carried out. Once passed, the trials will have the opportunity to gain the inheritance of this star gate."

There is also a second round of death trials?

Originally heard the sound of this machine, Xia Ping thought that the trial was finally over, but where to think, this is just the beginning, there is a second round.

It’s just horrible for the first round of trials. How terrible is the second round? !

But what does this star gate mean? Is it true that the real master of this ruined land is not? Why have you never heard of such a name before?

Xia Ping's eyes flickered. He felt that as he tried his own trials, he seemed to be more and more aware of the true face of the base. Perhaps there is a huge secret hidden here.

Half an hour passed.

"Time is up, the second round of trials begins." Suddenly, Xia Ping heard the sound of this mechanical sound.


Regardless of whether Xia Ping agreed or disagreed, a group of energy instantly wrapped his body and sent it to another space in the next second.

"where is this place?"

Xia Ping stood on the ground and found himself in a place where the walls were all crystal, and the crystal walls were engraved with many complicated and mysterious patterns, as well as complex words that had never been seen before.

He looked at this mysterious pattern and turned around in a whirlwind, suddenly discovering that his spirit seemed to be pulled into a mysterious world of martial arts.

A singer is showing a world of ecstasy, and all the tricks contain the power of terror.

Awkwardly, a voice rang in his ear and immediately pulled his thoughts back to the real world: "The trial er, 895, 573, 857, the second round of death test The refining mission begins."

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