God Level Demon

Chapter 859: Be a low-key person

Hearing these words, Xia Ping thought about it. Although he knew that the power of martial arts was extremely difficult, he did not expect that the king’s situation was only the beginning. There were also nine realms, Zifujing, such as the artistic conception, the spiritual realm, and the refining environment. The real fire, the golden environment, the return to the real world, the legal situation and the final thunder.

And this is only a mortal, there are saints on the mortal, and extraordinary sanctification, this is the real amnesty in the universe, overlooking the millions of souls, and countless people as ants.

Between the thoughts, hundreds of millions of souls are annihilated.

"What is the realm of the saint?"

Xia Ping is very curious about this.

"What is the realm of saints?"

When the cat fairy saw the eagerness of Xia Ping, he smiled: "It is an unimaginable realm, and the mortal is not the same level of life."

"These strong players are able to take charge of the existence of a star field. With one order, they can mobilize countless big factions, let countless countries annihilate, and when they go down, they can smash a space fleet."

"What a scorpion gun is no different for scratching the sage."

"At the beginning, my star gatekeeper was also a saint. I was arrogant and invincible. I was respected in the corner of any universe. No one dared to provoke us all the stars."

"Even people who want to join the star gates are like crossing the river. They are not enchanting and can't join, but even so, they can't resist the feeling that many Tianjiao want to join the stars."

It is proud of it, recalling the glory of the stars in the past, it is really the arrival of the nations.

"This powerful will die?"

Xia Ping picked up his eyebrows.

"No one will die, the same is true for saints."

The cat fairy shook his head and sighed: "The masters of the year were all empty. They did not expect to have a strong self-powered sage. They also met a more powerful saint. He also died, and the souls annihilated the void."

"After all, even the saints, there are three or six strengths, some can only hold one star field, and some can hold the palm of the hand, the difference is huge."

The cat immortal is very emotional, it shows how powerful the star gates were, and the doorman is a saint-like existence, only covering the sky, catching the stars and taking the moon, and the life is endless.

But still dead.

"Who killed him?" Xia Ping asked curiously.

The cat fairy shook his head and seemed to be jealous: "You can't say that the saint has the feeling of being in the dark. If someone in the universe says his name, or even kills, he will be immediately perceived."

"If the other party is just free and idle, it is estimated that there will be countless voids coming over and killing the enemy, so don't want to die, don't say it."

It didn't want to say that the name of the saint came out, it was dead, and according to the strength of Xia Ping, the cannon fodder was not as good as it was, and it didn't make any sense.

"Don't you want to take revenge?"

Xia Ping looked at the cat fairy.

"Revenge, but it is a saint, how to take revenge? The entire star field, hundreds of millions of stars, is qualified to give birth to such a person, you think that the saint is so good to kill, and the other side can kill the saint, it is even more abnormal."

The cat fairy despised: "In fact, the owner was a bit wrong at first. I saw that there is a powerful magic weapon on the body. I want to kill someone and win the treasure. I didn't expect to encounter a hard scorpion. The result was killed."

"So, people must be low-key, safe and secure, don't just provoke right and wrong, so that you can live long, live happily, and make trouble everywhere. It must be that you don't die fast enough."

“I often have wet shoes at the riverside station.”

It is bitter and teaches Xia Ping some life experiences. He hopes that Xia Ping will be a low-key person in the future. When he encounters something, he will immediately become a tortoise. If he does not cause trouble, he will not cause trouble, and An An will develop steadily.

In this way, I can live for a long time and will not step on the footsteps of my master.

"Yes, yes, the cat fairy is right, I remember it, I will be low-key in the future, and I will be a man with a tail." Xia Ping nodded like a garlic, and he was taught to look like a great education. Like the top of the pot.

Cat Fairy is very satisfied. It seems that the last closed disciple of this star gate is still a little saved. He knows how to be open-minded and low-key, and he can survive well in the universe.

"Well, there is not much nonsense. You have passed the trial test of the Star Gates. It has become a member of the Stars Gate and the only heir to the Star Gates. I will remember to carry forward the Star Gates and recreate them." Brilliant. Now I will give you some rewards through trials." Cat Fairy has a big hand, and immediately there are three things in the air.

One is a dark-colored dress, one is a token engraved with stars, and a silver-white ring.

"This is a cosmic protective suit."

The cat immortal pointed at these things: "You can wear it on top, you can live in a vacuum at will, it absorbs the energy of the universe and creates air inside the clothes."

"Wearing this cosmic protective suit, you can enter and exit the planets of various environments."

"At the same time, it also has a strong defense force. After wearing it, standing still, it is estimated that even if you want to kill you, it is very difficult."

"I could have given you more advanced protective clothing, but in order to give you a sense of crisis, you can only give this level of defense."

Xia Ping reached out and immediately put it on. This protective suit is lighter than feathers, almost no feeling, and can be changed into various colors and styles according to his own mood, and can automatically clean clothes.

It can be said that wearing this cosmic protective suit, no other clothes do not matter.

"And this is the token of the Star Gate. With this token, you can enter and leave the base at will, and it also represents the identity of the star gate. Of course, now the star gate is destroyed. This token is actually There is only a symbolic meaning."

The cat fairy continued: "There is this silver-white ring, this is a cosmic communicator, it is a high-level brain, and I usually stay in this brain."

Senior brain? !

Xia Ping looked at this silver-white ring, which was a surprise. Is this a supercomputer that is many times more advanced than humans? It’s amazing.

He took the silver-white ring to his hand and put it on his finger.

"This brain has many brains and can translate almost all languages ​​of the universe, which can save you the troubles of not understanding the language of the universe." Cat Fairy introduced, "I have also downloaded many star maps. If you sail in the future, there is no If you star map, it is easy to get lost in the universe, and you can't return to the human world in this life."

"Of course, the most important thing about this brain is the virtual network of the universe."

what? !

Xia Ping’s eyes show a glimmer of light, the virtual network of the universe? Doesn't that mean that with this brain, can he connect with other human beings in the universe and even learn about the various things in other planets in the universe?

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